Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 432 - Reactions of Different Parties

Chapter 432: Reactions of Different Parties

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The stars in the sky all dimmed under the dazzlingly bright light from the new star, as if a new sun had appeared. Radiating a glaring light without any constraint, the new star orbits along its own track unaffected.

Feeling that something was going on, Brook walked out from his demiplane. Standing on the thirty-fourth floor of the Allyn magic tower, he stared vacantly at the starry sky,

“This isn’t the birth of a new star…”

“Its orbit is too close. If it’s a real star, it will crush into this world, destroying everything…”

“What is it?”

“The power is beyond mighty…”

As a grand arcanist and legendary sorcerer, as well as the student of Douglas, Brook had figured out in his head the range of the orbit based on only observing the size of the star, its brightness, and some other parameters. Although it was not accurate, it was enough for him to tell how far the star was from this world.

For this very reason, Brook was a bit shocked. To him, if it had actually been the birth of a new star, he would not have been so surprised and confused, but would have rather taken it as something worthy of in-depth study and prepared the relevant spells for research.

But this one was an artificial star!

In the Kingdom of Brianne, in a tall magic tower reaching the sky.

Staring at the stars in his crystal ball, a senior-rank astrologer who was supposed to be doing his fortune-telling was, however, now gazing at the night sky with his mouth slightly open. He had never seen such a bright star before, and the birth of the star just happened like that without any signs!

This was even more bizarre than the scarlet moon!

“What star is it?” The astrologer murmured after quite a while.

Then, he hurriedly looked down at the crystal ball in his hand. When a new star was born, the track of destiny would surely be affected. He was somewhat annoyed and frustrated, as the birth of a star will bring great changes in the River of Destiny and he would have to restart his divination.

Half an hour later, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky, stunned.

“Why is there no reflection of fate?”

“Is it a real star?”

In the Dark Mountain Range, at the campsite of adventurers.

Stanis, the King of Nightmare, who enjoyed living among ordinary people and observing their dreams, was appreciating his afternoon tea in a small cabin. Suddenly, the white porcelain cup fell from his hand to the ground and broke into countless pieces.

Stanis did not care about it at all. Instead, he flashed to the window, raised his head and looked to the East.

Across the sky, a brilliant star suddenly emerged and lit up half of the sky. It was as bright as the sun!

Stanis wondered if his cognition world had gone wrong and he had been affected by his own dream or illusionary spell.

After a glance at the sinking sun in the west, Stanis turned back to the newly-born star, which was moving unaffectedly following its own track.

“If this is a dream, what does this horribly bright star stand for?”

“If it is not a dream, who did this?”

“Such a miracle can never be performed by a mundane…”

In Rentato, at the avenue which had not been equipped with arc lamps, it was dark and cold. Only several stars in the sky slightly lit up the way.

Because of the increasing number of alchemical workshops, the spinners had been improved by the alchemists. More and more commoners in Rentato had to work extra hours for higher productivity. Now, a few clusters of them were walking on the street. Feeling the harsh winter wind whipping, they all picked up the pace to return home as quickly as possible.

As they were walking, they saw the road in the front was strangely bathed in bright light as if it had been daytime.

Astounded, they looked up and then lost all their words. There was a bright star hanging in the sky, moving slowly in its own track. It was completely different than the silver moon, but was equally outstanding.

They wondered if this was a miracle from God.

“The almighty God of Truth…”

“Only Truth lives forever…”

Out of great astonishment, they thought that it was the God of Truth that created this miracle. They kneeled down on the ground regardless of the mud from the melted snow, and they prayed with passion and devotion.

In Aalto, Natasha, who was wearing a full set of hunting suit, was riding a horse through the thin forest.

Suddenly, she put an arrow to her bow and shot it out fiercely. With great power and momentum, and twined with illusional space gaps, the arrow showed up in front of a big tree several hundred meters away in a blink of eye. It then penetrated dozens of thick trees one by one like a hot knife through butter. Finally, the arrow nailed a grey hare to the ground which had just jumped out of the bush.

The scene was like a sketch, and as if someone had made a hole in the middle of the trees using an eraser, everything in this picture was safe and sound except the trees.

Natasha, however, was not paying attention to the perfect shoot she just made. Instead, she looked eastward and saw the new, bright star.

She instantly recalled the scarlet moon incident a while ago.

