Elixir Supplier

Chapter 419 - It Didn’t Make Any Sense

Chapter 419: It Didn’t Make Any SenseTranslator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wang Yao received a call from Zhou Xiong in the evening. Zhou Xiong wanted to know if Wang Yao was going to be in the village in the next few days. He wanted to bring his uncle to Wang Yao’s clinic.

Wang Yao didn’t have any plans in the next few days, so he agreed to see Zhou Xiong’s uncle.

“He is in Lianshan,” said Zhou Xiong to his brother after hanging up the phone.

“Can we head over there?” asked his brother.

“Okay,” said Zhou Xiong.

His uncle’s condition had been improving under Sang Guzi’s care. However, he wasn’t significantly better. His meridians were still heavily blocked. Even if he had gained some body functions back, he wouldn’t be able to practice Kung Fu anymore.

Although Zhou Xiong’s uncle was getting old and no longer obsessed with his Kung Fu, he didn’t want to completely lose his Kung Fu skills.

Wang Mingbao came back to the village in the evening. He brought information about Du Mingyang with him. Apparently, Du Mingyang was a very decent person.

“Good to hear that,” said Wang Yao.

Marrying the wrong guy didn’t just happen in novels and TV shows. It also happened a lot in real life.

On the same day, Wang Yao got another good news. Under the effort of Tian Yuantu and Wei Hai, the Nanshan Charity Fund had been successfully registered with the relevant government department. They wouldn’t have achieved it without the assistance from an expert recommended by Sun Zhengrong.

“Great! We should celebrate,” said Wang Yao happily.

“Let’s do it today,” suggested Wang Mingbao.

“Okay, no problem,” said Wang Yao.

They asked Wei Hai, Tian Yuantu, and Pan Jun to join them in celebrating the success of the registration of the charity.

Wang Yao was the legal representative of the charity fund.

The registration fund was two million yuan, which had been agreed to by all relevant people. Wang Yao insisted on contributing one million. Tian Yuantu and Wei Hai each contributed one million. Wang Mingbao also chipped in one hundred thousand. The rest of the people involved were only considered participants. They didn’t make a contribution. Most of the money went into registration. The remainder was used to run the charity.

“I’ve also gotten an office for us,” said Tian Yuantu.

Tian Yuantu’s company had a property in Haiqu. The place looked quite professional, so it wouldn’t be too difficulty to find employees. They didn’t need a big place to run the charity fund. The next step was to recruit people.

“We need to find the right people to work for us, especially for the position of manager. Mr. Fan introduced someone to us with relevant experience,” said Tian Yuantu.

“We can employ him,” said Wei Hai.

This charity business required long term planning. It was not something that could be done on a whim.

While they were having dinner, Wang Yao asked about prominent doctors in the county.

“I remember there is a competition of best doctors in the county,” said Pan Jun.

“Competition?” wondered Wang Yao.

“Yeah, just a title. The county asked each hospital to recommend a doctor. Why do you ask?” said Pan Jun.

“No reason, really. How often is the competition?” asked Wang Yao.

“Once a year,” said Pan Jun.

“I see,” said Wang Yao.

“You wanna participate in the competition?” asked Pan Jun.

“Yes, I want to have a go,” said Wang Yao.

“This is gonna be tricky. You don’t work for any hospital,” said Pan Jun.

“That’s fine. I don’t need to consider it right away,” said Wang Yao, smiling.

Doctors employed by hospitals often had big advantages in getting into such kind of competitions.

After dinner, they spent some time in a tea room, and didn’t leave until it was dark.

The next day, Zhou Xiong brought his cousin and Zhou Wuyi to the village in the afternoon.

It was Zhou Wuyi’s first time to visit the village.

“Hmmm, the clinic looks nice.” Wang Yao’s clinic was the most outstanding property in the village.

Wang Yao got a message from Zhou Xiong in the morning, so he was waiting for Zhou Xiong and his uncle in the clinic.

Zhou Xiong’s uncle was very skinny. He didn’t look well.

“Hello, Dr. Wang,” said Zhou Xiong

“Hello,” said Wang Yao.

It was almost winter. As soon as Zhou Xiong, his cousin, and his uncle walked into the courtyard, they noticed that the trees in the courtyard were still green and covered with leaves. Only a few leaves had dropped.

“Why are the trees growing so well here?” asked Zhou Xiong.

Wang Yao just smiled. He didn’t bother to explain.

It was a bit cold in the clinical room.

Wang Yao found that Zhou Xiong’s uncle was very sick. His meridians were blocked. Toxins were lingering inside his body, and his corporeity had been severely damaged.

Wang Yao explained the old man’s situation to Zhou Xiong after reviewing the old man. The old man was in critical condition. Since he was here in the village, it was best for him to stick around to receive treatment.

“Okay,” said Zhou Xiong.

They actually had the thoughts of staying in the village. Zhou Xiong had rented a unit in Lianshan town center for his son previously.

