My Husband, Warm The Bed


Seeing this dangerous man, instinctively, she simply turned around and wanted to run away, but reason made her stay to face it.

Now she is in the company. She doesn't believe that Cheng Ye dare to sell her. She doesn't believe that man dare to treat her.

She ignores the aggressive look that the peach blossom eye man cast on her, looks at Cheng ye, and lightly says, "Mr. Cheng, do you want to find me?"

Cheng Ye beckons to her and says with a smile: "Jane, this is Henry, who has just returned from Milan. The company is going to produce a series of dresses called "Wind Love". I intend to let you two lead the design. "

The designer from Milan?

Kiss her the first time you see her in the elevator.

The boss also sent her to work with the annoying man.

Jane didn't think about it, but the frivolous man spoke before her.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, I have a little misunderstanding with Miss Jane on my way to the company today. She may still be angry with me."

His eyes turned from Cheng ye to Jianran, and he said earnestly and sincerely: "Miss Jane, I want to say sorry for what happened just now."

A "I'm sorry" to want her in front of nothing happened?

If it is useful to say "I'm sorry", those rapists who have committed a crime should also say "I'm sorry" to the victims, and there will be less police occupation in the world.

Cheng ye said: "Henry, we are famous for our company's distinction between public and private. She will never take care of you when you are in private. "

"I've also heard that Miss Jane is conscientious and takes on challenging work," Henry said

These two people sing together, simply to the mouth of the refusal, hard to swallow back.

No, she doesn't want to work with this person.

If she refuses, it's not her work style. Cheng Ye is right. She never mixes personal affairs with work.

The things that the man did to her in the elevator were private, and it was sincere to see him apologize. He simply bit his lips, swallowed his dissatisfaction and put the work first.

During Jane's hesitation, Cheng Ye spoke again: "then I wish you a happy cooperation. You are all the best designers. I'm sure you will be able to design the most popular "Wind Love" series this year

The boss put the words out, there is no reason to refuse, and she has always been public and private.

Private life is private life, and work is work. She is very clear about it. She doesn't want to refuse the job arranged by her boss because of her dissatisfaction with this man.

"Mr. Cheng, there are many things I am not familiar with about the company. Could you please take me to have a look and let her introduce to me?" Henry said.

"I'm sorry," she said! I still have work to do. Let others do the work of my new colleagues. "

Cheng ye once again stood out to solve the problem: "simply, I will let someone take over the other work you have. Next, you and Henry are only responsible for the design of the wind love series."

Jane ran: "..."

What the hell!

If you hate it, you come.

"Hello, Miss Jane!" Henry smiled and looked at Jane. Then he formally said hello to her, "my name is Henry, a new colleague. Please take care of me in the future."

"Hello!" Jane didn't want to shake hands with others, so she didn't reach out. Who knew that this man was approaching her and holding her hand.

He smiled and laughed innocuously: "Miss Jane, shaking hands is the most basic courtesy, you won't even forget this."

"Let go of me!" Jane shook off his hand and ran out of the office.

There are two people left in the office, Henry and Cheng Ye. Cheng Ye shrugs and says, "Henry, I'll be here if I can help you. I'll see you later."

Henry clenched Jane's right hand. It seemed that there was still her temperature in the palm. He wanted to keep her temperature.

“Henry?” Cheng Ye raises his hand and shakes it in front of his eyes.

"Enough." Henry narrowed his charming peach eyes slightly, and said, "I'll go for the rest of the way, and I'll catch up with people."

Cheng Ye added: "don't forget that Qin Yue, the president of Shengtian, is next to her. I'm afraid that your identity as a little designer won't attract her attention."

"You don't have to worry about this. I have my own way." If you leave, Henry turns around and leaves.

After such a long time, they met again. He has successfully attracted the attention of simplicity. What else is impossible?

Henry quickly catches up with Jane ran and follows her step, saying: "Mr. Cheng said that you are a very good designer, and you have never let him down with the work he has given you. I have just arrived at PM, and there are many things I need to ask Miss Jane for advice. "

They just grasped Jane's psychology and knew that in her mind, work and life were completely separated.

So when they said that, Jane hated Henry again, but she still didn't say no.

Henry said so, and his attitude is also sincere, and he has not moved to Jane any more. His attitude is that a new person should have an attitude, and he is very modest and courteous.

Jane took a deep breath, put aside the bad feelings of the man in her heart, and introduced the company's corporate culture, cultural philosophy, etc. to him seriously.

Jane speaks very seriously, Henry listens very carefully, and occasionally asks Jane two questions.

The question he asked was very pertinent, but she didn't think of how to answer him for a while.

Henry added, "in a nutshell, what's your special opinion about the romantic series?"

When hearing "Wind Love", the first thing that comes to mind is free, unrestrained and romantic love.

Love is sacred and beautiful. It can break free from all constraints and love freely and happily Not because of time, not because of any external factors.

PM company's main business is to make fashion underwear, has always been fashion, comfortable, for their design purposes.

PM's underwear once had a very famous advertisement - love her, then give her the best, PM fashion underwear.

In a word, Henry said, "love by wind is like falling in love with a wind. You can feel her existence and touch her, but you will never see her."

Jane turned to look at Henry. In his eyes, she seemed to see something called deep love. But that kind of thing disappeared in a flash, so fast that she thought it was her mistake, and she didn't want to believe it.

Henry looked at Jane and asked seriously: "Jane, do you really know what it is like to love someone? Can you be sure that the person who has been with you is the one you love? "


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