My Husband, Warm The Bed


When you fall asleep, you have nightmares. There used to be a long time ago, but every day.

It wasn't until she came back to Qin Yue that her nightmares disappeared.

That horrible taste is so clear that I don't want to try again.

Because of fear, Jane dare not sleep.

She got up from the bed, turned over the suitcase, and planned to take out the clothes in the suitcase and hang them in the wardrobe.

If you find something to do for yourself, you won't want to sleep any more, and you won't want to think about Qinyue. Maybe time will pass faster.

After opening the suitcase, jane knew that it wasn't her clothes. It was all about her design.

There are some of her favorite paintings, some of the painted boards Qin Yue gave her, and many of her hand-painted design sketches. These things are useless garbage in the eyes of others, but for her, they are precious.

Every abandoned painting is the painstaking work of Jianran, and the drawing board is given by Qinyue herself.

Seeing the picture board, Jane thought of the scene that Qin Yue sent her the picture board.

That day, Qin Yue specially left work early, rushed to company P to pick her up, invited her out for dinner, took her for a walk later in the evening, and finally returned to the car. She fell asleep in his arms, and he took out the picture board: Jane, it's for you. See if you like it or not?

Almost all the items she used in her daily life were prepared by Qin and Yue, but this was the first time he gave her a picture board like a gift.

Of course, I like the gift he gave her personally. How could she not like it.

Just like it. At that time, Qin Yue smiled and said that. 258 Wen

later, it was simply learned from Uncle Wei that the painting board was made by Qin Yue himself.

The gift is not expensive, but every detail of the drawing board can see Qin Yue's intention when making the drawing board.

The more sober she was, the more she understood how much Qin Yue cared about her affairs these years.

At the thought of these, she felt that her heart seemed to be severely seized by others, which made her a little breathless.

Jane didn't want to look at it any more. She closed the box immediately and planned to find something else to distract her attention.

There is no clothes in the suitcase, so buying clothes is the most important thing for Jane at present.

She took the notebook to register. It's so cold in New York. She had to help Xiao Ranran and Xiao Ze buy thick clothes.

But when Jane opened the wardrobe, she was shocked again. The wardrobe was full of clothes, overcoats, cotton coats, down coats, all kinds of styles and colors were her favorite.

It's not only her wardrobe, but also Xiaoze's and Xiaoqinghe's upstairs.

So even after the divorce, Qin Yue still didn't treat her ex-wife badly. What he prepared for her before is still what he did now.

In the past, Jane was able to accept it frankly because she was his wife, but now she has nothing to do with him. Why should she enjoy his consideration and care for her?

She wants to make it clear to Qin Yue that he will not do these things to her in the future. She doesn't want to be a burden to him anymore. He can pursue a new happy life.

As for her, who has lost him, she would like him to find his happiness as long as he can.

Jane picked up her mobile phone, turned to the familiar number, stared at it for a long time.

She tried to call him several times, but she didn't have the courage to press the call button. She was afraid that when she heard his voice, she would involuntarily say the real purpose of her heart.

Her purpose is not to let him pursue his happiness, but to listen to his voice again, even on the phone.

Hesitated for a long time, tangled Xu Wai, the phone, Jane did not have the courage to call out.

After a long time, it was almost dark outside. As soon as she clenched her teeth, she typed a line and sent it out: Mr. Qin, I can take care of my own life without your arrangement. In the future, please pay attention to the people who deserve your attention.

This word does not mean to reject Qin Yue directly, but every word seems to have thorns on it, which can not only hurt Qin Yue's heart, but also make Jane's heart bleed.

It's almost like shaking hands to type words, shaking hands to click the send button to send. Now that she's divorced, she's going to sever all relations with Qin Yue, keep a distance, and never let him suffer inexplicable injuries because of herself.

After the text message was sent out, Qin Yue still didn't reply to her message, just like she had sent it to him many times before.

Jane stared at her mobile phone, feeling very mixed, hoping that he would reply to her once, and hoping that he would not reply to her.

Finally, she shook her head and smiled: Jane, how can you be so contradictory?

Jane just put down her mobile phone and it suddenly rang. She picked it up and looked at it. It was a familiar number, but she couldn't remember who it was.

When she answered, she heard Tang Yi's voice: Hello, Miss Jane. I'm Tang Yi, the assistant of President Qin. Do you remember me?

Of course, Jane remembers him: Mr. Tang, what's the matter with you?

It's like this. I arranged your house in the United States in private. I prepared everything for you with Qinyue on my back.

I thought at that time, even if you and Mr. Qin divorced, how could the little miss be Mr. Qin's child? She could not be frozen and hungry, so I took the initiative to help you prepare the house.

As soon as I went to work, I was scolded by President Qin. I was blamed for being nosy. Miss Jane, I won't do it in the future. Please don't misunderstand that it was always Qin who did it for you.

Miss Jane, I'm afraid you misunderstood president Qin, so I'll call you to explain. Can you understand what I mean?

After that, Tang Yi quietly looks at the president sitting at the desk. His expression is still cold, and he can't see any emotion.

But Tang Yi knows that their president will never be as calm as he seems, or he will not be asked to call to explain.

To be honest, he is not idle all day long. If he wants to, he is too busy all day long to stop.

If it wasn't for their president's big order to prepare the house and everything, he would not have the leisure to meddle.

Not him. Please don't do these things again. Thanks for the offer. Jane said politely and cut off the phone.

When she cut off the phone, she seemed to hear something broken. Maybe it was the heart broken in her chest. /p

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