The Famous Millionaire

Chapter 250 - Chapter 244

Chapter 250: Chapter 244

Producer Ilgun Kwon felt the same thing. He wondered what they looked like without masks whenever he looked at them on TV.

As the director pointed out, Hyunwoo’s draft program was only filled with the happenings of the past, skipping what the public was most curious about.

The director continued, “If we don’t deal with the masked dancers in the program featuring Ani & Funny, it’s like a cookie without the filling. Our viewers can point fingers at us, blaming that the program has no substance.”

“Got it. Let me insert that portion in it.”

“As I feel it, it looks like they won’t reveal the identities of the masked dancers anytime soon. Do you have any ideas?”

Producer Kwon could not answer readily.

Of course, he could find it out if he was really determined, but he would have to turn to unreasonable methods to do so.

And what’s more important was how to get the consent of the persons involved or the president of the company that they were affiliated with.

Kwon felt it would be an impossible task.

Giggling at him, the director said, “Have you ever met a man who doesn’t like a woman? In particular, any man with power or wealth usually has one or two mistresses. Are you just looking only at your wife all the time?”

That was true. But Hyunwoo was an exception.

“Hyunwoo is not married,” said Kwon.

“I know that. Do you think I don’t know that? That’s why you must make do a background check on him secretly. Isn’t it reasonable to think that such a guy with wealth and in good health must have a girlfriend? If you investigate it well, you might be able to find out something to control him.”

Kwon felt as if it became bright in front of his eyes. If there was something that Hyunwoo had to hide, and if Kwon could find it, everything would go in his favor.

“You have a keen sense of figuring him out, boss. Let me find it out by all means.”

“Don’t act recklessly. If you do, you might strain your relationship with him without getting anything. Let me report your feature idea on Ani & Funny to the president. Probably he will approve it in its original form.”

“Got it, boss.”

After coming out of the director’s office, Kwon called Hyunwoo right away.

“Hey, Hyunwoo, you are touching on the masked dancers in your special program, right? Isn’t it time that you revealed their faces by the time we broadcast it?”

“Not yet. I’m going to reveal them some other time. You should not touch on them this time. Even if you find out who they are, you should keep quiet about it.”

“Sorry to hear that. That’s what our viewers are most curious about. As you don’t want to reveal them this time, I won’t force you, of course.”

Kwon gave in without any hesitation. Given the way he spoke to Hyunwoo without reserve, it seemed he stopped caring about it once and for all.

But he didn’t, deep inside.

I have no other choice then. Let me find out some other way.

After the call, he called a rookie reporter secretly and gave him a secret instruction.

But the reporter made a perplexed expression. Kwon knew how to deal with rookies like him.

“Don’t do it if you don’t want it. If you don’t seize the chance when it comes along, I won’t help you grow here.”

“No, sir, I’ll do as instructed.”

Kwon called a couple of other rookies and gave them the same instruction. And he made a satisfied expression.

Now a net has been cast. Let me wait for the fish to be caught in the net.


Hyunwoo entrusted Kwangu Han, the representative of Real Film, with making the special program on Ani & Funny. As Kwangsu already made four programs about KOVE DREAM, he was now an expert in the field.

“You can count on me!” said Kwangsu confidently.


This time Hyunwoo called Jaeyol Song with Korean Broadcasting.

Jaeyol was pretty upset because Hyunwoo gave Seoul Broadcasting a feature program idea.

“Please calm down, brother. Let’s have a drink during the weekend.”

“Give me a program idea instead of a drink, man.”

“Let me give you one next time. Are you available this Saturday?”

Hyunwoo kept trying his best to please him, and finally, Jaeyol relented, pretending not to resist.

“Okay, Hyunwoo. The bill is on you, right?” asked Jaeyol.

“Of course.”

Hyunwoo hung up the phone pleasantly and went back to his daily routine.

He went to Haenim School in the morning, then headed for KOVE DREAM around noon and stopped by Ani & Funny before going back to Haenim School.

As he was terribly busy like that, time passed quickly. He felt that it Sunday was just yesterday, but it was already approaching Saturday.

Today, he slept a little late. As he was busy all through the week, he could slack off during the weekend.

