Gate of God

Chapter 401: The Double Dragon Roll Champion would shock the world and bring peace to the world!

Chapter 401: The Double Dragon Roll Champion would shock the world, and bring peace to the world!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

That feeling...

It was warm, almost as if his body had become a puddle of water. His wounds began to heal under the constant washing of this water.

The cells in his body were splitting and reassembling at a rapid pace. The dead cells were expelled and new ones took their place.

It was a strange but comfortable feeling.

"Super... Supernatural?"

Fang Zhengzhi thought about this instantly. He had seen this before. He had seen this when he successfully attacked Ying Shan in the World of the Sage.

He had used the Blazing Qilin Spear to stab Ying Shan in the back.

At that time, Ying Shan's wound had healed just as quickly. That was the gist of the Supernatural State.

It was the ability to heal oneself.

"I broke through?!" Fang Zhengzhi was stunned. After realizing that what was happening now was real, he had thought that everything that he saw in the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet was just a dream.

In that dream, he had felt the cleanliness and the calm of the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet. He felt as though he had been cleansed.


That was just a dream.

Did he really breakthrough in a dream?

Fang Zhengzhi was confused and lost. Could it be that the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet was not a dream? If it wasn't a dream, what was it?

Was it a parallel dimension?

Did he just teleport?

Why would he enter that world? Where was that world? Was it inside his body? Or...

Questions flew through Fang Zhengzhi's mind. He felt that this was rather inexplicable, but he could be sure of one thing.

He had broken through!

He had managed to break through to the Supernatural State!

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yun Qingwu instinctively. He wanted to say that since his wound had healed, he wanted to change the terms to include valuables instead.

However, he could not bring himself to say it.

Yun Qingwu was stunned by what she saw. This was an emotion that was rarely seen in Yun Qingwu's eyes.

After all, she was the young master of the Demons.

As the young master of the Demons, she should be calm and composed at all times. However, this time, she was utterly floored.

Yun Qingwu did not know what to think.

"Su... Super... natural?! You, you..." Yun Qingwu's lips quivered in shock.

How old was Fang Zhengzhi?

No more than 16 years old!

And he was already in the Supernatural State! A 16 year old Supernatural State human?! How is that possible?

Bai Xing, Wu Ji, and all of the demon elites were equally stunned by what they witnessed.

Their gazes locked onto Fang Zhengzhi's wound, which was closing up with each passing second. They knew what this meant.

"Supernatural State!"

"Fang Zhengzhi broke through to the Supernatural State?!"

"How is this possible?"

If there was one thing in this world that they could not bring themselves to believe, it was that Fang Zhengzhi had broken through to the Supernatural State.

This was something that should never have happened.

The entire Demon Race would be terrified by this news.

A 16-year-old Supernatural State human was a cause for fear. More importantly, this human was Fang Zhengzhi.

The unpredictable and shameless Fang Zhengzhi.

Most importantly, Fang Zhengzhi's pocket dimension had limitless potential. He had the ability to take the world by storm.

Bai Xing was rarely terrified of the possibility of a human surviving.

Even Xing Yuanguo had never struck any fear in his heart. Letting Xing Yuanguo live was not a terrifying prospect.

However, when he saw Fang Zhengzhi's wound healing, his hand began to tremble in fear.

A human can be a talent and a freak, but...


This was absolutely ridiculous!


As a Demon, Bai Xing's fear was understandable. However, even the 50,000 Great Xia soldiers were terrified.

"Fang Zhengzhi broke through? He is in the Supernatural State!"

"That's impossible!"

"Didn't he say that he had 388 Daos in his pocket dimension? How could he breakthrough with these many Daos? Why is it so simple?"

"How long has it been since he broke through to the Heavenly Reflection State?"

All of the candidates were terrified as well. However, their terror was laced with depression and jealousy.

It felt like they had been spending their entire lives researching something...

They poured everything they had into it for over a decade. Yet, upon looking up, their 10-year-old younger brother was running to them with something similar. It was almost as if their younger brother was shouting, "Brother, look at what I made in two hours! Am I good?"

At that time...

Any normal person would reply the same way.

F*ck you!

My hard work and time have been wasted!

All of the candidates felt that way. They were once proud of their achievements, believing that they were more powerful than everyone around them. However, when faced with Fang Zhengzhi and his unprecedented breakthrough to the Supernatural State, their achievements meant nothing.

The pain was immense.

Chen Feiyu felt it more than anyone else.

Chen Feiyu's feelings were inexplicable. If he could do it all over again, he would not break through to the Supernatural State and embarrass himself.

Xing Qingsui looked on with fear, surprise, and worry in his eyes.

Xing Yuanguo's expression was similar to that of his son's.

Xing Yuanguo looked as though he had just seen a star. He could not help but look at Fang Zhengzhi in admiration.

However, this star was so bright that it was hard for them to keep their eyes open.

"Did he breakthrough? He... broke through so quickly?" Xing Yuanguo was taken aback by what he saw.


