Elixir Supplier

Chapter 388 - Worship the Buddha in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 388: Worship the Buddha in the Middle of the Night

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wang Yao arrived home safe and sound. He didn’t have any more incidents. For him, the day had been full of unexpected events.

His sister was involved in a motor vehicle accident. He then met someone with vicious attention. Later, he had bumped into two men assaulting a woman.

He went back to Nanshan Hill right away after he had parked his car. It was 11 p.m.

It was quiet in the village, Wang Yao occasionally heard dogs barking on his way to the hill.

Although he was fine, the nasty ones Wang Yao had come across were in real trouble.

The person who had planned on doing something bad near where Wang Ru lived had been vomiting since Wang Yao hit him. He threw up all the food in his stomach and then started vomiting acid water. Nasty diarrhea then settled in until he started to pass blood. He thought he was going to die. He became scared and frightened out of his wits. He wanted to cry, but he didn’t have the strength to do so.

What the hell is going on with me?

He had been to the hospital, but the doctors couldn’t help him.

“What’s wrong with you?” He wasn’t the only one panicked. His wife and other family members were also fearful.

They had seen people having a diarrhea and vomiting, but not this bad. They thought he was going to die.

“How am I supposed to know?” the miserable man asked.

Suddenly, he thought about Wang Yao’s words, “Ask the Buddha for forgiveness.” The miserable man wondered what it meant.

Funny enough, he had Buddha sculpture at home. Maybe he was afraid of karma after doing so many nasty things. He thought maybe he should pray to the Buddha to protect him.

Maybe I should pray more!

He knelt down in front of the Buddha sculpture.

“Dear mercy Buddha, who saves people in trouble, I will never steal anything from now on. Please help me! I beg you! Please stop my suffering.” He knelt down and bowed with his face to the ground. He really scared the hell out of his family members.

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you doing this now? Are you possessed?” asked his wife.

Besides his family members being shocked, his downstairs neighbor was also shocked.

“What’s going on? Why are you making so much noise in the middle of the night? Are you gonna let us sleep?” his neighbors shouted.

The Buddha didn’t spare him from the pain. He continued to vomit and suffer from diarrhea.

“Shall I take you to the hospital?” asked his wife.

His wife couldn’t wait any longer. She was afraid he was going to die if he was not treated.

“Okay, take me to the hospital in the city,” said the miserable man.

His wife took him to Haiqu.

Meanwhile, the other two men were punished by Wang Yao were also suffering in a village of Lianshan.

“Bro!” called out one of them.

“What? Why aren’t you asleep? It’s the middle of the night?” said the other man.

“I can’t sleep. I’m still having an erection. I’m scared. I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” the first man said.

“I’m the same. Just try to sleep. We’ll be fine tomorrow morning,” his friend replied.

“I’ve tried to soak my penis in cold water and masturbation. Neither worked. Bro, maybe that guy put a spell on us. Do you think my penis will be permanently damaged?” the first man wondered.

“Stop talking nonsense,” his friend said.

In fact, the other man was also scared. His erection had lasted for hours. He knew there were people who could maintain erection for a long time but not hours. If he had a partner, he would probably impress her. However, both him and his friend weren’t married. They wouldn’t have sexually assaulted a woman if they hadn’t been single.

“Maybe we should go to the clinic in the town,” the first man said.

“Are you kidding? How can we go to see the medical staff there with this bizarre condition? Plus, the nurses there can’t even find my vein when putting a needle in. I don’t think they can help us,” his friend said.

He was also worried, but he thought he might be lucky that his body would return to normal.

“Go back to sleep,” the friend said.

“Okay, I’m going back now,” the first man replied.

Given their current condition, they wouldn’t be able to fall in sleep.

They stayed awake for the whole night, and they were still having an erection. Their penis was as hard as a stone.

“What can we do?”

Now, the two of them were truly panicking.

I have to go to the hospital!

Both of them had the same thought. Going to the hospital seemed the only solution. They called a taxi to the hospital and asked to see a specialist. Not many people came to see that specialist. Diseases involving private parts were often considered secretive. Normally, people with sexual-related conditions would seek folk prescriptions instead of going to a hospital. They didn’t want to be gossiped about or become a laughing stock. They wanted to keep the disease too themselves.


The doctor was shocked after he had seen them.