He got up and ran along the road around his house as usual. Instead of completely giving up hiking on the weekend, he tried to stay fit by doing a morning workout.

While he was running, he naturally thought of Yu Zuung. If she were in the dorm near his house, she would be running with him around this time.

But she was in Seoul now, most likely asleep after managing a grueling schedule every day.

Suddenly, he felt sorry for her.

She once told him that she was accustomed to going to sleep and waking up early since she was a child. But her schedule in Seoul was the opposite. Often, she started her day late in the afternoon and wrapped up her work late at night. Sometimes, she worked into the wee hours of the morning.

No matter how fit she was, she must have been exhausted by now. As she had to hide her real identity, she also must have felt lonely.

I think I’m giving her a hard time by bringing her here. So sorry.

He suddenly conjured up her image in the air but found it hard to recall her beautiful face by just imagining.

“Damn it. I’ve seen her too often on TV.”

These days the song ‘Temptation’ was played on TV more often than not, whenever he turned it on.

On such occasions, he would stare at Yu Zuung only, though Jiah and Soyun were the other dancers. He fixed his eyes on Yu Zuung for no reason. But her face was always hidden behind the mask, so Hyunwoo usually recalled her dancing in a sexy costume.

There was a strong temptation in his mind to take off her mask and confirm if her face was okay. And he even wanted to hug her tightly and let her dance in his arms.

He seemed to lean toward her instead of Suji before he knew.

He wanted to see Yu Zuung.

Fortunately, he had an appointment with Jaeyol in Seoul today.

Let me see her during my stay in Seoul.

After sweating a lot from running, Hyunwoo went back to his house.

When he got home, he saw Suji who was about to leave. And a man was waiting for her outside.

He was Jungsu Pae, her senior in college and a prosecutor who was recently assigned to the Ansan Prosecutor’s Office. As if he had an appointment with Suji, he was escorting her into a luxurious sports car.

Suji and Jungsu also saw him coming back from running.

Suji got into the car without casting a glance at him as if she saw a stranger.

Instead, Jungsu said hello, “How are you? Glad to see you again.”

Hyunwoo also gladly shook his hand.

He had no reason to feel upset. When he saw Suji, he still felt heartbroken, but he had no intention to beg for her love.

Maybe his love of Suji was no more as intense as before.

But he didn’t resent her because he was the culprit of her defection.

“We have an alumni meeting in Seoul today.”

Jungsu tipped him off on her schedule even though Hyunwoo didn’t ask.

Hyunwoo just nodded without any reaction and looked at her in the car.

He could hardly see her as the glass was tinted, but she was looking elsewhere.

It seemed she tried to avoid him as much as possible.

Jungsu got in the driver’s seat and drove for Seoul.

In some respects, Jungsu might be a better mate for Suji. Jungsu was much more homely than him, Hyunwoo thought.

Yeah, let me wish them happiness.

Hyunwoo went back to his room and took a quick shower.

Then, he left for Seoul to meet Jaeyol. It was already around noon.

By now I guess Yu Zuung must out of her bed.

Hyunwoo called her. In fact, he wanted to call her for some time to hear her voice.

But he was worried his call might wake her up.

Despite repeated ringing, she didn’t answer the phone.

Is she still sleeping?

Hyunwoo was about to hang up the phone when she picked it up. Obviously, she had been woken up by the call, given her sleepy voice.

“Sorry, I woke you up.”

“No, thanks for waking me up. As I have a schedule in the afternoon, I should have woken up by now anyway.”

“You must be very tired.”

“I’m alright. I think I’m used to it already,” said she with a cheerful voice.

“In fact, I am about to head for Seoul right now. Shall we go shopping together? How about having a meal together?”

“Oh, I’m fully booked from late afternoon until late at night.”

Hyunwoo made a slight frown at that. Obviously, he was thinking of going on a date with her.

“It looks like I can’t see you today.”

“I think it will be over before midnight. See you then. I would like to see your face a lot.”

Hyunwoo’s expression brightened a lot. Her voice when she said she missed his face seemed to echo in his mind. His mood was up and down, depending on her reply.

“That sounds good. Let me call you then.”

“You promised to call me. I’ll hate you if you don’t call.”

