A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1050

Chapter 1050: Chapter 1050, one hand!

“My Head Hurts!”

“Don’t speak, let me be quiet…”Wang Baole raised his right hand and hit his head hard, producing loud bangs. Amidst the loud bangs, his younger brother’s voice could still be heard from the light source under his feet.

“The high commissioner is about to arrive. Brother, in your current state, I’m afraid you won’t be able to pass the assessment!”

“So… let me out. Let me relieve your headache. I’ll bear the pain. You always say that this world is fake. So… What does it matter if you let me out?”

“Look at how good I am to you. To prove your words, I helped you kill your father who had entered the divine decline period. Then, I used your body to slaughter the entire planet to stimulate the final bloodline of our infernal God clan. At the same time, I wanted to end your pain because of my love for you. But why did you resist? I was helping you.”

“Brother, don’t persist. Let me come out. Let Me Bear all of this on your behalf!”

“Shut up!”Wang Baole let out a loud roar, his voice was so loud that it formed a sound wave that spread out in all directions. In an instant, the divine hall it was in collapsed. Wherever it passed, all matter was destroyed and turned into dust.

As the temple disappeared, the world outside was revealed… Pitch-black!

There were no buildings, no mountains, no life or plants. Only a dense aura of death enveloped the entire planet, turning into thick black clouds that covered the sky. However, there seemed to be a strong pressure coming from the outside, it rubbed against the clouds, forming bolts of lightning that rumbled past.

As the lightning streaked across the sky, it finally lit up the pitch-black world, revealing… a scene!

The planet that was once lush and green, filled with boundless vitality and filled with tens of thousands of races, had now become a wasteland!

Countless dust, countless ruins, countless skeletons… all life had long since turned into dust. Dried corpses and piles of white bones formed a new mountain range!

The entire planet was dead!

Even the original divine hall was built on countless skeletons. At that moment, Wang Baole, dressed in thick armor, was standing on the skeletons. His expression was twisted, and the horn on his head shone with a black light, he raised both his hands and struck his head repeatedly.

“My Head Hurts! It Hurts!”

“Brother, since it hurts so much, why don’t You Give Me Your Body?”

“As the strongest bloodline body in the history of the Infernal Divine clan, if you give it to me, I can lead the infernal divine clan back to the glory of the upper echelons.”

“Give it to me!”He shouted one last time, an unprecedented intensity erupted from the source of light, forming an impact that was about to affect Wang Baole’s mind. However, at that moment, Wang Baole’s expression was ferocious. He raised his right hand and grabbed at the air, the source of light immediately rushed over and was caught in his hand.

“If you don’t shut up, I’ll destroy you!”

“Destroy me?”An almost absurd laughter came from within the source of light. The laughter was filled with mockery. As it continued to spread, Wang Baole’s head began to hurt more and more. The veins on his forehead began to bulge, and they continued to throb, he was in so much pain that he was about to go crazy. At that moment, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and landed around him with a loud boom.

More bolts of lightning fell continuously. The clouds in the sky churned wildly and expanded in all directions, revealing the covered sky and… the face of a giant in the sky!

The Giant’s body was enormous. He stood in the starry sky and lowered his head to look at the planet. That was why when Wang Baole looked at him, his face occupied the entire sky.

“Xin Huo, do you understand your crime?”The face in the sky spoke with murderous intent in its eyes.

“My Head Hurts!”Wang baole growled. His body trembled, and his eyes turned bloodshot.

“According to My Divine Dao decree, those who have fallen to godhood shall be destroyed in body and soul, and all that exists shall be wiped out…”the giant shook his head. His voice reverberated in the air. However, before he could finish his sentence, Wang Baole, who was on the ground, raised his head abruptly, his eyes lit up with a red glow. A loud thunder rumbled from within his body, and he let out a roar that was even louder than thunder.

“Shut up! Shut Up! Shut Up! I said Shut Up!”Wang baole roared as he leaped into the air. He charged into the sky like a shooting star, crashing into the giant who had raised his hand to grab him!

