A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1041

Chapter 1041: Chapter 1041 invitation!

“So, you’ve discovered it as well!”Wang Baole’s expression turned extremely serious when he heard that. He looked around quickly, as if he was afraid that others would hear what he had said.

His actions stunned Xie Haiyang, who had initially thought nothing of the records. It was obvious that he found Wang Baole’s words incredulous.

“Uncle-master, you…”

“Haiyang, remember not to mention what you said to me just now to anyone else. The records you mentioned are the biggest and deepest secret in the entire DAO domain!”Wang Baole took a deep breath, he patted Xie Haiyang on the shoulder. As Xie Haiyang’s face was filled with confusion and shock, Wang Baole let out a long sigh, his eyes deep.

“In reality, when I was three years old, I had already discovered the secrets of the entire world. At that time, I was constantly thinking about who I was, who I was, where I was, and where I was

“It was only when I was five years old that I finally understood that everything in this world, everything in the heavens and earth, and everything in the universe was in fact empty. Everything was because I wanted them to exist, so they existed. I wanted to see these, so I saw them.”

“This…”Xie Haiyang was initially shocked by Wang Baole’s words. However, as he listened, he felt that something was amiss.

“You don’t have to say it. I understand. This… is the helplessness of being the Chosen One.”Wang Baole raised his head and looked at the sky. He appeared to be independent from the rest of the world, and Xie Haiyang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


“Uncle-master, can we be more serious…”

Wang Baole glared at him.

“Be more serious? The records you mentioned almost scared me silly!”

“If all of this really doesn’t exist, then what am I Now?”Wang Baole lowered his head and looked at his hand. He pinched it and looked at Xie Haiyang.

Xie Haiyang could only smile bitterly.

“I also feel that it’s extremely absurd. Furthermore, the history of this record is too ancient, and there’s no way to trace it back. Even My Xie family’s patriarch said that it’s just the crazy words of a madman after reading it.”

“Alright, don’t let your imagination run wild.”Wang baole patted Xie Haiyang on the shoulder and was about to continue speaking when his expression changed. He raised his head and saw a long rainbow in the air behind Xie Haiyang, it was rushing over from afar.

Within the long rainbow was a familiar figure.

“Haiyang, I have some private matters here.”As he watched the figure approaching, Xie Haiyang pretended not to see the person who had come. He knew very well when he had to be nimble and when he had to be blind, for example, now that Wang Baole had spoken about his personal matters, he naturally knew what to do.

Therefore, even though he sensed that someone was flying towards him from behind, he did not turn his head. He cupped his fists at Wang Baole and walked away from him. He did not turn his head during this period of time. He did not even spread his divine perception.

Neither he, who had left, nor Wang Baole, who had been standing there waiting for the person who had come, knew that while they were discussing the absurd records, Little Missy, who was in the fragment of Wang Baole’s mask, had overheard the conversation, her body trembled slightly, and her eyes revealed a deep confusion.

I seem to have… remembered something. There are still sixty-eight years left… but I have forgotten something..

As she muttered, Little Missy sat there, hugging her knees and burying her head in them. Her figure revealed a sense of loneliness, but at the same time, her confusion grew stronger.

Wang Baole was not clear about little Missy’s confusion. At that moment, he was raising his head and looking at the rapidly approaching figure in the sky. A smile appeared on his face.

It was a woman. It was Li Wan ‘er, who was wearing a mask!

She was dressed in a long blue flowing cloud dress, and her black hair draped over her shoulders. Even though she was rushing over, her long dress wasn’t lifted, and her black hair didn’t fall off. She looked as graceful as ever. As she approached, when Wang Baole looked over, Li Wan ‘Er’s beautiful eyes also landed on Wang Baole, when she landed, she stood beside Wang Baole and spoke softly.

“You Should Know?”

“I know.”Others might not understand Li Wan ‘er’s words, but the moment Wang Baole heard her, he could sense her meaning. She was saying that he knew her identity.

“Uncle Li is very good, and so are the others. There’s no need to worry.”Wang Baole thought for a moment and spoke softly. At the same time, he sighed emotionally. To be more precise, the woman before him was the first woman in his life.