Hyunwoo’s face was brighter now. He conjured up the image of her taking his call at the moment. Though he could vaguely imagine her face initially, it became clear now thanks to her voice.

“Got it. I’ll call you.”

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After finishing the call, Hyunwoo drove to Seoul. Though he was driving there for an appointment with Jaeyol, he had Yu Zuung on the brain. He wasn’t interested in what he wanted to talk with Jaeyol, but he just imagined what he would do when he met her.

Drink beer with her? Or do I have to buy her a gift?

He felt happy while driving thanks to her.

As he left for Seoul earlier than usual, he arrived at the appointed place a bit early. Fortunately, Jaeyol also arrived at the same time.

Jaeyol was still in a bad mood. As soon as he met Hyunwoo, he began to complain about Hyunwoo’s deal with Seoul Broadcasting.

“Are you really going to do it? Given our close ties, I hope you will not,” said Jaeyol.

Though he grumbled, Jaeyol also tried not to offend Hyunwoo.

“Haha, brother. I’ve already made the decision. Let’s stop talking about it anymore. Let me give you a better program item next time.”

“Really? Do you have one?”

Hyunwoo had no particular item in mind at the moment but suddenly recalled the masked dancers, the talk of the town these days.

In fact, he was reminded of that by pPoducer Kwon with Seoul Broadcasting. When Hyunwoo mentioned Any & Funny as Seoul Broadcasting’s feature program item, Kwon was more interested in the masked dancers.

With a bright smile Hyunwoo said, “I’ll reveal one of the masked dancers in the not-so distant future. Let me give it to you first as an exclusive scoop.”

As soon as Hyunwoo mentioned the masked dancers, Jaeyol’s eyes opened wider. But he suddenly lost interest when Hyunwoo mentioned only ‘one of the masked dancers.’ He even gave a snort.

Then he asked in a barely audible voice, “Are you going to mention Jiah?”

This time Hyunwoo’s eyes opened wide. Little did he think Jaeyol was already aware of Jiah’s identity.

Come to think of it, that was natural. Hyunwoo expected Jiah’s identity could be revealed early.

Jaeyol continued, “I hope you don’t think you can keep their identities secret forever. These days reporters are really persistent in digging up something. You had better disclose them sooner rather than later.”

Jaeyol advised him to advance the disclosure time.

He had a point. Hyunwoo would keep under wraps Soyun’s identity to the end, but he was thinking of disclosing the identity of Yu Zuung a bit early.

“Got it. Let me disclose one more at a proper time. Let me disclose her to you first.”

Jaeyol’s face brightened at that.

“Wow, you’re my brother, man! Thanks so much.”

Hugging Hyunwoo, Jaeyol patted him on the back with joy.

“By the way, do you know anybody at Seoul Broadcasting? Who are you going to give your program item?”

“I don’t know anyone there. Someone called me first.”

“Really? Looks like that guy has the nerve to do so. Haha.”

“I hear his name is Ilgun Kwon with the cultural affairs department,” said Hyunwoo frankly.

At that moment, Jaeyol’s bright smile disappeared and his expression hardened as if he should not have heard Kwon’s name.

“Ilgun Kwon? You mean that bulldog producer?”

“Do you know him well?”

At his question, Jaeyol raised his voice as if he got angry.

“How do I know that son of a bitch? How come you gave a scoop to such a guy?”

Hyunwoo was just dumbfounded.

In fact, he didn’t know anything about Kwon. He just talked with Kwon over the phone and responded to his request as they had common interests.

Hearing Jaeyol’s explanation, however, Kwon was a blemish on humanity.

“What kind of person is he?”

“How can I describe him in just one word? If I have to, he is the model of an opportunist. He is boundlessly weak to the strong and mercilessly strong to the weak. He would not bat an eye even if his colleagues were trampled for his own success.”

Jaeyol cursed and swore at Kwon.

He blamed not only Kwon but also his boss, the chief of the cultural affairs department of Seoul Broadcasting.

“I don’t think Kwon should ever be allowed to advance his career. The more he becomes powerful, the more those around him will be hurt,” Jaeyol said.

Hyunwoo was surprised as if he had the back of his head hit hard by somebody.