The Giant’s palm collapsed with a loud boom, revealing the giant’s shocked and incredulous face in the sky behind him. In the next instant, Wang Baole transformed into a long streak of light and charged towards the end of the sky, he crashed into the giant’s forehead.

The loud boom shook the starry sky. The Giant, who had been incomparably majestic before, trembled violently. His head collapsed with a loud crash. His headless body seemed to have lost the right to stand in the starry sky as he descended, he landed in the distance.

“Finally… It’s quiet…”Wang baole, who was standing in the starry sky, muttered as the giant died. Soon, a vast wave of light spread from the distance, accompanied by an angry roar, it reverberated in the starry sky.

“Xin Huo, you’re Crazy!”

The sound caused Wang Baole’s head to hurt again. Madness appeared in his eyes. He charged towards the direction of the sound. The massacre… was happening in a series of random memory fragments, it continued.

The Flashes of the memory fragments became crazier and crazier each time. Each time, it made his head hurt more and more. He couldn’t remember much. He had forgotten most of it. He only remembered the massacre. He continued to massacre. Whenever a voice appeared, he would massacre it.

He didn’t know how long he had killed and how many he had destroyed. That was until he saw a hand..

A hand stretched out from nothingness and pressed gently on the center of his brows. Following that, a calm voice with a hint of familiarity, but also an unfamiliar voice, sounded.

“Next time, I’ll Choose You!”

With that press, Wang Baole’s body trembled violently. Cracks spread across his entire body from the center of his brows. His entire body began to collapse in the blink of an eye. As he collapsed, his head… finally stopped hurting.

As the pain subsided, memories flew through his mind. He saw himself speaking to his empty side during the slaughter. He saw himself speaking to the planet that was filled with corpses and ruins, he sat in the temple and spoke to his feet.

There was no light source under his feet. There was… nothing there.

Then, he saw himself sitting on the giant’s shoulder. At that time, he was still small. When the giant raised the light source and stepped forward, he raised his head and looked at the light source.

On the other side of the giant’s shoulder, his younger brother, whom he remembered, did not exist from the beginning until the end!

Am I crazy… Wang Baole mumbled. Everything before him turned pitch black. The next moment, when he opened his eyes again, he was sitting in an empty area that was a hundred feet wide. A hundred feet away, there was an endless white fog..

His eyes were filled with confusion as he stared blankly at the fog before him. He slowly lowered his head. His mind was in a mess. He could not remember who he was or what place he was in, after a long while… his chest rose and fell slowly. Eventually, it became extremely intense, and a struggle appeared in his eyes.

After a few breaths, Wang Baole raised his head abruptly. The sound of a mirror shattering reverberated in his mind, and clarity finally appeared in his eyes.

“I am… Wang Baole!”

As those words were said, in an instant, a life force that seemed to have been hidden in his body exploded. The pearl given to him by the Heavenly Dharma Master also exploded with a shocking life force, as it spread wildly in his body, it was continuously absorbed by him.

His physical body was continuously being refined and strengthened at an unbelievable speed. The Blood Qi that had been gathered also surged at that moment.

However, it was clear that everything that had happened in his previous life couldn’t be brought out even with the help of the pearl. The life force that had gathered in Wang Baole’s body was only one in ten thousand in his previous life.

Even so, it still allowed his physical body to be infinitely close to the star realm!

This wasn’t his greatest gain. His greatest gain was the countless combat experiences he had gained after comprehending his previous life, as well as his grasp of the laws of the previous universe. Even though it was different from what it was now, given time.., he would be able to understand things by analogy. Other than that, there was also… The instinctive memory of his physical body that came from his previous life!

His every action was a memory of the slaughter of his physical body that was akin to a divine weapon!

At that moment, Wang Baole’s cultivation didn’t seem to have increased much. He was still at the mid-stage of the planet realm, but his lethality… had increased more than tenfold!

That hand… that sentence… What does that mean! However, to Wang Baole, the increase in his combat strength wasn’t what he was concerned about at that moment. What he was concerned about was that hand and… that sentence!

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