“I’ll give you a massage first,” said Wang Yao.

He gave Zhou Xiong’s uncle a massage. At the same time, he transferred his Qi to Zhou Xiong’s uncle.


Zhou Wuyi was surprised.

“This power!” said Zhou Wuyi.

He used to be a Kung Fu master, so of course he could feel the Qi from Wang Yao.

“I didn’t expect Dr. Wang could release Qi at such a young age,” said Zhou Wuyi.

To people who practiced Kung Fu, the ability of releasing Qi was all that they had ever wanted.

Wang Yao just smiled. He found there was a small amount of Qi left inside Zhou Wuyi’s body when he was reviewing Zhou Wuyi. It was likely because of the many years of practicing Kung Fu. People who practiced Kung Fu not only practiced movements, but also practiced managing their internal power, which was similar to the internal power Wang Yao had. The only difference was that Wang Yao’s internal power was more calming. Zhou Wuyi’s internal power was stuck inside his blocked meridians.

Wang Yao transferred Qi into Zhou Wuyi’s body to unblock some meridians.

Zhou Wuyi could feel the area where Wang Yao massaged was warm. He felt very comfortable.

It took Wang Yao an hour and a half to complete the massage therapy.

Zhou Wuyi felt much better afterwards. He was less tired and his pain had reduced.

“I should have come to see you sooner,” said Zhou Wuyi. “Thank you, Dr. Wang.”

“You are welcome. Have you been taking the decoction I gave you to consolidate your corporeity?” asked Wang Yao.

“Yes, I never stopped taking it,” said Zhou Wuyi.

After chatting with Wang Yao for a moment, Zhou Xiong, his cousin, and Zhou Wuyi left the clinic.

“Dad, how do you feel?” asked Zhou Xiong’s cousin.

“I feel much better. I should have come here sooner,” said Zhou Wuyi. They had been considering staying in the village for a while.

“It’s not too late now,” said Zhou Xiong

He drove his cousin and his uncle to the unit he rented in Lianshan town center. It was less than half an hour’s drive from the village to the town center. The roads were new and wide. It was a comfortable drive.

“It’s starting to get cold,” said Zhou Wuyi with a sigh.

He was not sensitive to the temperature at all in the past. However, his condition was different now. He was so weak that, even though he was wearing thick clothes, he still felt cold.

“I’ve spoken to the landlord about the heater. I think the heat will come up very soon,” said Zhou Xiong.

The temperature dropped quickly. It dropped several degrees overnight.

The villagers didn’t have much to do during winter, so they took the chance to have a good rest.

They visited one another to gossip about what had been going on in the village, and did house chores.

Several villagers came to see Wang Yao in the clinic. They were all happy with the treatment. Most villagers already knew that Wang Yao was a really good doctor. Some villagers would go to see Wang Yao if they got ill. If Wang Yao was not at the clinic, they would go to his house.

. . .

Meanwhile, in Beijing, Lu Xian continued to take the decoction given by Wang Yao.

Lu Xian had been vomiting and having a diarrhea for three days, which was a side effect of the decoction Wang Yao gave him.

He was in pain, but full of hope.

The toxins were being expelled from his body.

He vomited not only food and stomach acid, but also blood clots. He was initially scared, so he went to consult with Su Changhe. Su Changhe recommended he continued to take the decoction. According to the lab results, Lu Xian’s health was improving. It only took him three days.

“Can I have a look at the decoction Dr. Wang gave you?” asked Su Changhe.

“Of course,” said Lu Xian.

He was different to Wei Hai, who completely trusted Wang Yao. He gave Su Changhe the formula and decoction Wang Yao gave him without thinking.

“Can I take a small portion of the decoction?” asked Su Changhe.

“Okay,” said Lu Xian.

“Please don’t show the formula to anyone else,” said Su Changhe.

“Okay,” said Lu Xian.

Su Changhe shouldn’t have done that. However, he really wanted to know what herbs could make Lu Xian better in such a short time period.

. . .

Wang Yao had been visiting Li Maoshuang’s uncle in the hospital every other day to provide treatment to him.

Amazingly, Li Maoshuang’s uncle was better in only three days.

It really shocked the doctors in the town hospital.

“How strange it is!” exclaimed the treating doctor. “How could this happen?”

The doctors had a meeting specifically for Li Maoshuang’s uncle. They compared his lab results.

“All of his results should be correct,” said a doctor.

“So he got better because of the treatment we provided?” asked another doctor.

He couldn’t even believe it himself. This couldn’t be true. They had used the same medication for Li Maoshuang’s uncle that they always used. They were standard medications for cancer patients. Nothing was new. Most importantly, they didn’t dare to try anything new on a dying patient.

Li Maoshuang’s uncle didn’t just have a minor condition. He had cancer. He was beyond cure.

He might be able to get more advanced therapy in Beijing or Shanghai, but in this small town, it was impossible.

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