But he was prudent. He felt it was too hasty to judge the character of Kwon only based on Jaeyol’s criticism.

“Well, that may be a rumor,” said Hyunwoo.

“It could be. But I can assure you that Kwon and his boss are the worst. If you are in doubt, just ask any producer of the cultural affairs department to confirm what I said.”

But Hyunwoo didn’t feel it necessary to confirm. If he had another chance to do business with them, he would certainly rule them out. But this time, his deal with Kwon was already done. He could not cancel because of Kwon’s personality.

“It’s a done deal, brother. Just forget about it and drink some beer.”

Hyunwoo tried to break the ice and change the topic.

Only then did Jaeyol make a bright smile again and said, “Oh, sure. Haha. Let me take you to another bar this time. The bill is on me.”

Jaeyol took him to an expensive bar with magnificent interior and pretty waitresses.

“I like a plain bar better. Let’s have a drink.”

“Oh, I want to have a fling with a woman, man. I feel lonely these days.”

Jaeyol then forcibly led him into the bar. He ordered high-end whiskey and had pretty hostesses serve them. In fact, Hyunwoo was in his element in an environment like this.

What the heck. Let me enjoy as much as I can since I’m here anyway.

Hyunwoo just relaxed, drank whiskey, and made physical contact with the hostess serving him. As time went on, the two hostesses became much more sensual. They took turns taking off their clothes and putting their hands into Jaeyol and Hyunwoo’s pants.

It was natural that Jaeyol and Hyunwoo were turned on in that erotic mood.

Hyunwoo originally had no sexual desire, but now he badly wanted to have sex with the woman serving him even if he had to pay for it.

At that moment, his phone buzzed.

With an intoxicated eye, he checked out the caller.

Then he opened his bloodshot eyes wider.

Oh, I forgot I promised to meet Yu Zuung.

He completely slept on his promise while he talked with Jaeyol over drink and got carried away with the sensuality of the hostesses.

It was almost midnight.

Hyunwoo came out of the bar to answer the call from Yu Zuung.

“Sorry, I was going to call you. Where are you now?”

Hyunwoo spoke in a slow but clear voice to avoid slurring.

But Yu Zuung already got wind of that.

“Looks like you were drinking.”

“Oh, yeah. I met an acquaintance of mine this afternoon. Where are you? I can come now.”

“I’m almost at my studio house. Don’t come if you find it hard to stop by. You can come next time.”

“No, not at all. Let me come to your place right now.”

“Don’t drive yourself. You’re drunk.”

Hyunwoo scratched his head as she found out he was drunk.

“Got it. Let me call a chauffeur then.”

After the call, Hyunwoo came into the bar and said goodbye to Jaeyol.

Jaeyol protested, “How did you get that way? I’m going to treat you by all means today. If you don’t like this lady here, let me change.”

“No, brother. I have another appointment.”

“Which appointment?’

Jaeyol tried to hold him, telling him not to lie. But Hyunwoo could not tell him about his appointment with Yu Zuung.

“Do you really think I’m leaving because I am beholden to you? I really have a very important appointment, brother. If you keep holding me like this, that makes me uncomfortable.”

Only then did Jaeyol let go of him.

“Oh, man. I was going to have a fling with you tonight. Well, we can meet at another time. Haha.”

Hyunwoo parted with him and called for a chauffeur who could take him to Yu Zuung’s house.

It took about 30 minutes for him to arrive at her studio.

When he arrived, he sent her a text message.

<Are you asleep now?>

Though he wanted to call her, he didn’t want to wake her up if she was already asleep.

In less than ten seconds he sent the message, his phone buzzed.

<I’m not asleep yet.>

<I was trying to stay awake to wait for you.>

<Come out. Let’s have a beer>

<Shall we drink inside? I’m afraid I don’t want to go out as I’m a bit tired.>

Hyunwoo’s heart sank.

In fact, her one-room studio was not unfamiliar to him. He had been to this place before. On such occasions, there were only two of them in the room. Sometimes, they ordered roasted chicken to celebrate her birthday party.

But all that happened during the day. Hyunwoo was not drunk at all.

But now was different. It was too late at night. And Hyunwoo was drunk.

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