Mystical Journey

Chapter 1173 - Watching the Battle 1

Chapter 1173: Watching the Battle 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Kong Family Villa

Garen sat next to Kong Xinxue on the sofa, surfing through the television channels disinterestedly. He did not turn on the sound, however, and just kept on switching channels aimlessly.

“You jumped into it so quickly? The rhythm of the Plot, I mean?” Kong Xinxue wore white silk socks, her legs pressed together as she sat on the sofa, a dark green student dress obscuring her thighs. Although her eyes were trained on the television, her attention was clearly on Garen.

“They were the ones who came to me first, it’s not like I could have just chased them away, right?” said Garen nonchalantly. “Besides, if we follow the Plot you guys gave me, it’s not as though you and I don’t know what Vulture’s aim is.”

“True. It’s just that this way, you have no choice but to enter their line of sight ahead of time. You sure you can deal with them?” Kong Xinxue frowned.

“I can probably handle the first five, but I’ve never met the last two or Slayer, so I don’t know about them,” said Garen simply.

“You sure? Just so you know, I can barely protect myself, all I know are some basic martial arts. They’re fine for dealing with regular people, but they’re nothing in the face of those half-machinized monsters.” Kong Xinxue sighed. “Hey.” She poked Garen with her foot.

“When the time comes, you better protect me.”

“Don’t you have Yuria and the rest?” Garen did not take that to heart at all.

“Savior is still just a rookie, I’d be better off putting my trust in you over them. Just be honest! Will you or won’t you!?” said Kong Xinxue unhappily. “Although the Plot says that I’ll just end up kidnapped, and nothing worse than that will happen, this feeling still sucks. I don’t like placing my safety in the hands of those green-horned brats.”

“If you already know that everything will turn out nicely in the end, why did you come to me anyway?” Garen was exasperated.

“Are you a man or not!” Kong Xinxue used every woman’s favorite killer move.

“No.” Garen averted his gaze. “I’m a boy.”

“Don’t try to be smart with me! Just tell me straight, will you or won’t you!” Kong Xinxue was annoyed now. “If you won’t, I’ll go look for Nine-Tailed Fox and the rest! Although I don’t like her, she’s still my friend, and I’m sure she’ll help me with such a trivial matter.”

“Fine, fine…” Garen turned his face around. “But you have to promise that you won’t stray further than twenty meters away from me, or else I can’t guarantee that you won’t be dragged away.”

“Relax.” Kong Xinxue silently heaved a sigh of relief. “I’ll move into your room tonight itself!”

“…” By now Garen had already noticed that Kong Xinxue was actually a very well-disguised brother-lover. She looked stern and distant to outsiders, but when they were at home, she was particularly fond of getting touchy-feely with her own younger brother.

“Forget it, no matter what, this body still belongs to your younger brother, it’s related to you by blood,” said Garen helplessly.

“Even if I sleep on your bed, would you dare touch me?” challenged Kong Xinxue. “I haven’t found any other man as utterly harmless to women as you, pretty sure you’re the only one.”

“Could you stop trying to rile me up all the time?” Garen was annoyed now, what did she mean by utterly harmless to women? This was an insult to his character that was already beginning to involve his views on life and personal sense of value. No man would be able to take that lying down.

“Although reality is cruel, you can’t deny that it’s the truth.” Kong Xinxue gave him another taunting look.

“Then what kind of man do you think is potentially harmful?” Garen gave her a sideways look. “Someone like this?”


He suddenly reached out his hand and caught Kong Xinxue’s perky breast precisely. His fingers sank deep into the flesh, his grip exceptionally steady.

Kong Xinxue instantly flushed red. Her body immediately tensed up. Although she had been challenging Garen this whole time, she only ever treated it as a joke, a way to release stress. Ever since she realized that Garen liked to do things by the books, she had slowly begun to lower her guard around him. That was why it never occurred to her that he might make a move like that.

But now, she looked down at the large hand on her chest. It had almost sunk completely inside, with nothing but the dark green school uniform standing between his hand and her skin.

His fingers were even starting to pinch and knead shamelessly. Waves of soft numbness began to surge up from her chest.

“You– That’s enough!!!” She raised her hand abruptly, slapping Garen’s left cheek with all her force.


Garen caught her upraised hand.

“Alright, enough with the joking.” Garen pulled his other hand away from her chest, and said lazily, “Looks like you’re all big talk, when in truth you’re still a virgin.”

“What do you mean, virgin!!” Kong Xinxue was instantly enraged. “You insolent brat, you don’t know how much more experience I have compared to you! Back when I was asexually reproducing, you were still in some cranny somewhere sucking on your pacifier!”

Garen watched Kong Xinxue throw her tantrum lazily, and just kept nodding.

“I know, I know… I get it, you’re very experienced…”

As he droned on, Kong Xinxue suddenly fell silent. She was all in a tizzy just a moment ago, but now she was unnaturally quiet.

“What’s the matter?” Garen glanced at her, confused.


A glint of cold light flashed past his eyes, stabbing straight for his throat.

“What are you doing!!” Garen was completely shocked, and quickly shirked backward, avoiding the cold light.

“I’ll kill you!” Kong Xinxue was expressionless, pouncing at him with a pen in hand. The sharp tip of the pen kept aiming for Garen’s vital spots.

Although this body of Garen’s was a lot stronger in physical fitness now, it was still a mortal’s body after all. It could not yet withstand the stab of a fountain pen, and it would definitely get injured if that pen scratched him.

