Gate of God

Chapter 366: What Kind of Vengeance

Chapter 366: What Kind of Vengeance

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

This scene instantly stopped everybody in their movements.


This wasn't something that was extreme nor was it something strange for the people of this world. However, killing a scholar from the Court Examination in front of the public for no reason at all.

They were two different things altogether.

From an emotional, logical or legal point of view, any one of these deemed that such a thing shouldn't happen. However, in terms of outcome, there seemed to be some weird form of benefits.

For example, when the soldiers who were still resisting saw such a scene, they unbelievably took a step back immediately and after which, clanging sounds began to ring out.

The weapons of almost a thousand soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

The issue of surrendering seemed to have reached a conclusive outcome.

However, even though the soldiers surrendered, the scholars flared up in anger, beginning to burn just like a spark falling into a pot of boiling hot oil.

"Fang Zhengzhi, how dare you kill the innocent!" A scholar glared at Fang Zhengzhi with anger in his eyes. However, when he reached the word 'you', he instinctively withdrew his head slightly.


After living in the Yan Capital for a period of time, he didn't feel that there was anything Fang Zhengzhi didn't dare to do. The most recent of which was that Fang Zhengzhi had disappeared during the announcement of the Court Examination results.

"Bring down Fang Zhengzhi to take revenge for Young Mater Li!"

"Killing the innocent will never be forgiven!"

"We cannot group ourselves with such a shameless person. Soldiers of the Great Xia listen up, Fang Zhengzhi had committed reckless murder and already cannot escape his criminal charges. There is no need to consider the rules of the combat examination anymore. I plea that fellow young masters will lend me a hand. Today, we must take down this criminal and send him to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

One stone incited a tsunami. Very quickly, the voices of a few scholars rang out from behind and at this moment, four scholars raised their swords and charged towards Fang Zhengzhi.

As the four scholars charged, they loudly counted out Fang Zhengzhi's criminal charges. As they announced the charges one by one, they seemed to be filled with righteousness.

When the other scholars witnessed this scene.

They were slightly taken aback. After all, based on the rules of the combat examination, they were all eliminated. And, based on the laws of the Great Xia, even if Fang Zhengzhi had really committed a crime.

The punishment should be decided by the Law Council.

Immediately wanting to capture Fang Zhengzhi like what was happening now was more or less unreasonable. However, when they recalled the scene during which Fang Zhengzhi was doing his field cooking while they were fighting with their lives.

Even though Fang Zhengzhi had defeated the formation in the end, after being trapped within the formation for almost an hour, it was somewhat impossible for the scholars to be completely void of indignation.

Why not just directly take down Fang Zhengzhi and return the army to Wu Feng?

When His Majesty questions, Fang Zhengzhi would be a criminal and the results of this combat examination would naturally not be counted. Hence, they wouldn't have to depend on the results of Fang Zhengzhi anymore.

In conclusion.

It seems like the results of the combat examination are better than imagined!

When they thought of this, the other scholars exchanged glances with one another and expressed their own feelings. Instantly, another three to four scholars followed up.

There was a saying that went, a bystander isn't afraid of big events.

When the other scholars saw that there were already seven to eight scholars who were about to fight Fang Zhengzhi with all their might, even if they didn't join in to help, there wouldn't be any harm in going over to watch the commotion.

Hence, one by one, the scholars started to move and ran head over heels towards Fang Zhengzhi, who stood at the entrance of the wind valley holding a jade-green Sun Shooting Bow in his hands.

"Guard Fang, these people seem to wish to rebel?" Teng Shisheng couldn't really understand why Fang Zhengzhi would attack Wu Feng. However, he didn't bother about these.

Because, he only listened to the order of the Cyan Stone Token.

Fang Zhengzhi held the Cyan Stone Token in his hands, hence, he had to unconditionally ensure the safety of Fang Zhengzhi.

"That's right, they indeed wish to rebel." As Fang Zhengzhi gazed towards the scholars charging towards him, and then looked at Teng Shisheng using his body to block in front of him, a smile appeared on his face.

When the other military commanders saw this scene, they were dumbfounded. They had all heard the words that the scholars shouted out, and naturally understood the meaning behind these words.

However, what could they do about it?

They were soldiers. They didn't know if their chief commander committed a crime of not. However, they knew very well the importance of orders. However, Fang Zhengzhi had indeed made the first killing move right in front of their eyes.

