Taming Master

Chapter 516 - The Magical Mythical Beast 2

Chapter 516: The Magical Mythical Beast 2

As Ian had expected, the Black Unicorn was born with satisfactory abilities.

Next to Ian, was Cervian who couldn’t stop admiring it.

“Keu, you made a really great guy!”

“My words were right, right Cervian?”

“Yes. Completely right. You are a genius, a huge one. To find out the secret of the beast transmutation that nobody even knew about!”

“Huhu, all because I am Ian.”

“I praise you. Halleluiah!”

But it wasn’t just the stats that were so satisfactory.

‘Let’s look at the unique ability of the summon…’

The guy who was just born had six unique abilities in him.

In addition, not even a single ability was discarded.

-Unique Ability

*Doom’s Eye (Passive)

Makes an opponent enter the state of fear after eye contact for 0.2 seconds.

*Dark Wings ( Cooldown of 25 seconds)

A huge pair of dark wings are created on the back of the Black Unicorn, which will allow the user to fly forward immediately.

Inflicts 350% of magic damage on all enemies in the flight path of the Black Unicorn.

All the affected targets enter the state of fear for 2.5 seconds.

*Magic Explosion Chain ( Cooldown of 1 minute and 30 seconds)

A powerful magic explosion that occurs within a radius of 15 meters around the shadow of Black Unicorn.

Inflicts 350-750% of magic damage on the enemies in the area of the Magic explosion.

(Inflicts 300% of additional damage to the enemies who are in ‘fear’.)

*Shadow Evasion (Passive)

The Black Unicorn stays in the state of ‘dark’ for a duration of 5 seconds every time it dodges the attack of an enemy.

(If the map is in the ‘dark’ state, the duration of the ‘dark’ state will increase up to 10 seconds.)

In the state of ‘dark’, the being isn’t exposed to the vision of the enemy, and the damage of dark from all the unique abilities deal increased by 100% damage.

While attacking an enemy in the state of ‘dark’, it will cause the target to enter into a state of ‘fear’ for 2.5 seconds.

(While attacking the enemy or getting attacked, the dark is removed.)

The Black Unicorn heals for 375% of intellect per second while staying in the state of dark.

*Lord of Fear (Passive)

The Black Unicorn restores 1 second of the cooldown on all the unique abilities each time the enemy is put into the state of ‘fear’.

*Dark Hourglass (40 minutes cooldown)

Returns the allies’ time for 3 minutes back.

All the vitality and the unique ability of the allies revert back to 3 minutes.

Allies killed within 3 minutes can be revived.

(Applies to all familiar and retainer.)

(Not applicable to party members.)

The Devildom sea, the source for the devils and the vessels that contain them.

It is the deity of the Devildom which was born there.

A transcendence being with the power of transcendence, a lord of terror than would scare everyone.

‘The concept of the guy is… fear?’

Ian, the best user of all time, understood the game well.

He glanced over the skills and found over 90 uses for the Black Unicorn.

‘Yeah, the skill also has an unconditional option attached to the taste.’

Ian considered that among the six unique abilities that the Black Unicorn possessed, the ‘Lord of fear’ and the ‘Shadow Evasion’ were the most important ones.

‘The black unicorn planning intention was to accumulate the fear stacks and endlessly block with the dark wings and the chain explosions.’

In fact, the black unicorn’s offensive abilities ‘dark wings’ and the ‘magic explosion chain’ didn’t have such a high attack coefficient.

Even when compared to the other mythical creatures that Ian had, it was rather scarce.

But the cooldown of the two offensive skills was very short.

Each time the ‘fear’ got stacked up, the cooldown was reduced for a duration of 1 second, which meant that the wide range magic could be used constantly based on the ability of control of the user.

‘The more the enemies it has to face, the crazier he will go to.’

Having fully understood the mechanism of the intrinsic abilities, Ian began to stimulate the battle scenes in his head.

Ian imagined the battlefield that would be good for the black unicorn.

