Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 1275 - He… is Arid Triad!

Chapter 1275: He… is Arid Triad!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Ming opened his eyes.

His right eye looked seemed to contain countless planets in it. They had endless Yin Death Aura, and it was… Harmonious Morus Alba Expanse Cosmos’ True Immortal Sect World.

His left eye was a void. It was empty, like a ruin, and a calmness that felt like dead stillness spread out from it, but in that empty space was a bright sun, and it… was the current True Morning Dao World.

The two Great True Worlds had perfectly fused with Su Ming’s will. When he closed his eyes, he was a True World, and when he opened his eyes, he was Su Ming.

The vertical line at the center of his brow marking his third eye was reminiscent of a butterfly when it spread its wings, which caused Su Ming to look like a powerful warrior from Arid Triad Expanse Cosmos but also a Child of Morus Alba from Harmonious Morus Alba Expanse Cosmos.

However… he was a Child of Morus Alba who was different from all the rest and was one whose existence was unprecedented.

His skin was incredibly pale, which made it look like didn’t have a lot of power. In fact, he gave off the feeling that he was very frail and weak, but with this sort of body, when Su Ming opened his eyes and extended his right hand out of the cocoon to tear it slightly open, an astonishing power erupted from him. It was so strong that it would make a person feel as if there were blades cutting into their eyes when they saw it.

Cracking sounds spread out as Su Ming tore the crack on the cocoon wider. Then, he lifted his left hand, and the cocoon was instantly ripped apart both ways, allowing Su Ming to slowly walk out from within.

He walked out naked, but the next moment, he turned his head around and swung his right hand. The cocoon immediately melted to turn into a white robe that covered his body.

He stared at the galaxy before slowly closing his eyes again. He could sense that his body had become unprecedentedly stronger. He felt complete, from having merged with his other self from this Expanse Cosmos. His physical power… felt like it no longer had any flaws!

All lives practiced cultivation because they wanted to mend the flaws in their bodies, but at that moment, it was clear that no flaws could be detected in Su Ming’s physical body any longer… because he was complete!

A body without flaws gave Su Ming a strong feeling that even if he came face to face with a cultivator in Avacaniya Realm… it would be hard for them to affect him.

His soul had also become complete. His level of cultivation might still be stuck at only having his spirit ascend once, but at that moment, Su Ming was very certain that he could have his spirit ascend up to five times.

The endless path of the powerful was now clearly presented before Su Ming. After a long while… he opened his eyes. At the instant he did so, he… sensed the entire True World move.

Or rather, all of Harmonious Morus Alba Expanse Cosmos was moving. This sort of movement was a constant. It moved at all times, but since he was in the Expanse Cosmos, he did not notice it.

And only Su Ming could sense it, since his will was in two True Worlds. It was also because his life had become complete at that moment that this feeling became even clearer.

Not only was Harmonious Morus Alba Expanse Cosmos moving, Arid Triad Expanse Cosmos… was also moving. They were both moving based on a fixed pattern.

“Tell me the truth.”

After a long while, Su Ming spoke languidly. There was not a single person who could be detected around him, but Su Ming’s voice still echoed in space, because he could sense a huge will so great that it was indescribable in the area. Su Ming did not find it unfamiliar.

He understood that this familiarity came from his other self, and the vast will that was familiar to him… could only be Harmonious Morus Alba from this Expanse Cosmos.

“There is no truth…”

A muffled voice with a thick ancient air echoed around Su Ming. That voice might have appeared suddenly, but it gave off a feeling that it should have always been in this galaxy.

“If there is truly one… then you can try to perceive it yourself. I will… let you perceive it.”

The muffled voice echoed in space calmly, as if there was not a single shred of emotion contained in it, but when it landed in Su Ming’s heart, he could detect plenty of emotions, such as anguish, resignation, lamentation, and melancholy…

At the same time the voice appeared, Harmonious Morus Alba’s will swiftly rushed at Su Ming and instantly enveloped him. It extended outwards until it touched his body, but did not forcefully seep into him. Instead, it stopped.

A thought appeared in Su Ming’s head. In silence, he did not choose to resist, but instead had his divine sense scatter, allowing Harmonious Morus Alba’s will to fuse into him, and at that instant… it became connected to his will.

Su Ming’s mind instantly roared. His vision became blank, as if his soul had left his body and was continuously rising, rising, rising…

Ten thousand years seemed to pass, but it also seemed as if only a moment was gone. When Su Ming’s mind became clear, he saw… a scene that he would never forget, a scene that shook his soul.

It was a vast, empty space. No planets could be seen. No dazzling light could be detected. It was just like the beginning of any galaxy… There was no end to this place, only a vastness that could not be described with words.

In that vast space, Su Ming stared into the distance. He saw light. It was a colorful light, and as wings flapped, the light gradually entered his eyes.

There were… nine butterflies!