What could they do?

Hesitation and doubt. This was a pain that they had to go through in this short span of time.

In reality, other than the hesitation and doubt of the military commanders, there were another two people who were extremely confused. They were Wu Feng and Chen Feiyu.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feiyu and Wu Feng should be considered the victims of this situation. However, they didn't seem to have any intention of charging towards Fang Zhengzhi.

Chen Feiyu was of royal blood, and was the descendent of the Thirteen Constabularies. He had his pride. He was naturally angry that Fang Zhengzhi shot an arrow towards him. However, after some careful consideration, he was indeed "making a mistake".


It wasn't wrong for Fang Zhengzhi to shoot him.

However, Wu Feng's question was different from that of Chen Feiyu. He faintly recalled that when Fang Zhengzhi was shooting at him, there wasn't anybody else behind him.

However, when the arrow landed, it landed on a scholar!

What was this all about?

Actually, Wu Feng really wished that these scholars would take down Fang Zhengzhi, and hopefully instantly disqualify Fang Zhengzhi from the examination. However, he didn't participate in this movement.

Instead, he instinctively gazed towards the corpse not too far away from him.

Wu Feng wasn't very far away from the corpse. From his angle, he could clearly see that the other party had indeed been shot by the Million Sword Illustration. Because, the wounds on his chest seemed to have been sliced open by many sharp swords.


He didn't seem to be dead!

Wu Feng felt the other person's chest rise faintly as well as the weak breathing from his nose. His eyes instantly lit up.

In a flash, he reached the scholar's side.

"Young Master Li, can you hear me?" Wu Feng gradually squatted down and reached one hand towards the scholar's nose. The other hand was used to lightly shake the scholar's body.

"Young… Young Master Wu, save… save me…" The scholar seemed to feel that his body was being shaken and an extremely weak voice came from his throat. His eyes opened gradually. However, it seemed extremely pained and achieved with great effort. It was only opened very narrowly.

"Of course, I have some medication with me. You must not die." When Wu Feng heard this voice, he couldn't bothered with anything else. Instead, he instantly reached into his pocket and took out a jade-green bottle. He poured out two green pills, one which he directly fed into the scholar's mouth and the other which he crushed into powder and spread it over the wound on the scholar's body.

Just as Wu Feng was healing the injured scholar.

The other scholars had already charged in front of Fang Zhengzhi. The four people who led the charge didn't even bother to speak a single word before directly lashing out towards Fang Zhengzhi.

Four swords glowed up with four different colours and slashed towards Fang Zhengzhi from four different directions at the exact same time. The speed was blazing fast and the sword techniques used were extremely powerful.

When Teng Shisheng saw this, he roared out and advanced without any further hesitation.

When the other Silver Horned Wolf Cavalry troops saw Teng Shisheng move, they similarly pounced up without the slightest intention of holding back.

When the other military commanders witnessed this, they were completely stunned by the sudden change in situation. They had indeed considered that there might be a fight.

However, they had never imagined that this battle would arrive as quickly. And, they didn't even bother to communicate with Fang Zhengzhi. They were all examinees, even if they wished to kill, shouldn't they at least announce the crimes?

The military commanders were stunned.

However, Fang Zhengzhi's expression was filled with calm, as if he had already predicted that such a thing would happen. He wasn't at all affected or taken aback by the other party's direct attack.

Instead, he quietly drew back the Sun Shooting Bow in his hand into a full crescent.


Directly shot towards the person among the four scholars who made the first move.


This arrow was different from the two that were shot towards Chen Feiyu and Wu Feng. Those two arrows followed the path of an arc as they were shot. However, this arrow was a straight shot.

Because, the distance was extremely near.

A jade glow flashed and instantly arrived in front of a scholar, carrying along with it the sound of air being torn apart and a black trail in its wake.


A thunderous sound rang out once again.

A tremendously powerful force expanded in all directions like water ripples, which caused even the military commanders standing behind Fang Zhengzhi to instinctively take a step back.

"They are really fighting?"

"What is Fang Zhengzhi trying to do? Don't tell me he really wishes to murder these scholars completely?"

"It is already extremely difficult to get off with killing one. But how would he do so if he killed all of them?

"General Fang, Sword Envoy Fang, stop quickly. If there is anything, we can discuss, everyone is part of the same group!"

