Everyone Wants to Pamper the Bigshot Researcher After Her Rebirth!

Chapter 472 - Chapter 472: Rescue

Chapter 472: Rescue

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Song Fan didn’t stay in the small wooden house. She quickly grabbed an assault rifle and put on Santo’s bulletproof vest. Sun Yu hadn’t been gone long; if she was fast, there was still a chance she could survive.

Santo’s place was close to the port. As Song Fan ran out, she heard someone calling her from behind.

“Song Fan! Song Fan! Come back!” Gu Chen, surrounded by several bodyguards, was running toward her.

The island’s inhabitants hadn’t yet realized what was happening. Most of the islanders and the mentally ill didn’t resist, knowing they stood no chance against a regular army. The mercenaries, however, fought desperately, bearing the weight of their past crimes.

Song Fan didn’t want Gu Chen to take any risks. She hurried back, but the distance was too great and the situation too chaotic. She saw a mercenary aiming at Gu Chen. She yelled, “Get down!” and lunged forward.

When she was shot in the shoulder, Song Fan didn’t feel pain, just a slight itch. The adrenaline rush dulled her perception of pain.

“Are you okay?”

“Are you okay?”

Both Song Fan and Gu Chen asked simultaneously, shaking their heads in response.

Gu Chen felt her bleeding shoulder. “You’re hurt! We need to get out of here!”

With the military’s presence, the situation quickly came under control, but Song Fan refused to leave. “No, my companion Sun Yu is being chased by the mercenaries. She went that way. She saved me; I need to save her.”

Her words were somewhat disjointed, but she knew she couldn’t abandon Sun Yu.

“Leave it to the military. Don’t worry, as long as she’s alive, she’ll be safe,” Gu Chen said, holding her tightly and not giving her any chance to leave.

Only when she saw a team heading in the direction she indicated did Song Fan relax. The pain in her shoulder set in, and the exhaustion from the past days caught up with her, causing her to faint.

Song Fan dreamt a long, surreal dream, filled with images of her past life in the lab and her colleagues. She saw the people from the island, Cao Lei constantly calling her “Boss,” and even witnessed Sun Yu’s wedding with her husband.

The most surprising part of the dream was seeing Gu Chen on the island. He smiled at her, then walked away, no matter how much she tried to catch up.

“Gu Chen!” Song Fan shouted, waking up.

Gu Chen, who had been working on documents on the sofa, was startled. He quickly came over, “I’m here, I’m here.”

He held her hand and hugged her, and it took Song Fan a few minutes to realize she was back in A City. The logo on the hospital bed sheets reminded her she was really back.

“Little sister is awake?” Song Ting entered the room, witnessing their embrace.

Normally, he would have pulled Gu Chen away, but this time he didn’t. During Song Fan’s disappearance, Gu Chen had been more anxious than anyone, using every means necessary, even involving the navy. Without his efforts, Song Fan wouldn’t have returned so easily. Song Ting felt grateful.

Song Huai also peeked in, “Little sister, you’re finally awake!”

“Third brother? You’re supposed to be abroad,” Song Fan said, almost not recognizing Song Huai’s scruffy appearance.

“You went missing, and the whole family was worried sick. Luckily, I have connections in some island nations… Anyway, it’s good you’re back.” Song Huai started to recount his hardships but stopped, seeing Song Fan’s tired eyes. “It’s enough that you’re safe. Rest well. With us here, you’ll be fine.”

He didn’t mention how he’d contacted all his friends abroad and private investigators, many of whom had connections with the Brown Group. He hadn’t slept for days, finally uncovering details about Peter’s experiments at sea, which helped Gu Chen’s people find the island quickly.

Though unspoken, Song Fan knew her family had gone to great lengths to find her.

Her eyes reddened with emotion, unsure what to say. Suddenly, she felt Gu Chen’s grip tighten and pushed him away, aware of her brothers’ attitude toward him. They saw him as the pig trying to take their family’s precious cabbage.

“Did I hurt you? Is it painful? Should I call the doctor?” Gu Chen, oblivious to her emotional shift, looked at her with concern.

She shook her head, then noticed the ring on her hand.

“Sun Yu, did you find Sun Yu?”

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