Demons Beside You

Chapter 394 - Being Old But Unrespectable No Contradiction

Chapter 394: Being Old But Unrespectable, No Contradiction

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

“Kid, you have stick arms and legs. Be careful you don’t get dragged down by Earl Eric later.”

The guys who didn’t get along with Laurent started mocking when they saw Chen Zhao sitting there and fishing alone.

“Old grandpas, your bodies are all old now.” Chen Zhao didn’t back down at all. “Don’t play these physical games here. Just sunbathe and take in the fresh sea air. Probably even a small fish can drag you into the water, let alone Earl Eric.”

There was no need to respect the elders now. They didn’t look like gentlemen either. They started mocking Chen Zhao as soon as they saw him. Chen Zhao wouldn’t respect them either and just shot an insult back.

“So uncultured.”

“No manners.”

The old men immediately started yelling. “Laurent, where did you get such an unmannered kid from?”

Laurent and Chen Zhao had the same thought. This is my in-law. I don’t have to like him, but I won’t let you outsiders talk about him.

“You old things have one foot in the grave already,” Laurent cursed. “It’s none of your business where I got him from. If you don’t like it, then get the stick out of your *ss first.”

“Laurent, don’t think you can talk like that just because you have more guys!”

“Yeah, I have more guys!” Laurent yelled. “So what? Wanna fight?”

Chen Zhao’s combat power was great. He wouldn’t lose to anyone.

The old guys grew furious too. “Okay, you want to fight with numbers, huh? I’ll call more guys.”

They all started calling people. Powell who’d been dragged into the water earlier seemed to manage a farm. He immediately yelled into the phone, “Pacey, get everyone on the farm and come to the fishing hole. Do what? Fight, obviously. Whoever doesn’t come can f*ck off forever.”

The others were similar. They were either the owner of a farm or ranch. This was like a party for farm and ranch owners and each one had angry expressions.

It seemed that conflicts weren’t rare. They all looked experienced at calling men over.

“Mr. Laurent, I think they have more guys than us.”

“Mr. Laurent, you offended too many people.”

Chen Zhao was speechless too. Was this old guy digging a ditch for themselves here? Offending one or two guys was okay, but going against the whole world?

Laurent faltered too. “Chen, you’ll help me fight later, right?”

“We can put our rivalries behind first. When there are other enemies, we have to fight them together.”

Chen Zhao was clear about this, at least. You could fight however you want behind closed doors, but when there were outsiders, they had to unite.

“That’s good.”

But those old guys kept calling more and more people. Even Chen Zhao wasn’t sure anymore.

Those farm and ranch owners could call seven or eight guys each. Four groups came, totally to more than 30 men. They were men who spent their days doing farm or ranch work. Each one was tall and muscular. Many of them were even bigger than Karim’s trio.

“Laurent, don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance!” Powell said arrogantly. “You and that Asian apologize to us now. Otherwise, all of you will feed the fish in the river today.”

Laurent and Chen Zhao’s expressions were both unnatural. The other side had too many people, while they only had five men. One of them, Kane, was also injured and definitely couldn’t fight.

Laurent was a bit old. He was useless even if he tried.

Only Chen Zhao, Karim, and Howard could fight.

“Chen, how many can you take?” Karim asked.

Howard also looked at him. Chen Zhao calculated a little. “How about you guys?”

“I can take six,” Karim said.

“Then, me too,” Howard said.

“Okay,” Chen Zhao said. “Give the rest to me.”

“Are you sure?” Everyone looked at Chen Zhao. Karim and Howard took 12, so there were at least 20 left. Could Chen Zhao really take care of 20 men?

“I don’t know. I’ve never fought with so many people before.”

Powell started speaking again. “If you’re scared, it’s not too late to surrender.”

“Yeah, don’t get your brains smashed later.”

“You think you’re so powerful just because you have more people? Try one-on-one!” Laurent yelled.

“You’re the one who wanted to compete with numbers. How come you’re scared now?”



“Politicians are all like this.”

It seemed that these ranch and farm owners didn’t like Laurent, who’d been a senator before. They excluded him from their little clique. Laurent’s expression was very uncomfortable.

American society was like this. You could see these concepts in the movies.

In American movies, most politicians were evil while soldiers were brave. This was “politically correct.” The people liked these concepts too.

The feelings that were present in China were also present in America, such as hating the rich.

Everyone here knew that Laurent had been a senator and his wife, Winnip, was the owner of a chain supermarket and worth millions. On the other hand, the farm and ranch owners had to scrimp and save. This naturally widened the gap between them, causing conflicts.

“Do I have to pay the medical fees when I injure these pieces of trash?” Chen Zhao asked.


For fights like this, no one cared about medical fees. Everything was alright as long as no one died.

The people here had always been doughty. Ranch and farm owners often fought over the smallest things.

“Hey, what did you just say?”

“Such big words.”

“Don’t stand in the back. Bring it on!”

These cowboys and farmers were all egging him on. Chen Zhao took off his jacket and walked forward.

“Come on,” Chen Zhao urged at the 20 to 30 men.

Laurent’s group was honestly scared for him. They couldn’t act so fearlessly. What a joke! If they were the ones facing so many people, they’d piss their pants.

Just then, a two-meter-tall guy walked out of the group. He was muscular and wearing a tank top. His figure was already scary enough.

“You guys don’t need to fight. I’ll do it,” the big guy said with a rough voice. “Hey, monkey. Let me teach you about respect.”

“Chen, this guy is an underground boxer,” Karim whispered behind Chen Zhao. “He was jailed for two years. Be careful. Don’t get cocky.”

They knew that Chen Zhao was strong, but his opponent wasn’t weak either. They worried that Chen Zhao would be too cocky. If the first opponent won, it would be embarrassing.

“You called me a monkey?” Chen Zhao loosened his shoulders while looking at the big guy.

“What, you don’t like it?” The guy curled his finger. “Come on. I’ll let you have three punches.”

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