‘The battle should begin by entering the center of the enemy with dark wings and stack 5 dodges to trigger the effect.’

The tanking ability of the black unicorn was less than average when compared to the other mythical familiars.

Therefore, at first glance, the idea of entering the enemy camp with the ‘dark wings’ skill seemed reckless.

But the black unicorn had another passive skill called ‘Shadow Evasion’.

The best survival skill that made the black unicorn which went into a state of ‘dark’ after dodging the attack of the enemies for five times.

When the shadow evasion gets triggered, the black unicorn will enter the dark state, and the aggro that was focused on the black unicorn will disappear.

Without the ability to detect for the black unicorn in the dark state, the focus disappears the moment the being disappears from the view.

‘If we subsequently hit as many enemies as possible in the magic explosion chain, the dark wing skill cooldown will come back.’

And if the black unicorn attacks an enemy in the state of ‘dark’, the target will fall into ‘fear’.

In other words, if he can hit twenty-five or more monsters with the explosion chain, he can reuse the ‘dark wings’ with a 25-second cooldown.

‘If it can hit even 20 of them, then the cooldown will be back.’

Besides, what about the unique ability of the ‘dark hourglass’ that Ian suffered a lot and put in?

The horrendous ability which he had to face while dealing with the Tarveros didn’t even have to be explained.

The more he remembered the battle, the more excited Ian was.

‘Keu, my body is getting sick again…?’

Ian liked the new addition to his family very much.

And in that too, the thing he liked the most was; Ian’s other summons and the combat concepts didn’t overlap at all.

But that didn’t mean that it was all perfect.

The only regrettable thing of the ‘black unicorn’ of Ian’s was that all the deal would converge to 0, except for the time when the attack skills are activated.

Since the normal damage is 0, the normal damage wouldn’t enter.

‘I wish I could have a simple magic attack that can be used instead of general attacks…’

The skill that Ian wanted would still be a skill with the lowest tier of attack.

For example, a skill like the ‘magic arrow’.

Even if the damage of such ones were weak, the basic skills could be activated at any time without a cooldown.

‘When will the use of the summon skill be granted?’

Ian recalled the ability to grant the summon skill, which he had used when he was a summoner novice.

-Summon Skill Grant

Classification: Active skills

Skill Level: Master

Proficiency: 100%

Cooldown: 24 hours

Gives the summon one skill at random.

Each time this skill grant gets used, 20 percent of the targets summoned potential will be consumed, and when the skill is granted again to the summon, the previously granted skill is converted to a new skill.

*The higher the skill level and proficiency, the more likely for the familiars to obtain advanced skills.

*Master level proficiency. Up to 3 tiers of unique abilities can be granted.

‘Summon Skill grant’ was a sweet skill that granted a new unique ability after consuming 20 percent of the familiar’s potential.

And Ian had been using the skill for a long time.

And the reason was simple.

Unique abilities that can be obtained by the granted skills, was due to the poor performances of Ian’s familiars.

The best unique ability that could be obtained from the Master level of ‘Summon Skill Grant’ was tier 3.

And the tier 3’s unique ability were the skills that summons with hero ranks could be used.

And Ian’s summons, which had more than four tiers of uniqueness, this would be rather useless stuff.

And if a usable passive skill would be created, then it could be better than nothing.

However, there was no guarantee that passive skills would appear twice or thrice.

And if he had bad luck, then it could generate more than 10 useless skills.

So, consuming 20 potentials were too much of a waste for Ian.

‘But not this time. I just need to create attack magic. Even the black unicorn needs the lowest tier offensive magic.’

And not surprisingly, the lower the tier of the unique ability, the more likely for the skill to be generated.

Which was why Ian thought that it was worth trying.

“The potential is around 98 for this guy…”

“What does that mean?”

“Wait a minute, Cervian. I’m trying to think of something very important right now.”

The skill grant could be activated 4 times in total.

In four attempts, any of the basic attack spells could be generated.

And at this point, the proficiency level was resentful.

If the proficiency was 0, the lowest tier’s unique ability would be generated.

