My Husband, Warm The Bed


Mr. Xu also admitted that Xiao Yuanfeng played a crucial role in the success of his plan. However, Xiao Yuanfeng could not help him deal with his son-in-law Qin Yue.

I've been with Xu for several years. What's his personality? Jane Xin probably knows it.

Looking at his eyes, she could probably guess what he was worried about.

Jianxin looked at him and said, "he didn't help you in this incident that led Qinyue to the island. How did you make use of him to let Qinyue go to the island?"? As long as he is still alive, as long as he doesn't want to show up to see his children, then he is the most useful tool for us to deal with Qin and Yue. "

Mr. Xu raised his eyebrows and said, "do you mean that I should get him back?"

Jianxin shook her head: "no, you don't need to find him back. As long as you know his whereabouts, but don't contact him, you can ensure that people in Qinyue and zhannianbei won't find him."

After listening to Jane Xin's words, Mr. Xu's eyes showed appreciation. As expected, he didn't take a look. Jane Xin is a woman with goods in her mind.

A few years ago, Mr. Xu inadvertently found that Xiao Yuanfeng was still alive, so he gave Xiao Yuanfeng a "helping hand", saying that he was helping him to revenge together, but in fact, he just wanted to use Xiao Yuanfeng against Qin and Yue.

In recent years, many things Xiao Yuanfeng has done secretly, such as the dungeons dug under the Qin family villa, are all economic support provided by Mr. Xu.

Without money, many things can't be done. What can a Xiao Yuanfeng who doesn't even have identity do.

As for how Xiao Yuanfeng got into the Jiangbei military region and scared the fake Qin family to death, this Xiao Yuanfeng didn't want to say, and Mr. Xu didn't know.

It's Mr. Xu's help to catch Qin Xiaobao. Xiao Yuanfeng can find the child of the enemy's family to revenge so smoothly.

But in the end, Xiao Yuanfeng was still soft hearted and let Qin Xiaobao live.

Think of here, Mr. Xu sneered, Xiao Yuanfeng let Qin Xiaobao go, that is to dig his own grave, let Zhan Nianbei find the door to clean him up.

For the sake of simplicity, Qin and Yue will surely try their best to protect Xiao Yuanfeng; for the sake of Qin Xiaobao, Zhan Nianbei will certainly spare no effort to find the murderer.

In this case, Qin Yue and Zhan Nianbei stood at the opposite point, and the conflict between them was the most interesting.


These two days have been raining, the weather is not so good, as if there is a dark cloud over the Qin family.

Xiao Ran's fever lasted for several days. He was injected and took medicine. He kept on going over and over again. He couldn't get better.

Mother Qin is worried and distressed. Taking medicine doesn't work. She is superstitious.

In the early morning, she took Qin Xiaobao to burn incense in a fragrant Hongfa temple in Jiangbei City, praying for Xiao Ran's peace.

It's also a coincidence. After mother Qin burned the incense, the next day Xiaoran's burning went away. Without any repetition, Xiaoran's face gradually turned red.

Although Xiao Ran's face is not as good-looking as the one that is usually tender and tender, it's much better than a fever these days. Seeing Xiao ran recover gradually, everyone is happy.

After the fever subsided, xiaoranran's head also woke up a lot, lying on the bed turning black eyes, watching the people who were watching the bed one by one.

"Dad..." After watching it, she called her father first. It can be seen that her father's position in her mind is the most important.

"However." Qin Yue took Xiao ran up and gently rubbed her head. "But ran told Dad, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Xiaoran shook his head, blinked his big eyes, and looked at Qin Xiaobao: "but still want to hold her."

Qin Xiaobao is flattered to hear Xiaoran say that he wants to hug him. He happily takes over Xiaoran and says softly, "honey, what do you want to eat? Tell my aunt that she cooks for you. "

Small ran nest in the arms of the little aunt, soft said: "but want to eat strawberries."

"Well, I'll make you strawberries right away." Qin Xiaobao returns Xiaoran to Qin Yue, turns around and runs to help Xiaoran make strawberries.

Small ran quietly nestled in his father's arms, no longer mentioning who would like to hold her, while the hands have been stretched out of the simple, and quietly retracted their hands back.

At ordinary times, I don't think how strange Xiaoran is to her. Only in the critical moment can I see who is the most important person in Xiaoran's heart.

These years, when Jane is not around her, it is Qin Xiaobao who accompanies her, like her mother, and it is natural for her to be close to her aunt.

Jane comforted herself so silently in her heart.

"However, if mom wants to hold you, will you let her hold you?" Qin Yue sees Jianran's disappointed eyes and wants to give her her daughter, but she has to ask for her daughter's consent.

"Good..." Little ran nodded, not refused, not excited.

Xiaoran is not excited, but Jianran is very excited. Taking Xiaoran, she kisses her face: "Ranran..."

She has a lot of things to say to the little guy, but she doesn't know what to say to the little guy. However, Xiao Ran is buried in her arms and doesn't seem to want to say more to her.

"Mom, however, if you want to grow up quickly, you will grow tall and tall in a few days." After a long silence, Xiao ran raised her head from her arms and said excitedly.

Not only that, she also opened her hands and rowed twice to hope that she could grow as tall as her mother. I wish I could grow up when I wake up, so that my brother would come back to her.

"Well, our baby will grow up soon." Jane ran rubs her little head, and she's very upset.

Xiao ran still remembers what she said to her and that her brother will come back to her when she grows up, so if she wants to grow up quickly, then she can see him.

"However, Grandpa and grandma are still here. Please say hello to Grandpa and grandma." Qin Yue once again diverted her daughter's attention.

Qin's father and Qin's mother had long wanted to hug little Ranran, but seeing that the little guy was too weak, they watched anxiously, and no one came forward.

"Grandpa, grandma..." Little ran smiled and called them softly.

"Be good!" As soon as she heard the voice of xiaoranan, Qin's mother was excited and wanted to cry again.

"But baby, you should get better quickly, otherwise grandma will be very sad." While talking to his granddaughter, Qin's father also wipes tears for his tearful wife.

"Grandma, don't cry, don't cry!" Small Ran Ran learn adults comfort children's tone of voice, the moment mother Qin made fun of.

"Look, it's still our family's worst. It makes grandma laugh all of a sudden." Qin said with a smile.

I have a good chat with you However, I don't know how, but Jane is not happy.


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