My Husband, Warm The Bed


After Jane left, Xiao Qinghe came back and sat in the living room.

He fixed his complicated eyes on a certain place. After a long time, he took a deep breath and hit the coffee table with a fist, which made his eyes angry.

He was wasted as a son. His father was seriously injured and exiled. After so many years of life, he didn't know anything about it.

If his father didn't find him this time, he would never know that his father was still alive.

My father's figure was so straight, my father's eyes and eyebrows were so high spirited, my father's body was upright

But these years, my father is so humble, without dignity to live

Living like a man, living like a ghost is not like a ghost Even his own son didn't recognize him when he saw his father.

Thinking of his father's suffering these years, Xiao Qinghe raised his hand and slapped it hard on his face, hating himself for being so useless. After so many years of suffering, his father failed to do anything.

One slap was not enough. Xiao Qinghe slapped himself hard again. It seemed that this could make his heart feel better.

After a long time, Xiao Qinghe slowly got up and went to the study.

When he came to the door of the study, he raised his hand and held the doorknob. Just as he was twisting, he suddenly stopped his movements.

He looked up and took a deep breath, trying to calm down his inner feelings, until he felt that he could face the people in the study with his usual attitude, he turned the doorknob.

After opening the door, his eyes fell on the desk in the study for the first time.

In front of his desk sat a man whose head flower was half white and his face had obvious burn marks. His facial scars were so serious that he could hardly recognize his original appearance.

Not only his face was burned, but also his back was hunched. He was thin and tall. It seemed that he was ten years old. It seemed that he had experienced countless vicissitudes before he became what he is today.

However, his real age is not 60 years old. Years have left too many traces on his whole body, which makes him look decades old.

"Dad --"

is so simple that it can't be simpler, but it almost exhausted Xiao Qinghe's whole body strength to shout out such a simple word.

But his shouting didn't get the old man's response. His eyes were fixed on the computer screen, and only blinked for a few seconds.

Xiao Qinghe didn't call him again, but walked slowly to his side and looked at the computer screen on the desk.

The screen shows the simple, simple smile, every move, are clearly playing back.

In between, Xiao Qinghe installed a surveillance camera in the living room, the purpose of which is to record her today, so that their father can see her at any time when he misses her.

After watching with Xiao Yuanfeng for a long time, Xiao Qinghe resisted the pain in his heart and tried to say, "Dad, you've been watching for a long time. Let's pause first and have a rest before you watch, OK?"

"But it's my daughter..." Xiao Yuanfeng didn't seem to hear Xiao Qinghe's words. He pointed to Jian ran in the screen and said with a smile, "look, her eyes look like her mother, but her eyebrows look like me."

"Not only eyebrows are like you, but many places are like you." Xiao Qinghe smiled helplessly, and followed his father.

Jianran was born and grew up in her family. Their father never hugged her baby until he disappeared.

For this child, Xiao Yuanfeng didn't watch her birth, didn't grow up with her, and she was born by his beloved. Their mother and daughter have suffered so much these years, and he naturally cherished her more than Xiao Qinghe.

Two people said, tears from Xiao Yuanfeng's corner of the eye rolling, drop by drop, blurred his eyes.

His eyes can't see the simplicity in the computer screen, but his heart can see it very clearly. His daughter has many similarities with him.

"Dad, don't do that. You come back to us. You can see Ranran and me at any time in the future. " Xiao Qinghe looked at his father. Every time he looked at his father's face, his heart would tighten.

Especially when he saw his father's tears, Xiao Qinghe couldn't stand it any more. His anger was like a flood, but he couldn't find a place to vent.

Shen Wenyuan, who killed his father like this, is dead. They can't go to Qin Xiaobao, who has nothing to do with that.

Xiao Yuanfeng didn't speak, but he was full of tears, which seemed to drain away the tears he had endured for more than 20 years.

"Dad -" Xiao Qinghe cried to his father, trying to persuade him not to cry, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

The father has been thinking about the daughter he never held.

These days, he can only look at Jane from a distance and call to listen to her voice.

Today, I can see my daughter so close, hear her voice, and my father's excited mood. Xiao Qinghe is understandable.

"Ran --" Xiao Yuanfeng wiped a tear, stroked the computer screen with trembling hands, and pasted his hands on her face.

Mingming is the cold computer screen, and then touch the face of Jane's moment, Xiao Yuanfeng seems to be able to feel the temperature of Jane.

"She is my daughter, she is my daughter, she is my daughter, she is my child..."

He kept repeating this sentence, his lips trembling slightly with every word he bit.

"Dad -" besides calling dad, Xiao Qinghe didn't know what else he could say.

For more than 20 years, his father has lived in darkness. He would like to take the pain for his father.

"Qinghe, do you think you will recognize my father?" Xiao Yuanfeng took back his hands like frightened, and covered his face with his hands. "No, no, no I can't let her see me like this, I can't scare her. "

Xiao Qinghe jumped up and grabbed Xiao Yuanfeng's hands and said: "Dad, don't do this. Just now you also heard it, but said, no matter what you become, you are her father, she will never deny you. "

"No, I don't want to scare her. You don't want her to know that I exist. " Xiao Yuanfeng looked around, pushed away Xiao Qinghe and went under the desk to hide. "Don't let her find me, I don't want him to find me."

Xiao Qinghe squatted down, took Xiao Yuanfeng's hand and comforted him, saying: "Dad, Jane is your own daughter and my sister. I know her better than you. She is eager for affection."


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