“Kay, my unicorn is nice, would you like to come here?”

Prrrng- Prrrng-!

Ian stroked the black unicorn and brought it to the front, and then triggered the summon skill grant.

The potential was exhausted but handed to professor Lee, then it could be used again. It was such a waste of time.

“Skill Grant!”

Subsequently a white light appeared on the unicorn and disappeared.

[You have used the ‘Summon Skill Grant’ to ‘Black Unicorn’.]

[20 potentials of Black Unicorn has been consumed.]

[Summon magical beast ‘Black Unicorn’ gained the skill ‘Berserk’.]


Ian couldn’t help but feel bad.

‘This is like some kind of Déjà vu…’

Berserk was a unique skill that Ly had for a while.

It was the ability that Ly had gained the moment Ian had used the ‘Summon Skill Grant’ when he first gained it.

‘Ah, of all the skills, why did this have to be the one?’

Berserk was a buff skill that was totally useless for the Black Unicorn, which lowered the defense and increased the attack and agility.

Feeling sad, Ian used the skill grant again.

“Skill Grant.”

However, the skill grant couldn’t be activated in a row.

[The cooldown of the Summon Skill Grant hasn’t returned.]

[Skill not available.]

A 24-hour cooldown.

Ian just sighed.

“Heee, I thought that I would get it by once…”

As soon as it had happened, he wanted to move to the Lotus castle as soon as possible.

For the duration of the 24 hours till the cooldown returns, he could try to regain the potential.

The full potential of 20 wouldn’t recover in 24 hours, but it was better to do something.

And the reason for not using the ‘training’ skill was simple.

In order to maintain the ‘training’ state, he had to summon it. It was difficult to proceed with the other quests while summoning a level 1 guy.

‘Huh, I’ll leave this guy with the professor for now, and I’ll go on ahead with the quest for the Spirit Dimension.’

Ian recalled the conversation he had with Elisha—the spirit king of water who was waiting for him.

‘I’m sorry, auntie. I had a lot of work to do, so I was a little late.’

Ian was already of level 430.

The original plan was to enter the spiritual dimension the moment he touched 400, but it got delayed due to the unexpected episodes.

‘Well, it is a little late but I don’t care. No one can go there before me anyway.’

Ian summarized his thoughts and began to move.

Ian left the black unicorn with professor Lee Jin wook and was planning to head straight to the dimension.

In order to move to the spirit dimension, Ian needs to go to Gripper with the Spirit king’s Necklace.

“Well, unicorn. Let’s move quickly. Hyung is a little busy!”

Ian attempted to unsummon the Black Unicorn.

But he didn’t even buzz.


Ian was slightly flustered.

But as a veteran summoner, he could understand it right away.

‘Ah, right! I haven’t named it yet!’

It was because he hadn’t named it.

“Hmm… okay. I need to pick a pretty name.”

Listening to the murmur of Ian, Cervian quickly stepped in.



“Roxy, how is it?”

“What does it mean?”

“It means ‘shining dawn’. Wouldn’t it be a good name for a friend born in the dark?!”

Cervian was rather very satisfied with himself for saying the name.

But Ian shook his head and refused it.

“Not liking it.”


“I can’t say that.”


Ian closed his eyes and turned away from the depressed Cervian.

‘Hmm, some kind of a cute name would be nice.’

Ian’s brows have frowned a little.

As always, he was stuck with the pain of creating a name.

Ten minutes have passed!

Ian was finally able to name the Black Unicorn.

“Kay, from today you will be called as, Blackie.”


“Pretty name right, Blackie?”

Prrng- Prrng-!

Whether the name was good or not, Blackie rubbed its head against Ian’s arm.

[‘Blackie’ like his name.]

[Affinity with ‘Blackie’ has been increased. Affinity increased by 5.]

As always, there was no meaning behind it.

‘Just because its whole body is black…’

Even in the dark, the silhouette would be hard to find as the whole body was dark.

And looking at it, Cervian couldn’t even try to comprehend it.

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