My Husband, Warm The Bed


Everything was fine before he went out tonight.

My father is also busy cooking a Beijing sauce shredded pork that Jane likes to eat.

When he went out, his father also told him: "Qinghe, you must remember the meaning of Ranran feedback. Dad will try to do better in the future. "

His father's words echoed so clearly in his mind, but when he got home, his father disappeared.

To his surprise, his father

"Dad, you wake up. Please wake up You haven't recognized Ranran yet, how can you go like this Dad, are you willing to go like this? You haven't heard Jane call you dad, and you haven't hugged her yet. How can you go like this? "

"Dad, you have a new ID card and passport. We can go abroad for surgery at any time." Xiao Qinghe turns out Xiao Yuanfeng's ID card, "Dad, look at it. Open your eyes and have a look. As long as the operation is completed, you can see it

"Dad, will you wake up?"

Xiao Qinghe roars and makes noise, but he can't wake up his father who has "fallen asleep".

He clearly felt that his father's body gradually became rigid and cold in his arms, and the vital signs had passed.

At first, they thought that their father had passed away more than 20 years ago, and he accepted the fact, but he found his father by accident. He had not brought his father to live a good life, and his father left again.

Yesterday, he also discussed with his father how they would live after the operation.

His father said to him that after all these years, he would like to go back to Beijing to pay a visit to the deceased and go back to his hometown.

These are their plans for the next year, but they will never be realized.

Qinghe, you have to save ran!

Qin Yue is not a good man!

Father's dying words lingered in Xiao Qinghe's mind.

Qin Yue how can he?

What kind of heart is Qin Yue?

Why did he do it?

Xiao Qinghe couldn't understand. He couldn't even cry. He could only hold his father's rigid and cold body and roar painfully.

How he hoped that what happened tonight was just a dream. After waking up, everything was the same.


The rain was pouring down.

But gradually the rain became red blood, and the whole earth seemed to be stained with blood.

"But run! Run! "

Xiao Qinghe suddenly ran to her from the blood rain, shouting as he ran, let her run fast.

"Elder brother --"

Jane is not willing to run away alone. She reaches out to catch Xiao Qinghe. Just when she wants to catch him, she is swallowed up by a sudden big mouth.

She watched as Xiao Qinghe was engulfed by monsters. She could do nothing to save him.

"Brother --"

suddenly woke up from the nightmare, scared out of a cold sweat.

"Jane, what's the matter?"

At the first time when Jianran woke up, Qin Yue also woke up. He reached out a big hand in time and gently stroked her back, trying to comfort her.

"It was a terrible nightmare." Jane wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and said with lingering fear.

She hasn't had a nightmare for a long time, and she doesn't know what it is today. She has had such a terrible nightmare.

After talking to Xiao Qinghe in the evening, she felt uneasy. She even dreamed of him when she was sleeping in the evening. She dreamed that he was covered with blood and eaten by monsters.

Is it because she has seen many exciting movies recently that she can see those terrible scenes in the movie in her dream.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Qin Yue's deep and powerful voice came to Jane's ear, as if for a moment she was not so afraid.

"Well, I'm not afraid." Jane reaches for her cell phone and quickly dials Xiao Qinghe's number.

After getting through, there is still no one to answer, and Jane is worried: "what is Xiaoqinghe doing? He didn't answer his two phone calls. Didn't he know someone would worry about him? "

Qin Yue grabs Jianran and takes her cell phone: "he will be OK. Don't think about it. If you really don't feel at ease, I'll send someone to see him at home. "

"It should be all right." Jane grabs her hair, but it's nothing. She thinks more about it.

"Well, maybe he fell asleep and didn't hear his cell phone ring." There have been similar situations before, so Qin and Yue did not doubt that there was a special situation.

"Then I'll get up early and call him." She nestled in Qin Yue's arms and rubbed like a lazy kitten.

Qin Yue patted her back gently, comforting her to sleep like a child.

In the latter half of the night, Jane slept uneasily. When she closed her eyes, she would see Xiao Qinghe standing in the blood rain again.

Jane can't sleep, and Qin Yue can't sleep.

He added, "then I'll let someone see him."

Jane didn't say that Qin Yue knew that she was still worried about Xiaoqinghe.

"Well, let's have a look. I can't rest assured that he is well at home." Before, she had never had such a strange dream. Today, closing her eyes is the dream. She really can't calm down.

Qin Yue immediately called Liu Yong and asked him to send someone to Xiao Qinghe's residence to have a look, as long as he was sure of his safety.

Before Qin Yue could speak, Liu Yong at the end of the phone said, "President Qin, Mr. Xiao is dead!"

"What?" Hearing this news, even Qin Yue, who was always happy and angry, roared out.

But his mood broke out quickly, and he covered it up quickly. He immediately calmed down and said, "tell me more about it."

Qin Yue asked Liu Yong to send people to stare around Xiao Qinghe's residence to prevent it from happening, but they didn't want to affect their normal life. They monitored them at a distance.

Tonight, when Liu Yong's men found out that Xiao Qinghe was acting abnormally, several of them followed up and found that Xiao Yuanfeng had been kidnapped and killed.

After hearing Liu Yong's detailed information, Qin Yue's face was ugly.

"Qin Yue, don't scare me, my brother will be OK," Jane asked carefully

"There's nothing wrong with Xiaoqinghe. It's something urgent in the company. I need to deal with it immediately." Qin Yue kissed Jianran with her face, and immediately turned out of bed. "Jianran, don't think about anything. It's OK."

"Really nothing?" Jane didn't believe it. Looking at Qin Yue's face, she didn't look like Xiao Qinghe.

"When did I deceive you?" Qin Yue rubbed her head. "Take a rest. I'll go ahead and do some work."


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