The two of them decided to wrestle it out on the couch.

The final victory was overwhelming.

Garen pinned down her waist and arms with one hand. Her back was pressed against him as she lay face-up on his body, and she could only struggle with her legs as he had managed to suppress the rest of her body with his immense power.

“Let go of me!”

“Stay still, why don’t you.” Garen kept Kong Xinxue locked in place with one arm, and yawned.

“Let go!!” Kong Xinxue was still putting up a struggle, but the result was clear to see. Garen’s strength was at least twice that of a normal adult man, and she had a snowball’s chance in hell in the face of such strength.

“Struggle all you want, I’m gonna sleep for a bit.” Garen closed his eyes, his head lolling to one side as he fell fast asleep. To him, Kong Xinxue’s struggling was like the resistance of a little rabbit. Even if she jabbed him a few times with the back of her hand, she could not exert her strength properly with her back against him, so he barely felt any pain at all.

He decided to just treat her like a pet, embracing her with his other arms as well, applying some force to pin down her legs.

“Alright, be good now, sleep, and don’t fuss.” Garen fell right asleep. Way back when he was learning his secret techniques, he could already fall asleep standing and wake up in the exact same pose. A position like this was child’s play to him.

He heard Kong Xinxue’s struggles grow softer and softer in volume. With the smell of her hormones and the fragrance of her long hair in his nostrils, Garen slowly drifted off into sleep.

As for Kong Xinxue, she struggled for a long time before she realized exactly who had the absolute power here. She was tired, and with a boldness befitting someone who was single, she decided to just sleep there in Garen’s embrace. Curling up slightly, she also fell asleep.

Thankfully, Kong Yuan had gone out for overtime, or else who knows how he would have broken down had he stumbled across this scene.

The younger brother held his older sister on his lap, and they slept, wrapped up in each other’s arms. They were even closer and more intimate than some honeymoon couples.

After sleeping for some time, Garen slowly stirred. He felt something sticky on his chest, and a heavy weight pressing against his body.

He opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Kong Xinxue’s pretty fair face, just inches away from his own. And the second thing was… a veritable waterfall of drool…

There was a ton of it, almost an ocean’s worth, and it was still flowing down from the corners of Kong Xinxue’s mouth. It had flooded his T-shirt at the chest, and continued downward, drenching a large part of his jeans as well, such that his trousers stuck to Kong Xinxue’s own dress and white silk socks, turning them both translucent.

The place where their bodies touched already felt as wet as sticky from the saliva.

“Ugh…” Garen had not been intimate with a woman in many years, and now that he had a beauty in his arms, his blood was beginning to race. In his endless pursuit of even greater strength, he had always considered relations with the opposite sex an indulgence of the heart, and a waste of time. In order to make sure his determination did not falter, he never actively sought out anything of the sort.

But if the food was already at his mouth, he did not mind eating it.

For example, right now…

Just as Garen was about to make his move, Kong Xinxue woke up as well.

The way she awakened was slightly strange. Instead of opening her eyes slowly, her eyes just flew open in an instant. Her pupils were bleary at first, but they cleared quickly.

“Now can you let go of me?” she said coldly. Her body felt all sticky and gross, she simply could not stand it.

“Your dress is completely drenched.”

Garen was amused.

“It’s my own fluids, nothing to do with you!” Kong Xinxue retorted, turning bright red, but she did not notice that her choice of words made things seem even more suggestive.

“Alright, alright.” Garen finally relaxed his grip on her.

Kong Xinxue got up. Her dress and white silk were plastered together, pressed against her skin and revealing the exact curve of her bottom. She could clearly feel the hot, hard stick between Garen’s legs pressing against her dress, and instantly her face turned even redder.

“That’s as far as this goes!” She covered her butt with her hands, turning around to face Garen. “If you ever dare mention what happened today to Nine-Tailed Fox, I’ll kill you!!” she said fiercely, but in Garen’s eyes, she looked just like a little bunny acting all coy.

“Yes, yes…” Garen laughed.


Yuri family home

Inside the large brown-red house, the door to the first-floor living hall was suddenly flung open.

“I’m back, Mom!” Yuria’s black hair was refreshingly short, and he walked inside, dressed in white gym clothes. Removing the keys from the door, he tossed his bag onto the couch.


He yelled again.

There was no response from the second floor.

“Did she go out?”

Yuria closed the door, and poured himself a cup of water from the dispenser, chugging it down. Once his thirst was satiated, he ran up the stairs to the second floor.


He pushed open the door to his mother’s bedroom, and his pupils dilated abruptly.

His mother’s orange-yellow room was a complete mess.

The clothes from the wardrobe were strewn all over the place, her cosmetics scattered on the floor and on the bed. A large chunk of the curtains had been yanked down, and there was a huge hole in the middle of her window.

There were also some white and yellow scratch marks on the ground, but he had no idea what left them.

Yuria walked inside, his expression solemn. Avoiding the marks, he crouched down and began to examine them.

“It does not look like a battle… or even if it was, there wasn’t much of a fight. The ransacking came later. The footprints on the floor overlap the marks from before…”

He deduced calmly.

“There were probably two different groups of people.”

Although he was crazy with worry, he knew that it was no use panicking. He had to stay calm if he wanted to get to the bottom of this and find any clues!

Pulling out his cellphone quickly, he dialed Yurijie’s number directly.

Beep… After just one ring, the call went through.


“Mom’s missing.” Yurijie did not mince any words, going straight to the point.

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