The Boss Behind The Game

Chapter 194 - The Surging Undercurrent

Chapter 194: The Surging Undercurrent

A white glint appeared in Mu Zhiguang’s dark eyes. His mouth was moving slightly and a croaky voice resounded in Hu He’s ears.

“You’re not my clansman. How did you get here?”

Hu He was startled by the sudden voice in his ears for he had never dealt with the Mu Te Sea Clan before.

Mu Zhiguang’s question somehow made him tongue-tied. After all, he could not just say that he got here accidentally while he was trying to steal his clansman’s corpse.

“Why did the ghost lamp escort you here? What ties do you have with my clansman?” the croaky voice rang again.

“Ahem…that’s a long story,” Hu He revealed an awkward expression on his face as he met Mu Zhiguang’s blank stare. His brain churned as he tried hard to fumble for a worthy excuse.

“Just tell me your purpose for coming here!” Mu Zhiguang shook his head gently.

“My purpose… Boss Mu, do you know that your Mu Te Sea Empire is gone?” Hu He spoke after thinking for a moment.

“It has collapsed for a long time. What’s left to be gone?” Mu Zhiguang’s tone was plain.

“No, what I mean is… your remaining clansmen are all gone.”

Hearing this, Mu Zhiguang’s indifferent expression cracked a little.

He had dedicated his whole life for the sake of his clan. Even when they treated him as a heretic and intended to execute him, they were always his clansmen, bound by blood in Mu Zhiguang’s eyes. Such a bond will never dissipate, and it was his most precious possession.

So, when he heard that the last generation of his clansmen was gone, Mu Zhiguang could no longer remain calm.

“Tell me the reason!”

This time, the note of anger in Mu Zhiguang’s voice was obvious.

Thinking on his feet, Hu He blurted, “They were exterminated by the Sea King, the commander of the Sea King’s Navy!”

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Palace, the Sea King was pouring wine into his mouth from a giant golden wine cup. Suddenly, his countenance grew solemn.

For a moment, a vague premonition crossed his heart.

Most of them who had reached his level would have some form of premonitions. Although these premonitions might not be accurate, they would not show out of thin air without certain verifications. This made the Sea King feel agitated as he pondered on the unknown force that was targeting him.

“Who is the Sea King? And why did he exterminate my clansmen!?”

“He’s the commander of the Sea King Navy, the overlord of the Void Ocean! Does he even need a reason to exterminate your clansmen? He could’ve just done it because he felt like doing it!” Hu He explained hastily.

Mu Zhiguang was speechless.

“Are you sent by my clansman to inform me of this?” Mu Zhiguang asked.

“That’s right!”

“Why didn’t he just come in person?”

A tinge of suspicion flashed across Mu Zhiguang’s eyes. He had a hunch that Hu He was not very trustworthy, however, since it was the ghost lamp that brought him here, he had no choice but to believe him.

“He was severely injured and had passed on right after he placed me into the Mu Te Coffin,” putting on a sorrowful face, he tried to squeeze out some tears but to no avail.

“Understood. The new overlord of the Void Ocean, is it? It’s time for me to go out and have a look!” Mu Zhiguang said as he slowly rose to his feet.

At the same time, the statue beneath his feet began to shake with deafening wails reverberated from below. Large numbers of eerie green silhouettes swirled and expanded as they grasped in the upward direction ferociously.

“Hmph!” Mu Zhiguang snorted. All of a sudden, the enormous statue raised its foot and stamped furiously.


An undercurrent started to surge and the wails ceased instantly. The eerie green silhouettes that had emerged were torn to shreds by this overwhelming power.

“What’s under there?” Hu He questioned as he stared at the statue’s feet.

He could clearly see a spiraling dark pit just now when the enormous statue raised its foot. He caught a glimpse of innumerable twisting tentacles inside it.

“The Dead Clan, a squirm of emotionless abyssal parasites!” Mu Zhiguang replied faintly.

“So you were suppressing them? What’d happen if you let them out?” Hu He could not hide his curiosity.

“Let them out?” hearing this, a hint of anger flashed past Mu Zhiguang’s eyes.

