A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061: Chapter 1061 Fate!

Chen Yang was kind. This was related to his nature and also to his upbringing. Although his father’s cultivation was not high, his knowledge and morals were not only recognized by his family, but even in the mortal world.

His mother was also a well-bred lady. While she was well-educated and reasonable, her education of Chen Yang was also imperceptible. It made him not feel superior like his other companions, but gentle and modest.

In addition to his extraordinary appearance, all of this made Chen Yang’s childhood filled with joy. It also made him very determined about his ideals.

To do good in the world, to slay demons and devils!

And that was exactly what he did. Not long after he entered the saint sect, his cultivation base broke through to the mortal realm. He began to go out for experiential learning. During this experiential learning, he saw the evil in the world and the chaos in the outside world, but he used his cultivation and the sword in his hand to do his best to walk the world and do his best to do good in all directions.

He saved many mortals and killed many demons. There were also friends from the same sect or other Daoist sects. With his gentleness and willingness to help others, as well as his own extraordinariness, there were more and more.

Some people might have been destined to be extraordinary from the start, and Chen Yang was one of them.

Integrity, loyalty, helping others, gentleness, Sunshine, modesty… all these beautiful words could be found in his body.

Such a person also possessed astonishing talent. To a certain extent, he was already a winner in life.

Therefore, in the tenth year since he joined the branch of the Holy Sect, when he reached the completion of the dust realm, he was recognized by almost all of his peers. He was recognized by all the elders and became the eldest senior brother of this generation.

At that moment, his smile still contained beauty and anticipation for the future. Even though he had seen too much darkness in the world, his smile had not changed.

At that moment, the sect had placed high hopes on him. He was the pride of his clan, the role model of his fellow sect members, and the focal point of all light.

“I can’t change the world, but I can be myself. Only by doing so will I be able to live up to you!”That was what he had said to himself, and to his junior sister whom he had always adored, when they were engaged, these were the words he said.

At that moment, he had many ideals in his heart. To make his family happy, to make his family better, to make his lover smile, to let his friends grow with him, to reduce the number of people who cried, to make happiness accompany more people for their entire lives.., to make the world better because of his little things..

If there were no changes, according to his path, perhaps Chen Yang would really be able to go higher and go further. His family would indeed be happy, his family would indeed be better, and his junior sister’s smile would also be there forever.., and friends would be the same. Perhaps the number of people who cried would really decrease, and perhaps happiness would indeed pervade the lives of even more people.

However, there were times when no one would know what would happen the next day, and no one could predict what would happen. A choice might be able to change and reverse everything!

This choice came after his cultivation had broken through to the mortal realm and entered the spirit realm.

He was highly regarded by the sacred sect’s main sect and was given the opportunity to enter the main sect.

As the number one proud son of a branch sect in this area, Chen Yang was very excited when he heard the news. His family was the same, but the only thing that made him regret was that the time the main sect gave him was very short, this caused the wedding between him and his junior sister to be delayed because of this.

“After I go to the main sect and report, I will apply for a period of time off and come back to marry you.”This was the promise that Chen Yang had given his junior sister before he left. He gazed at her and kissed her gently on the forehead.

But it was destined… that this promise could not be fulfilled.

Because Chen Yang had never expected that what awaited him in the main sect would be the nightmare that would follow him for the rest of his short life..

The moment he arrived at the main sect, he, along with the other 99 chosen from the other sub-sects, who had been called out like him, were directly imprisoned together without any reason!

The place where they were locked up was called the blood prison!

It was a prison filled with sinister and evil. On the first day they entered, their cultivation bases were suppressed, and a deep, cold voice told them that the rules of this place were to kill!

They had to kill each other, and each person had to kill one person every day. If they did that, they would be given food and spirit stones to recover their strength, and their cultivation bases would be slightly restored.

However, those who couldn’t, as long as they were dead, their relatives, friends, and anyone else who was related to them would be killed!

If they didn’t die, and if they didn’t complete the mission, then they would be able to see with their own eyes the deaths of their relatives and friends.

In the end, when there was only one living person left, the prison would open.

The echo of the voice shook the hearts of the hundred men. Chen Yang found it absurd, but no matter how they spoke, how they searched for an exit, how they tried, they all failed..

After the first day, except for a few people who had completed their mission, most of the cultivators, including Chen Yang, did not kill anyone. But the scene that made Chen Yang go crazy while the clock struck midnight, in front of his eyes.

It is a great magic method, directly put in the minds of all the unfinished tasks here, let them see a different picture.

What Chen Yang saw was his father… his father, who always had a smile on his face, who was gentle and had no blemishes in his life, had his bones crushed bit by bit, his flesh and blood were crushed until his body and soul were destroyed!

Chen Yang didn’t believe it. He felt that it must be fake. He was a disciple of the holy sect, and he hadn’t done anything to betray the sect. He hadn’t done anything evil, so these things couldn’t and shouldn’t have happened to him!

“This must be the test to enter the main sect. This is an illusion!”

Chen Yang murmured to himself, telling himself that all of this was impossible. Not only did he tell himself, he also told the others that even though some people chose to believe him, even more people began to fall silent, they instinctively separated, and occasionally, fierce gleams and struggles could be seen in their eyes. The pressure they felt caused their hearts to palpitate, and the people who had separated began to choose their own hiding places.

Chen Yang did the same thing. On the second day, there were still a few more people who killed people, but in the end, more chose to remain silent. However, when midnight arrived and the images appeared again, some people.., began to howl in grief and madness.

“Why, why, why! ? ! ? ! ?”

“I’ve devoted my entire life to the sect. It’s my home. Why would you do this to me? ! ? ! ?”

As the people around him roared, Chen Yang’s body trembled. The image that appeared in his mind was of his uncle being tortured in the same way. He screamed miserably and died!

“Fake… fake… it’s all fake…”Chen Yang trembled as he kept telling himself that this must be a test for the sect. It had to be.

Soon, the third, fourth, and fifth days passed. Chen Yang’s hair was disheveled as he hid in his hiding place. During these three days, he saw the tragic deaths of his family members once again, at the same time, he also realized that those who chose to kill all fell silent. At the same time, they were divided into two groups.

One group was like Chen Yang, who had never killed before. The other group had already killed before. On the second day, they attacked even more ferociously.

The number of people in the latter group also increased. Whether it was for the sake of believing in the images, food, or to recover their suppressed cultivation base for the sake of spirit stones, there were too many reasons for them to choose to kill!

On the ninth day, a young man with a vicious glint in his eyes walked into Chen Yang’s hiding place.

Chen Yang remembered him. It was the second day in the beginning, and just like him, he thought that this place was the same sect as the illusory realm. But now, it was clear that he didn’t believe it.

“Chen Yang, since you’ve always thought that this place is an illusory realm and a trial for the sect, then let me kill you here to help you escape and verify your answer.”

“Perhaps, after you die here, you’ll awaken in the main sect. At most, you’ll fail the test,”the young man said slowly as he walked closer and closer..

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