My Husband, Warm The Bed


"He almost killed you. You killed him, too. Isn't that clear?" Qin Xiaobao gnawed his teeth and endured the pain of his body, then said again, "what are you doing with me?"

"Why should I tie you up?" The man smiled gloomily again, and the laughter echoed back and forth in the closed room. "I kidnapped you, of course, for revenge."

"You..." The blood is flowing more and more, the body is getting weaker and weaker, Qin Xiaobao is about to have no strength to deal with this * *.

But she still gritted her teeth and tried to wake herself up In any case, she has to find a way to live.

The world is very dangerous, but the world is also beautiful. There are still many good people in the world. In such a beautiful world, she still has many wishes not fulfilled, so she has to work hard to live.

But because the temperature in the room is too high, Qin Xiaobao has been roasted for several times, and the water in his body is almost drained.

At the moment, she was scratched and bleeding in many places. She was about to break the limit of her body.

She opened her mouth and tried to say something, but then she heard the kidnapper say gloomily, "want to know why I want to avenge you?"

Isn't it because she is Grandpa's granddaughter? Is there any other reason?

"Because on August 28 four years ago, he killed my daughter. Take the son by caesarean section, let such a small child be born without a mother, let their husband and wife separate Let her taste the despair of life... " Every word he said was gnashing his teeth, and every word hit his heart.

It's because of his incompetence, it's because he's useless. He can only watch his daughter hurt by that * * and he can't do anything.

He choked and continued: "over the years, I have lived like a mole ant. I live in the dark and dare not recover my identity. I want to listen to my children's voice, so little wish, I can only use the wrong way to do

Speaking of this, the kidnapper's sad expression changed and became extremely vicious again, saying: "do you think what your kind and amiable grandfather did is abhorrent? Do you think I should apply the same method to his most painful child? "

The kidnapper's last syllable fell. He waved his palm, and the fruit knife again hit Qin Xiaobao's abdomen. In a flash, Qin Xiaobao had another bloody wound on his abdomen.

One knife was not enough. He waved twice again. In a twinkling of an eye, Qin Xiaobao had several crisscross wounds on his abdomen.

"Caesarean section, let the child have no mother..."

Qin Xiaobao silently repeated the kidnapper's words. He seemed to be familiar with the scene, but she didn't remember what happened for a while.

She may have thought about it in normal times, but at this time, she has been scorched by the high temperature, and the knife wound on her body is about to make her hold on. Her head is faint and unable to think.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so happily. I've prepared a lot of tricks that your most respected grandfather has used. He died so fast that I didn't have time to use him. Then you can take care of him. "

The kidnapper's voice is chilly and frightening, but Qin Xiaobao only thinks that his voice is getting smaller and smaller.

She still had a lot of questions. She wanted to ask him about it, but because of lack of energy, she fell asleep again.


Qin Xiaobao has been missing for a long time, but Zhan Nianbei's work has not progressed at all.

It was found that Qin Xiaobao had been kidnapped the next day after she was kidnapped. After the strong wind and rain of * *, the traces left by the kidnappers had been washed clean, leaving no trace to be found.

This evening, the typhoon will land in Linshi. The central wind force in Jiangbei City has reached level 10, so it is impossible to work outdoors. The search for Qin Xiaobao is going on very slowly, almost on the ground.

The longer the time is delayed, the more dangerous Qin Xiaobao will be. This is something that everyone knows The murderer kidnapped her and didn't send out the blackmail message. It's not for the sake of money. The greatest possibility is to take her life.

At this time, zhannianbei had become full of firepower. No one dared to approach him. He was afraid that he would be blown away by his fierce anger before he was near him.

The three of them searched the surrounding area for half a day from the missing location of Qin Xiaobao, but no clue was found.

Zhan Nianbei transferred the surveillance video again, looked at it again, and tried to find other clues from the surveillance, but found nothing.

Qin Xiaobao is knocked unconscious by others. She is shoved into the garbage bag and dragged to the garbage station. The knockout person carries a big black bag from the garbage station and leaves

Seeing this, Zhan Nianbei finally found the problem. The black bag the kidnapper carried on his shoulder.

If there is a person in the bag, he will not be so bold to carry her away. He will certainly borrow a garbage truck to hide.

The black bag carried by the kidnapper may contain only some sundries and garbage. The reason why he did this is to attract people who are looking for Qin Xiaobao.

Because Zhan Nianbei was worried about Qin Xiaobao, and because of the inertia of most people's thinking, everyone would think that the bag the kidnapper was carrying was Qin Xiaobao.

Once again, they stepped into the trap set by the kidnappers, similar to the situation when they fell into the death of Shen Yuanzhi to find the murderer.

To figure out this layer, Zhan Nianbei rushed out with a lunge and said, "follow me to the garbage station."

From the pictures that can be seen in the monitoring video, it can be 100% sure that Qin Xiaobao was dragged into the garbage station, as for whether he came out of the garbage station - unknown.

At this time, a soldier came forward to report: "commander, the information in Miss Qin's mobile phone has been copied out. She didn't talk to anyone before or after her disappearance. "

Zhan Nianbei didn't respond, so he took the lead to rush to the garbage station. If the black bag they saw in the monitoring wasn't filled with Qin Xiaobao, then the garbage station must be able to find clues.

"Find it for me, find it well, and find the clues." Zhan Nianbei said angrily.

"Yes." His men replied in unison that their positive attitude and action were not affected by Zhan Nianbei's private affairs.

No.9 is getting closer and closer. It's windy and rainy. It's lucky that people don't get blown away by the wind or washed away by the water outside, but Zhan Nianbei doesn't give up looking for Qin Xiaobao.

No matter where Qin Xiaobao is, he will find Qin Xiaobao. He must not let her have any problems.

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