The Great Thief

Chapter 1084 - Star Player

Chapter 1084: Star Player

Translator: Halcyon Translations  Editor: Halcyon Translations

“You have to do it even if you think you can’t. Quickly dammit!” Lu Li was speechless.

They soon got wiped again.

After they revived, everyone called Sea Breaker a fraud and blamed him for being too slow. The two spiders sprayed venom over everyone at the same time and they were all poisoned to death.

If he had followed Lu Li’s instruction to pull the two Bosses apart, it wouldn’t matter if one of the spiders sprayed their venom as the damage would be very low. What really killed the players was the continuous damage that came afterwards. If they could escape from the venom, then the Healers could keep them alive.

Sea Breaker now knew what to do, and earnestly pulled the Boss away in the second attempt.

In fact, his technique while doing so was not bad. After all, he was a top-level player and had seen other Main Tanks do this before. He actually performed better than an average Main Tank.

His main weakness was his lack of HP and technique – he wasn’t a professional Main Tank.

Lu Li arranged for two healers to back him up as Azure Sea Breeze could handle it with only one healer.

When they reached phase two, Lu Li knew something difficult was coming, but he didn’t want to tell anyone about it because they had never seen the tricks of this Boss before.

The previous venom spray net was a skill that spider monsters often used. The two spiders were well-coordinated and the others hadn’t thought much of it. What was unexpected was when the spiders shrunk their legs and flattened their bodies into a disc on the ground before rotating. This was a unique skill of these Blackrock Abyss spiders.

By rotating, they sprayed a large area with their venom and covered all the players that were present.

Because Lu Li hadn’t anything, everyone was caught off guard by this skill and they were subsequently wiped. This was a common experience when completing an Instance Dungeon. Even if not all the players were dead, they might as well be if no damage dealers had survived.

“Fortunately, this isn’t being broadcasted live because that was quite shameful,” Unforgettable Maple sighed.

“Hey!” Sorrowless made a face when he realized this comment was directed at him, referring to the time when he and Lu Li went head to head to see who could clear an Instance Dungeon first.

In fact, until now, he didn’t think that Lu Li was much better than he was in terms of commanding. Lu Li’s team had the strongest Main Tank and the strongest Healer. The other damage output players were also among the best in their professions

If he could command a team of equal strength, he felt like he wouldn’t lose.

However, considering how this Blackrock Abyss run turned out, Lu Li had done a pretty good job. If he had commanded this party, they might not have gotten this far.

“Let’s stand in rows. Those who have higher Poison Resistance should stand at the front,” Lu Li said without thinking. In his previous life, he didn’t have a team, so he didn’t have a chance to play in Blackrock Abyss, but these strategies were basically imprinted in his mind.

If a little more time had passed, then more players would have the extra Poison Resistance items that they needed to deal with these two Bosses.

Unfortunately, not everyone understood what Lu Li meant and couldn’t get into formation quickly enough. As a result, a number of players died and this resulted in the second time their team got wiped.

“Let’s rest for 10 minutes. Everyone go outside and have a cup of tea,” Lu Li said, not worried at all.

Other players could only stop and rest for a short while, but there weren’t many who would go outside to have a drink. Everyone was just sitting outside the arena and chatting about the most recent match.

“The highest score in the standings is held by Ruling Sword,” Unforgettable Maple laughed. “Hey Sorrowless, is Glory Capital stressed about this?”

Unforgettable Maple acted like this towards Sorrowless because they had a history. In Sorrowless’ time, Unforgettable Maple was his biggest rival and Sorrowless had defeated him to take the top position.

“What is the difference in being first and eight?” Sorrowless responded faintly. “I hope you can make it into the top 8; it would be very sad if you were eliminated so quickly.”

Unforgettable Maple shut up instantly, as Majin Temple was struggling to enter into the quarterfinals this season.

“You guys were too harsh on Blue Universe,” Elevenless said as he touched Lu Li’s shoulder and blinked at Water Fairy. “Have you guys had a falling out? Hehe, then this is my opportunity.”

“Has the Wings of Dawn been faring very well recently?” Water Fairy retorted, making no attempt to hide her threat.

“Dammit, no need to be like that,” Elevenless mumbled, then continued to mutter about never joking with Water Fairy ever again. Although Water Fairy never showed it to Lu Li, she was actually a militant leader. Drizzle Court would often engage in conflict with other guilds for no reason.

“There isn’t actually anything between the two of you, is there?” Wendelian asked curiously.

Although it wasn’t explicitly said, Water Fairy knew that if she chose to be with Lu Li, everyone would think that she would be dating something beneath her.

The main issue was that Water Fairy was so beautiful and polite while Lu Li was just so ordinary and blunt. As for his character, it wasn’t something that would be very popular with girls either. So as a good friend of Water Fairy, Wendelian would definitely think that way.

Lu Li coughed and found himself somewhat nervous.

In fact, following his own style and his status as a poor person, he would deny any relationship with her before Water Fairy did. Otherwise, it would be shameful. Lu Li didn’t want to deny it, but he wasn’t qualified to confirm it either, so he just clapped his hands and said, “Since no one is going offline to take a break, let’s continue fighting then.”

Water Fairy glanced at him and sighed quietly.

She didn’t know if she wanted to deny it either. She actually wanted to confirm it, but the results of either case seemed the same.

Before fighting the monsters, Lu Li took the trouble to arrange the positions where they should stand so they knew what to do when they reached the second phase.

As a result, they managed to pass the second phase quite easily.

“Haha, tremble before the horror of the spiders’ strength! Scream in pain as you meet your terrible end!” the two spiders screamed as they entered the third phase.

“I don’t know what the spiders will do in the third phase, so everyone get ready to cast your damage reduction skills. Breezy, pull the spiders a little further away.”

Lu Li didn’t want to get wiped again. There were six Bosses in this arena that weren’t too powerful, but if you didn’t know how to deal with them, you could easily get wiped.

“Would you like me to cast my shield?” Sorrowless took the initiative to ask.

Although he wasn’t convinced of Lu Li, he still felt a sense of responsibility towards the team and wouldn’t remain passive just because of his individual sentiment.

“Yes, on my signal. Make sure you cast it the moment I say to,” Lu Li nodded.

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