“Is it because of him, again?” Murmured Natasha.

In the Holy City of Lance, the pope, Benedict II, was standing beside a window, holding the staff. The new star was under his close scrutiny.

“It’s not vanishing…”

“The track doesn’t make sense…”

“Based on the position… Is it from the Congress of Magic?”

Soon the pope calmed down. He gazed at the new star indifferently and observed its orbit. when he believed that he had understood and remembered all the information about it, the pope raised the staff, his body bending slightly backward. Benedict II half closed his eyes and said to the sky in a low voice,

“Almighty God of Truth, you are one and everyone.”

“You are the instant and the forever.”

“You are the creator and the master.”

As he was praying, a layer of white holy light covered him. The divine powers started collecting from above, and slowly spread out and covered the entire city and its surrounding areas.

Feeling the power, the Grand Cardinals, Divine Knights, the Cardinals, and the common followers all calmed down from the great shock of seeing the new star. The look on their face softened as they were deeply touched.

It was the air and power of the Lord!

“You are one and everyone.”

“You are the instant and the forever.”

Hundreds of thousands of people started praying. Under the dominating power, their voice joined together and an astonishing resonance was created.

The scene was beyond magnificent.

When the praying became louder and louder, the pope pointed at the sky with his staff!

In the sky, a white light spot emerged from nowhere. It grew bigger and bigger. Soon, its light became as bright as the artificial star and the sun.

From inside of the light ball, a beautiful and refreshing hymn came out. The entire sky became holy and clean.

In Lucien and the rest of the sorcerers’ eyes, the entire night sky had been lit up by the light ball. They could also faintly hear the hymn.

Lucien had expected that the Church would not keep the artificial star in the air for too long, since it was a great provocation to the authority of the Gold of Truth.

If sorcerers could create stars, then what was the God of Truth who was said to have created the world? Just a sorcerer who is a bit more powerful than the grand arcanists?

But what Lucien did not expect was that the Church would react in such an exaggerated manner.

The light ball became clearer and clearer. It seems that its inside was divided into seven layers. In the first layer, beautiful angels with a pair of wings and pure white souls were playing the wonderful hymn praising the true God on the pianos, harps, clarinets, and horns.

From the second layer to the fifth, the convivial scenes were similar. The angles and souls had nothing but pleasure and happiness to enjoy. The only difference was that the angels had more wings – there were Virtues, Principalities, and Cherubim.

In the sixth layer, there were the illusional figures of six Seraphim. They each stood in one direction, as if they were escorting the seventh layer.

In the seventh layer, besides the endless holy light spreading out, there was a Seraph holding canon. Lying prostrate beneath the light, the seraph was serving the God of Truth.

Lucien knew exactly what it was!

This was the real divine spell, which killed the last consul of the Magic Empire!

This was the real divine spell of great cost to the caster!

This was the real divine spell that only the pope could cast!

God’s Arrival!

While observing the divine spell very carefully, Lucien turned on the monocle permanently enchanted with electromagnetism messaging to test how the artificial planet responded to signals.

In the light ball, all the angels burst out pure divine light, and the light joined with that of the seventh layer. Like ocean waves, the light spread out and covered the entire sky.

“This is the response from Antiffler No. 1…”

Then the sound of electrical noise took over.

Staring at the sky which had turned milky white from the holy light, hearing the electrical noise, Lucien subconsciously compared the power to that of the God of Silver Moon and concluded that, although the two powers were within the same level, Alterna was slightly weaker.

Then again, this was just a vague conclusion drawn by a senior-rank sorcerer. Maybe it was far from being accurate. Even for a legendary like Douglas or Dracula, evaluating these kinds of power could be very difficult.

The reason why the artificial planet was named Antiffler No. 1 was that Antiffler was the capital city of the ancient Sylvanas Magic Empire, where Douglas was born and grew up.

A mysterious gate drawn with countless constellation symbols suddenly showed up in front of Fernando, Lucien, and the other sorcerers. Douglas in his grey magic robe staggered out of it. The colorful gems circling above his head had mostly disappeared.

However, Douglas was in a high spirit. His excitement could not be hidden on his genial face.

“Finally, I’ve experienced God’s Arrival…

“Unless he wants to fall early, the pope won’t be able to use God’s Arrival in the next five years!”

Lucien finally realized why the president made the artificial planet so bright. It was not simply for showing off his achievement.

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