He had always remembered how he had been pushed back then. To a certain extent, he had been pushed by the other party..

With that thought, Wang Baole couldn’t help but picture what had happened back then. He coughed dryly and couldn’t help but glance at Li Wan ‘Er.

Li Wan ‘er had obviously noticed, but she pretended not to know. She only smiled and winked at Wang Baole.

“Zhuo Yifan is also very good. Kong Dao is also very good.”

Wang Baole’s expression froze. He had suspected that Zhuo Yifan and Kong Dao, who hadn’t returned to Earth, might have gone to the Moon Star sect in some unknown way, just like Li Wan ‘Er.

However, there was no answer. Even Lin you didn’t know. Hearing what Li Wan ‘Er had said, a huge weight had been lifted from his heart. However, what followed was uncertainty about whether the moon star sect was good or evil.

Li Wan ‘er seemed to have read Wang Baole’s mind. She was silent for a moment before speaking slowly.

“The Moon Star sect doesn’t have any ill intentions towards the federation. However, they have been investigating something. This matter has a deep connection with the Solar System. I’m not too sure about the details. All I know is that… The Moon Star sect has been trying to verify an answer for countless years.”

“An Answer?”Wang Baole was stunned.

“I don’t know what it is either… but apart from paying my respects to the birthday, there is another matter. The only ancestor of the Moon Star Sect, the Moon Star Elder, has asked me to pass on a message to you.”Li Wan ‘er looked at Wang Baole, she couldn’t hide the surprise in her eyes.

Her words and her gaze made Wang Baole unable to understand Li Wan ‘er. His instincts told him that although she was indeed the same person as the Li Wan ‘er in his memories, she was clearly different.

“Send me a message? What Message?”Wang Baole was surprised. He pondered for a moment and asked.

“The Patriarch has invited you to meet him on the ninth day of the seventh month in a sixty-year cycle, eight years from now, at the Moon Star Sect’s sky viewing Cliff!”A deep glint flashed across Li Wan ‘Er’s eyes. Her words seemed simple, but when Wang Baole heard them.., they turned into a thick layer of doubt, unable to dissipate.

Such a specific time… Wang Baole furrowed his brows. He had a nagging feeling that something was amiss, but he couldn’t figure it out. It was obvious that Li Wan ‘er wouldn’t say anything either, so he could only remain silent.

“Baole, there are some things that I’m not very clear about, so I can’t tell you. However, I believe one thing… the patriarch has no ill intentions towards you. It’s only due to some special reasons that he’s invited you.”

“The patriarch said that it doesn’t matter whether you agree to this invitation or not.”Li Wan ‘er hesitated for a moment before speaking softly.

“I understand.”Wang Baole smiled slightly and buried the matter deep in his heart. He suppressed his doubts and looked at Li Wan ‘Er. It was a pity that he could not see the face in his memories through the mask. He could only use his eyes.., he could find the familiarity from the past.

It was a pity that the familiarity from the past seemed to be slowly disappearing.

“You’re different from before.”After a long while, Wang Baole spoke with a sigh.

Li Wan ‘er was silent upon hearing that. She didn’t speak. After a long while, as the giant snake beneath them moved, the sky darkened, and the bright moon rose, Li Wan ‘er’s voice was heard along with the breeze.

“Perhaps I’ll be different when I grow up, but I… Will still be me.”With that, Li Wan ‘er bowed towards Wang baole, turned around, and left silently.

Perhaps it was the moonlight, or perhaps it was the surrounding environment. In Wang Baole’s eyes, Li Wan ‘er’s back was bleak, and there was a deep heaviness to it.

“Moon Star Sect…”Wang Baole narrowed his eyes as he stared at her back. As he muttered to himself, Li Wan ‘er, who was in the distance, stopped in her tracks. Then, she turned around abruptly and looked at Wang Baole. The familiarity in her eyes that Wang Baole felt was slowly disappearing.., it grew stronger in an instant. It was as if she had made a decision in her heart as she took a few steps away. As she looked at Wang Baole, her lips moved slightly, and she sent a voice transmission using a mystic technique!

“Baole, there’s a sentence carved on the mountain gate of the Moon Star sect. That sentence is… There’s a god three feet above you!”

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