Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 1094 - Pill king tournament

Chapter 1094: Pill King Tournament



Although there were all sorts of auctions and trade gatherings at Pill City, Ye Mo never went out. He had been upgrading and getting used to the Purple Flower Fire.

Five days passed quickly and the first day of the tournament arrived. The entire square was filled with people. Countless cultivators all rushed over. Luckily this square was huge, and it didn't feel too packed even with a few hundred thousand people cluttered there. The big sects even had their own private areas.

Some cultivators who didn't like coming to the square already had all sorts of viewing formations set up as well.

Xin Zhida was arranged to sit at the front row, and then Gu Wenqian took Ye Mo to the contestant area.

There were tens of times more people watching than at the pill concoction hall of fame tournament, but there were far fewer contestants.

Ye Mo looked and there were about 500 people, but this group of 500 probably consisted of the highest level pill concocters in the whole South Peace State.

Gu Wenqian knew every contestant here by heart and kept introducing those pill kings with a shot at winning to Ye Mo.

Other than the level four pill king Ji Youting, there was 7 star sect Green Pill Sect's level four Pill King Qiu Niansheng. Pill City's level five Pill King Xu Banchang, level four Pill King Wang Mao. Solo cultivator level three Pill King Zong Shidao, and Clear Dream Mosque's level four Pill Queen Qing Die.

Although Ye Mo wasn't worried about level five pill kings participating, he felt it wouldn't quite be easy to get into the top three.

But when Gu Wenqian introduced Pill Queen Qing Die, Ye Mo took special notice. This nun didn't look old but was already at the hollow spirit state and a level four pill king. Ye Mo couldn't help but exclaim at how many geniuses there were in the South Peace State.

Just when Ye Mo was watching Pill Queen Qing Die, he felt someone look at him. He turned around casually and saw a light-blue-dressed female cultivator staring at him with eyes full of joy.

Qing Muxin! He was also a little elated seeing her. After all, they came from the same place and knew each other.

Thinking about this, Ye Mo walked up to her and said, "Martial Sister Muxin, I really didn't expect to be able to see you here. This is my communication bead. Maybe we can have a talk at my place after the tournament."

Ye Mo really wanted to know how she became a pill king at the golden core state level and how she came to the South Peace State and became a sect member of the Heartless Valley.

Qin Muxin was about to take the communication bead happily but before her hand even touched it, she heard a cold voice say to Ye Mo, "Piss off."

A white jade-like hand slapped the communication bead aside. Even Ye Mo didn't have time to react.

Ye Mo took back the communication bead and felt his hand burn with pain even after a while. He glared coldly at the female cultivator who had slapped his hand away. She was also wearing the Heartless Valley uniform, but her power was at the hollow spirit state tertiary stage.

Ye Mo touched his wrist. That slap had almost broken it! This female cultivator was too powerful, and she was on par with Qin Muxin in terms of looks. But she stared at Ye Mo with an extremely bleak face as though Ye Mo had done something extremely offensive to her.

"Martial Aunt Hen Yu, what are you—" Qin Muxin was really unhappy with what the female cultivator did, but she didn't dare say it.

"Muxin, you're too young. Don't talk to these random males. Remember, we're from the Heartless Valley," the female cultivator said.

Qin Muxin didn't dare to directly rebuke her words but said hesitantly, "But before, Pill King Hu Wen came to our valley and…"

The female cultivator understood. Pill King Hu Wen seemed to know Ye Mo as well as they were just together.

Ye Mo ignored that female cultivator and smiled to Qin Muxin, "Martial Sister Muxin, if you're not doing well, you can come find me at any time."

Then Ye Mo left. This Hen Yu was too repulsive. Qin Muxin was a pill king, she would be welcomed anywhere. If she didn't like it at Heartless Valley, she could come to his Mo Yue City.

"What's the meaning of that?" What Ye Mo didn't expect was that as soon as he turned around that Hen Yu would stop him, questioning him in an extremely angry and cold tone as though she would kill Ye Mo if Ye Mo didn't give her a reason.

Ye Mo said plainly, "What's that got to do with you? Piss off."

"You're asking to die!" The female cultivator's face went green. How dared someone tell her to piss off? Without hesitation she released a flying sword and was about to attack Ye Mo.

"How dare you!" a deep voice sounded, and a huge cultivation essence hand appeared, swooping her out of the contestant area.

Hen Yu stumbled to the ground, and her face was red, but she didn't dare to go into the contestant area to speak with Ye Mo again.

The Heartless Valley was an 8 star sect, a powerful one at that, but they were far from being able to do what they wanted in Pill City.

Ye Mo bowed to the old man who had thrown her out. That Hen Yu was at hollow spirit state level eight, and it would be easy for her to kill him, yet a cultivator like that was thrown out like a trash can. In the cultivation realm, power really was everything.

That old man was clearly at the truth realization state.

The old man nodded to Ye Mo and said loudly, "Today is the pill king tournament of Pill City that happens once every 50 years. Pill kings and pill masters, please enter the contestant area. Irrelevant people, leave now."

The accompanying cultivators soon left the contestant area, and the place became freed up.

Most people were listening intently to the old man's words, but Ning Qingxue wasn't. She just kept using her spirit sense to scan the square and was feeling more and more worried.

If it were some ordinary person doing this, they would've long been warned, but when people saw it was this extremely beautiful female cultivator who was from the Ethereal Immortal Pond, people didn't really mind, especially when they realized it was Ning Qingxue.

Ning Qingxue's face grew more and more pale. If she couldn't find Ye Mo today, then it would be really hard to find him again.

"Martial Sister Ning?" Huang Ping saw Ning Qingxue's face and knew what she was looking for.

"I'm fine." Ning Qingxue forced herself to calm down.

"Although our South Peace State takes pill masters seriously, the path of pill concoction is very hard. It not only requires very good talent but also cultivation resources, wealth, as well as good fortune. So these past few hundred years, we have had very few high level pill masters and pill kings. Now, more than half of the current pill kings and pill masters are gathered in Pill City."

"I don't need to explain the value of a pill king. The top ten pill kings of this tournament will be heavily rewarded by Pill City. I won't publish the rewards for now, but I believe everyone is greatly anticipating this. Furthermore Pill City will request the top ten pill kings to concoct pills for free for three days. The top 50 will also do the same," the truth realization state old man said.

The square burst into joy. Many cultivators came precisely to find a pill concoction master or to get to know one. This news was a huge stroke of fortune!

Many cultivators started gathering their spirit herbs in preparation for pill concoction.

The truth realization state old man suppressed the noise on the square and said, "Now let us invite Pill City's level seven Pill King Guan Tian, who is also our Vice City Lord, to announce the contestants and judges."

Gu Wenqian sound transmissioned to Ye Mo. "Pill King Guan Tian is a disaster transformation state peak cultivator and one of the two level seven pill kings in Pill City."

Ye Mo saw the grey-robed middle-aged man walk out. No wonder someone like him could become a Vice City Lord of a 10 star city!

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