There were nine butterflies in this vast galaxy, and they were the only things that existed there, only things that flapped their wings, and only things that caused Su Ming to focus his attention on them!

The nine butterflies were of different sizes. Their wings might be colorful, but there were slight differences between each of them. They flew in the galaxy and were the most dazzling scene within it.

“They… are all Harmonious Morus Albas. They are born along with the universe, and they take on the shape of the universe itself…”

Harmonious Morus Alba’s muffled voice reached Su Ming’s ears. It lasted for a long time in space and sounded nostalgic.

Su Ming stared at the vision in a daze. He could not tell which of the butterflies was the Harmonious Morus Alba he currently existed in. As he continued observing in silence, he saw the nine butterflies gradually fly into the distance, as if not even they knew where they belonged to.

In fact… there was one butterfly that seemed to be sentimentally attached to this galaxy. It grew slower before it eventually stopped, as if it did not want to continue flying into the distance. The other eight butterflies circled around it a few times, as if they were saying their goodbyes to it before they left.

At that moment, only one butterfly remained in the vast galaxy. It circled around the area. When it flapped its wings, it felt as if the entire galaxy trembled. When its wings overlapped with each other, it felt as if they became only one wing, and during that moment, the entire galaxy fell into dead silence.

Gradually, the butterfly stopped moving and no longer flew or circled around the area. Instead, it quietly stopped moving and looked… to have closed its eyes.

But it was still moving its wings slightly.

“It is me…” Harmonious Morus Alba’s voice echoed in Su Ming’s ears. There was a melancholic tone in that voice, along with very complicated emotions. It was as if it was feeling sentimental about a period of time in the past.

Its wings were colorful and very complicated, but if anyone took a closer look, they would be able to tell that the patterns on the wings were exactly the same. When they overlapped with each other, it became even more difficult to tell them apart…

When he saw this, Su Ming’s heart trembled with a bang. He saw the right wing of the butterfly in front of him grow endlessly larger. The colorful picture on it too grew larger, and as it continued without stopping, Su Ming saw a galaxy contained in it.

That wing was a galaxy!

It seemed to contain a border, but in truth, this border was difficult to discern. In that galaxy, Su Ming saw various lives be born. He saw the galaxy being split apart, and Almighties appearing to lead all forms of life…

Countless powerful warriors showed up, and some of them even made Su Ming’s heart shudder when he looked at them. Time seemed to flow faster, and it felt as if one hundred thousand, one million, and an even longer period of time passed.

When the lives in the galaxy in the right wing reached the peak in their development and a certain number of Almighties appeared, one day, the butterfly flapped its wings slowly, and they two wings overlapped with each other.

At the moment they overlapped with each other… Su Ming saw the destruction of all lives. The galaxy in the right wing was not the only one destroyed. Arid Triad, which existed in the left wing, was also destroyed.

This… was one aeon!

“This is… antecedent of the truth you want.”

Harmonious Morus Alba’s will sighed softly. Its ancient voice echoed in Su Ming’s mind again and lingered there.

Each time Harmonious Morus Alba’s wings overlapped, one aeon would pass. Su Ming stared at all of this in a daze. The wings were two galaxies, and in the middle was the body of the butterfly. At that moment… Su Ming remembered the vortex known as Yin Death and Bright Yang!

After an unknown amount of time passed, he saw the butterfly spread its wings… and a new aeon was born.

New lives appeared, new Almighties astonished the universe, the wings overlapped again… and another aeon was over!

The cycle of destruction and birth continued. The aeons intersected with each other before leaving. Su Ming saw too many lives, up to a moment he forgot just how many aeons he witnessed.

He saw the birth of the galaxy in the left wing, saw the destruction of the galaxy in the right wing. He saw the disaster that appeared every single time the wings overlapped with each other, and the birth of new lives when two Expanse Cosmoses appeared at the same time.

It was indeed just like a mirror. The interior and exterior of the mirror was the exact same.

It seemed to be an ancient law in the universe which no one could change. It could only continue operating in this manner without end. They could only search for the eternity they longed for but could not find between thr destruction and birth.

This lasted until one aeon. Su Ming saw the birth of a life in the galaxy in the left wing. This life was born an ordinary mortal, and he watched his entire life… until he stood on the peak and became the Chosen of the galaxy.

His power was matchless. In fact, when Su Ming observed him, he found that this person was… the most powerful person who had ever appeared in the two Expanse Cosmoses on the butterfly’s wings!

When that person was born, another version of him appeared in the galaxy in the right wing. Since the two of them were one, when the version of this person became a Chosen in the left wing, the other version in the right wing also stood at the peak of the universe.

The butterfly’s wings were about to overlap soon. Right when the world was about to be destroyed… That person… chose to become the first form of life to fuse with his other self in the right wing, and he became the first life in the butterfly’s Expanse Cosmoses to reach completion!

“He… is Arid Triad!”

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