“You two were like this for the whole night?” the doctor asked.

“Yes,” both men replied.

“Have you taken any medications? If so, what medication did you take?” the doctor asked.

The doctor had come across people overdosing on Viagra, but he had never seen anything like this. He just hoped the two guys didn’t take a whole bottle of Viagra.

“We didn’t take any medications,” said one of the men.

“You didn’t take any medication? Then how come you are like this?” the doctor asked in confusion.

“We don’t know, so we are here to see you,” replied one of the men.

Both of them were nasty pieces of work. Normally, they would have already slapped the doctor.

“What kind of doctor are you? Asking us what’s going on? If we knew, why would we come to see you?” one of the men shouted.

“Well…” The doctor took another close look at their penises. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why this happened.”

“What?” The two men were surprised. “You’ve checked us for such a long time, and you don’t know what’s wrong with us?”

“No,” the doctor said seriously after pushing up his glasses.

“What harm could it do to our body?” one of the men asked.

“It’s hard to say. If this continued, you might not be able to have an erection in the future. Your penis could also be permanently damaged due to excessive hyperemia,” the doctor replied.

“Permanently damaged?” Both men were shocked and sweating.

“Can you cure us?” one of them asked.

“Well…” The doctor hesitated. He had never come across a condition like this.

“Let’s go!” the stronger guy said.

“But, the doctor hasn’t finished,” his friend replied.

“What else can he say? Look at him! So stupid, how can he cure us? He’s just a useless doctor, Biaozi!” the stronger one said.

“You…” The doctor was mad about the man’s attitude.

“What? Was I wrong?!” The stronger guy turned around and stared at the doctor. He was mad and about to slap the doctor if he said another word.

“Fine!” The doctor chose not to aggravate the situation. “Sorry, I won’t be able to help you.”

“Bro, what can we do?” the other man asked.

They couldn’t keep having an erection.

“Let’s go to Haiqu,” the stronger guy said.

When people couldn’t get cured in the hospital in town, they often would go to the provincial hospital. If they still couldn’t get cured in the provincial hospital, they would go to Beijing. Hospitals in bigger cities were better equipped and attracted better doctors.

“Okay, we go to Haiqu.” The two took the bus to Haiqu.

In the village, Wang Yao was talking to his parents.

“It’s going to be the weekend. Call your sister. Ask her to come home for lunch,” Zhang Xiuying said.

“Mom, I think she should just stay in the town center for the weekend. She’s not young anymore. She’s not gonna meet any men here at home if she comes back all the time,” Wang Yao said.

His sister was just injured by a car accident. She hadn’t yet recovered. Their parents would definitely question her about the injury, then they would know he helped his sister keep the incident from them.

“You are right,” Zhang Xiuying said.

Wang Yao then called his sister. He also rang the strata company, which was in charge of the complex his sister lived in.

“We will investigate it as soon as we can,” the manager on the phone said.

It was just a courtesy response. Wang Yao had no idea when they would actually investigate and deal with the issue.

“We are having lamb for lunch,” Zhang Xiuying said.

“Nice,” Wang Yao said with a smile.

Autumn and winter were the best times of the year to have lamb dishes.

The butcher’s shop in the village had just processed a lamb. They had killed and skinned the lamb, cut the meat and removed the visceral. When they were removing the visceral, they found two round and hard objects inside the lamb, like two small stones. They were quite hard.

“What are these?” the butcher asked.

“I don’t know. We can’t eat them. Just throw them away,” his wife said.

“I’ll keep them for now,” the butcher said.

While they were talking, Wang Yao’s mother came.

“Can I have some lamb?” Zhang Xiuying asked.

“Sure,” the butcher replied.

“I want some lamb shank and visceral,” Zhang Xiuying said.

As she took the meat and was about to go, the butcher took out the small round objects he had found inside the lamb.

“Ma’am, have you seen these before?” The butcher showed Zhang Xiuying the two objects.

The two objects didn’t look big.

“No, where are they from?” Zhang Xiuying asked.

“I took them out of the lamb,” the butcher said.

“Then, you should keep them,” Zhang Xiuying said.

The butcher just laughed.

Zhang Xiuying went back home to clean the meat. She started to talk about the small objects the butcher showed her with Wang Fenghua.

Wang Yao overheard his mother’s talking and stopped as he was about to leave. “Stone?”

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