The military commanders really didn't wish to witness such murders. Because, it was really too meaningless. Now was the moment in which they were in front of the enemy fortress and the opposing army. Internal struggles were clearly a huge military sin.

Naturally, the military commanders chose to make peace.

After all, in their eyes, Fang Zhengzhi seemed to have the advantage no matter how they looked at the situation. Not only did he have the Sun Shooting Bow, he also had five hundred Silver Horned Wolves. How could a few scholars truly harm Fang Zhengzhi.


They didn't have to act immediately.

This was what they thought. However, this thought was quickly changed by a scene that occured in reality. Because, when the Million Sword Illustration clashed with the sword of a scholar.

An outcome that nobody had ever imagined suddenly occurred.

The scholar was clearly injured, and, his injury seemed extremely serious. However, he didn't retreat and instead, continued to raise his sword to slash towards Fang Zhengzhi.

The other scholars also carried the same determination on their faces at this moment.

Even with Teng Shisheng and a few Silver Horned Wolf Cavalry troops fending them off in front of Fang Zhengzhi, they continued to charge over without caring about anything else. It seemed as if that if they didn't kill Fang Zhengzhi, they would never retreat.

What kind of vengeance is this?!

The person Fang Zhengzhi shot was Wu Feng!

Are these people mad?

The military commanders initially thought that fighting would occur, but they would definitely not fight with their lives. After all, Fang Zhengzhi killing the scholar was a crime. However, scholars killing Fang Zhengzhi was also a crime.

This was the same logic.

However, the current situation clearly didn't quite fulfill this logic.

"Quick, stop!"

"You are all examinees, even if one has committed a crime, it should still be dealt with by the Law Council, you cannot fight with your lives!"

A few military commanders instantly reminded these reckless scholars, attempting to stop them from fighting. However, it seemed to be completely useless.

The four scholars didn't falter the slightest bit in their movements.

Instead, they seemed to speed up.

Right at this moment, another two scholars charged out. However, what was different from the first four scholars was that the stances of these two scholars seemed somewhat different.

They were actually trying to stop the fight!"

"Young Master Tai, Young Master Wang, don't kill him, just make sure that Fang Zhengzhi surrenders."

"That's right, Fang Zhengzhi, you have already committed a great crime, you must not make your murder charges more serious. Everybody stop fighting, let's discuss and resolve this together."

As the two scholars chased after the four scholars, they shouted out loudly.

Fang Zhengzhi ignored completely the advice of these two people. He didn't even take another glance towards the two of them. Instead, he quietly pulled back his Sun Shooting Bow into another full crescent.

"With me, Teng Shisheng, here, don't even dream of crossing!"


Under the leadership of Teng Shisheng, a group of Silver Horned Wolves leapt out one by one and blocked in front of Fang Zhengzhi. Instantly, they formed a three-row formation.

However, the space within the wind valley was really quite limited.

In addition to the broad bodies of the Silver Horned Wolves, the width that was usually sufficient to contain ten people was only able to contain six.

It was naturally somewhat tough for six Silver Horned Wolf Cavalry troops to defend against four crazy scholars. Hence, under the relentless attacks of the four scholars, the six Silver Horned Wolves retreated step by step.

As for the other Silver Horned Wolves standing behind, they could only wait for the Silver Horned Wolves in front of them to fall before advancing to fill up the spot in front.

This was different from the battle in which they surrounded Chen Feiyu and Wu Feng in the Thunderous Lion Settlement.

This battle was a street fight!

Hence, the Silver Horned Wolves' advantage in numbers to surround opponents naturally couldn't be employed as well as it was in the Thunderous Lion Settlement. They could only painstakingly endure.

This seemed to be an internal battle.

And, it was an extremely intense internal battle.

The cause of it was, Fang Zhengzhi randomly shooting an arrow towards Wu Feng and Chen Feiyu respectively. The results were somewhat of a joke. Chen Feiyu and Wu Feng didn't attempt to take revenge on Fang Zhengzhi.

However, the other scholars couldn't take it and directly wanted to fight Fang Zhengzhi with their lives.

It was somewhat illogical.

Yet, it was reality.

"Indeed!" Fang Zhengzhi gazed towards the four seemingly crazy scholars and smirked. He drew back his bow once again.


A jade-green arrow rapidly soared into the sky and drew out another beautiful arc. The point where it landed towards was not the four scholars, but was instead towards Wu Feng again!

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