There was no one else in the Great Xia Dynasty who could break through to the Supernatural State before the age of 16.

Did that mean that Fang Zhengzhi was the top talent?

Xing Yuanguo thought about the prophecy believed by everyone in the empire.

Did the prophecy still hold?

The Double Dragon Roll Champion would shock the world, and bring peace to the world!

"Supernatural State?! A Supernatural State cultivator with 388 Daos! Fang Zhengzhi... you have progressed faster than I expected!" Nangong Hao looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

He sheathed his sword.

However, his eyes continued to shine brightly. His battle intent was strong, a feeling that he rarely showed.

It was just like the time he had stood in front of Chi Guyan.

Nangong Hao had never compared anyone to Chi Guyan, not even when Fang Zhengzhi managed to go toe to toe against him.

But now...

He was eager to duel Fang Zhengzhi.


The rain continued to beat down on them.

Lightning continued to shoot across the sky, drawing huge cracks in the air and lighting up the ground below.

Yun Qingwu's hands opened up.

The Spectre Blade in her hand fell to the ground with a loud clang.

Moments ago, she did not care about dying. Even if she was going to die here, it would not be overly painful.

However, when she saw Fang Zhengzhi's wound heal completely, that determination disappeared like a puff of smoke.

The reason was that...

She could not die just yet.

Before this, she had thought that she had already done enough for the Demon Race. But now, she felt like she still had some unfinished business.

"I can make a deal with you, but there must be an expiry. Furthermore, there must be another condition placed on this expiry date." Yun Qingwu began to speak, her tone clearly different.

Did she agree?

Fang Zhengzhi had thought that he would need to say something else to convince her. However, it was simpler than he thought.

An expiry date was to be expected.

The terms could be negotiated.

Just as he was about to speak, he felt his body turning to jelly, almost as if he had just been electrified.

It felt as though he had been drained of all his energy.

What was going on?

Fang Zhengzhi could guess that it had something to do with his Supernatural State. Afterall, he had heard that the healing required a large amount of energy.

That was to be expected.

It was extremely difficult for the cells to regenerate. In order to so, a large amount of energy must be used.

But, he was different!

He was different from others. Others may just have a lake worth of energy, but he had an entire ocean!

Speaking of which...

Where was his ocean?

Fang Zhengzhi entered his pocket dimension and realized something strange. The huge tree in his pocket dimension was visibly different.

It was taller and lusher.

More importantly, all of the fruits on the tree were glowing brightly, streams of light swirling on the skin.

There were patterns of mountains, rivers, and clouds on the fruits...


Fang Zhengzhi could understand the changes to his tree. After all, he had just broken through, it was natural that the fruits on his tree had changed.


Why did the sea disappear?

He couldn't even find a single drop of water. The white mist that was so abundant in the sky had also disappeared without a trace.

He began to feel increasingly drowsy, so much so that he was struggling to open his eyes.

What was happening?

Why did his sea disappear?

Who used his sea?!

Hang on!

Those fruits...

Fang Zhengzhi saw a purple ray of light at last. That was the brightest light from his tree, and the fruit sat quietly at the top.

More importantly, the fruit had a small opening, and there was purple light swirling inside it, almost as if something was about to break out of the shell.

What was that?

Fang Zhengzhi did not manage to get a closer look. He exited from his pocket dimension, his legs turning to jelly.

Fang Zhengzhi had a sudden urge to fall to the ground.

"No, I haven't discussed the terms of the deal!" Fang Zhengzhi shook his head vigorously in an attempt to wake himself up. However, he had lost all control of his body.

Damn, is he going to faint?

He can't faint!

He had to last a little longer!

Fang Zhengzhi bit hard on his lip, a trickle of blood appearing instantly. This allowed him to regain some consciousness.

However, the drowsiness was too strong, so much so that he could not even stand up straight. His hand, which was on Yun Qingwu's dress, slipped downwards.


Fang Zhengzhi felt something soft. This feeling made him even more drowsy. Fang Zhengzhi was so drowsy that he could not be bothered by anything else.

"Yun Qingwu, I can't hold on!"

He leaned forward and hugged Yun Qingwu, one of his hands on her chest, the other around her waist.

This was an extremely humiliating pose, but he knew that he had to do this to guarantee his survival after he fainted.

"Fang Zhengzhi, you shameless b*stard!" Yun Qingwu's expression was cold. She did not move, allowing Fang Zhengzhi to continue touching her.

She had already decided that she had to live.

"Let's talk... terms..." Fang Zhengzhi had no intention of dragging this out. He was going to faint at any time.

"I can order the demons not to hunt you down. But, it will only apply whilst you are still in the Southern Region. Furthermore, you cannot attack any demons during this time, else, the deal is forfeited..."

"Okay." Fang Zhengzhi did not wait for Yun Qingwu to finish. In fact, he didn't even hear what Yun Qingwu said.

Then, he face planted straight into the ground.

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