These intruders – the Dead Clan, were in fact the reason behind the collapse of the Mu Te Sea Empire, a once glorious nation. The hatred of genocide had once driven him mad, to the extent at which he plunged into the abyss and was resolved to perish together with them.

However, Mu Zhiguang realized that it was impossible to wipe the Dead Clan out after decades of endless bloodshed in the abyss. The only method was to suppress and seal them.

Mu Zhiguang was, by no doubt, unreconciled back then. Nevertheless, he still chose to sacrifice his physical body eventually to suppress the abyss beneath the ocean. With that, he intended to bury the Dead Clan deep under the abyss for all eternity and never to be reawakened.

This was his revenge against the Dead Clan of the abyss.

Thus, it really set Mu Zhiguang off when Hu He mentioned letting them go.

“Is there anything else that you want to say?”

“Ah, that’s it!”

“Okay, I got it!”

As he finished his sentence, two beams of black light shot from his eyes. It was then Hu He’s body was torn apart instantly and turned to a wisp of dark mist.

He got a feeling that Hu He was hiding something. Even if Hu He had been the benefactor of his clan, it did not make much difference to Mu Zhiguang since he was not his clansman. He had never been merciful toward people who were not of his clan.

Just then, Mu Zhiguang reached out his hand and grasped the place where Hu He had died.

Hmm? Slightly puzzled, Mu Zhiguang grasped once again… and again…

His soul disappeared?

He had originally planned to extract Hu He’s soul and check on the truth of his words. Never did he expect Hu He’s soul to simply disappear without a trace.

The scene was rather spooky to him. As a wielder of the power of death, he could clearly sense Hu He’s soul just moments ago while he was standing before him. His soul was suddenly gone once he was dead. This was a little beyond his comprehension.

After a moment of silence, Mu Zhiguang stomped his foot lightly. Immediately, the enormous statue began to glitter with dirt peeling off its body as if the statue was coming alive.

“Spirit of Mu Te, I leave this place in your hands for now. I’m going up to take a look at what’s going on!”


Huge waves spread across the surrounding sea, almost like a response to Mu Zhiguang’s request.

After giving his instructions, Mu Zhiguang morphed into a beam of black light as he sped toward the water’s surface.

In the meantime on the Liuli Coast, Liu Chai, who was enjoying roasted fish with his friends, was shocked to find his right arm trembling involuntarily.

“What’s wrong, boss?” a guild member asked curiously.

“No idea, it just trembles uncontrollably!” Liu Chai was perplexed, too.

“Maybe you have overused it… take it easy!” Sun Qi the dog, who was seated close by, commented subconsciously.


At the summit of the Cliffs of Desperation, the black skeleton next to the pillar pagoda started to vibrate all of a sudden, too. At the same time, the white-haired old man appeared and gave the black skeleton a good kick. It stopped vibrating at once.

“The atrocious Mu Zhiguang is back!” the white-haired old man stated plainly as he gazed toward the distant Void Ocean.

“Who’s stronger, that lad or you?” a pair of crimson eyes emerged at the summit. It was staring tauntingly at the white-haired old man as it spoke.

“He might be comparable to me in his full form. But now, I can defeat him without my hands!” the white-haired old man glanced at the pair of crimson eyes before he replied.

“You’re boasting, lad!” the Demonic God laughed.

“Oh yeah, I have never understood why you’ve never requested a pardon from the Great Emperor. With your capabilities, your name will appear on the Underworld God List once you pass the test. You will then become a god recognized by the underworld and take command of your own territory! Isn’t that wonderful?” the Demonic God asked suddenly.

“Request a pardon? That sounds boring. There’s actually another path to becoming a god!” the white-haired old man shook his head.

The Demonic God seemed surprised when he heard this. His crimson eyes constricted rapidly, “You’re a mad man after all!”

The white-haired old man gave a light smile at his remarks. His hair swayed wildly in the wind while he murmured and stared into the distant sky, “Things are only interesting with challenges, else I will be lost again!”

His long robe rattled in the wind, revealing a special ancient character amulet hung around his belt.

Back in the crystal palace, the Sea King was still contemplating the bad premonition he felt earlier during his meal. Suddenly, his expression changed drastically as a piece of half-chewed meat fell from his mouth.

“Damn it! Which bastard did this!?”

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