My Husband, Warm The Bed



Xu's headquarters building.

The assistant rushed to the president Xu's office. He was so worried that he didn't knock at the door, so he slammed into it.

"President Xu..."

Just after the two words were exported, he fell on the ground feebly. He wanted to say something, but he was so nervous that he didn't say anything.

He didn't finish, but Mr. Xu knew what he was going to say.

Looking at the assistant with a flustered face, Mr. Xu listlessly sat down on the office chair and heard his voice for a long time: "is this the end?"

He tried his best to contact many people and use many means to push Gu down and replace him.

However, he never thought of, never dreamed of The one who helped him with his greatest strength was also the one who pushed himself into the abyss.


Qin Yue!

The words pounded in his mind.

In a trance, he seemed to see Qin Yue standing in front of him. He was so high up, like the God of heaven looking down on him.

"Over? That's it? "

No, no, no!!

He didn't believe it, didn't want to believe that Gu, who had worked so hard for so many years, would be so easily finished.

But the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe them.

Yes, Xu Shi, who had worked hard, had not managed it to the level he was satisfied with. Qin Yue moved his fingers gently, and Xu Shi was finished.

Qin Yue just moved his fingers gently. No, maybe it wasn't Qin Yue's hand at all. He only needed to give an order. All kinds of talents under his hand could trample Xu Shi to death.

At this moment, in the face of Xu's inability to return to heaven, Mr. Xu realized clearly and profoundly that he had never been an opponent of Qin and Yue.

In those days, Qin Yue could help him in the dark, so that he could easily overthrow Gu and replace him.

Now, a few years later, it's so easy for Qin Yue to destroy Xu's family. He has no power to fight back.

These days, Sheng Tian never spoke to his Xu family. He didn't even know why?

Mr. Xu only knows that every day when the market opens, Xu's share price plummets, and within two hours of opening, it has been suspended.

In just a few days, every day is like this. In a few days, Xu has fallen to the point of bankruptcy

He can only watch Xu's share price plummet, and can only watch nothing can be done.

He saw this situation a few years ago. At that time, the head of Gu's family was also watching Gu's shares plummet, saying that every day should not be, the ground is not working, and nothing can be done.

Just a few years, but only a few years, when Gu's situation one by one retribution in his body.

In those years, Gu Shi'an did so many shameful things behind his back, and Sheng Tian showed that he would never cooperate with Gu Shi'an.

As soon as the enterprises cooperating with Gu heard the news, those who were able to break the contract came to the door one after another, preferring to lose money rather than have any further involvement with Gu, because they all wanted to hold Shengtian's thigh.

This time, however, Sheng Tian didn't speak to Xu's face. He just manipulated it in secret, which made Xu's failure in such a short time.

Qinyue, Qinyue!

What kind of person is he?

Or he's not human at all!

After he took over Shengtian, Shengtian's development speed was beyond our expectation.

In these years, the development speed of any family can not be compared with Shengtian.

Or maybe, he should never have thought that he could get rid of Qin Yue and replace him.

A few months ago, he didn't know how he was or what he had heard. He was confident that he could get rid of Qin Yue.

In the end, not only did not get rid of Qin and Yue, but also brought a great disaster to himself.

"President Xu What are we going to do? "

The secretary who fell to the ground for a long time just got up and asked with fear.

"What to do? What should I do? What do you want me to do? If I knew what to do, I would sit here and wait. "

If he knew what to do, he would have gone to carry out it, and would not have sat in the office waiting for bad news one after another.

"President Xu, are we..."

Mr. Xu suddenly laughed, with tears in his smile: "it's over, it's all over, it's over for Xu, and it's over for me. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go all the way. "

Xu's bankruptcy, like Gu's a few years ago, in just a few days, made a bad name, nothing.

Xu family is finished, but Mr. Xu knows that his business is not finished. How can Qin Yue let go of a man who wants to kill him.

So when he learned that Qin Yue had left unmanned Island alive, at that moment, Xu realized that he had no way to go.

Only when he knew that he had no way to go would he believe in a phone call. He believed that the man was Ye Yichen's subordinate. He believed that the man might help him get rid of Qin and Yue

He is really confused.

Not only didn't get rid of Qin and Yue, but was used by others.

This time, Sheng Tian will beat Xu's move to the death. He knows that Qin Yue must have thought that he killed Xiao Yuanfeng.

Who is that murderer?

Why do you want him to carry this black pot?

"You go. I'm here with President Xu. "

Jane Xin came in, supported the assistant, and then slowly walked to Mr. Xu's desk to stand.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Xu regained his mood, raised his eyebrows and looked at Jane indifferently.

It's indifference, but his eyes are not indifference. There are too many complex emotions in his eyes, but he hides them quietly.

"Come and see you." Jane gave a chuckle.

"Look at me?" Mr Xu looks at her.

Jane Xin smiled softly, and there was something unseen in her smile: "come to see your joke, or what have I come to see you since you?"

Mr. Xu suddenly got up and grabbed Jianxin. "Don't forget that we are on the same boat. If the boat sinks, no one can escape from it."

"Escape?" She shook her head and smiled. "Run, I never thought about it. Although the world is big, it seems that there is no place for me. "

Before the voice fell, Mr. Xu took her to the desk and didn't give Jane time to prepare, so he began to plunder.

He held her tightly, reached her every time, and seemed to make her feel his presence in such a way.

"Jianxin --"

unlike many times before, this time he kept calling her name, as if to brand his voice into her memory.

Let her remember that there was a man who was so crazy about her.

For a long time, he pushed Jane away when she was bruised all over again.

Looking at her in rags and scars, Mr. Xu flashed a painful color in his eyes, but he turned his back to prevent her from finding out.

He pulled at his slightly disordered suit, took a bank card out of the drawer of the desk and threw it on her: "this is the money for selling yourself. The farther you roll it, the better. Don't appear in front of me in the future." /p

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