Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 273 - Chapter 273: Did You Do Good Again?

Chapter 273: Did You Do Good Again?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After all, the older the ginger, the spicier it was. The new year was coming soon, and there was a war in the South. He did not want a panic to rise, so he issued a decree to summon Prince Ding to the palace. He placed him under house arrest and asked the Golden Dragon Guards to watch over him.

At the same time, he sent out a group of Golden Dragon Guards to secretly investigate the Prince’s mansion. All major and minor incidents had to be recorded in detail.

Qiao Mai didn’t know what had happened in the capital. No matter how the emperor investigated, he probably couldn’t find anything about her. Prince Ding had many tricks up his sleeve and had bullied many people. Who would have thought that a village woman was an Immortal?

Before she returned, she went to the Duke’s mansion to look at her future in-laws.

At this moment, she was walking back and forth on the floor. Although she needed someone to support her, she was much better than when lying on the bed.

The news that the Qiao family had money had spread from her, but it was an unintentional move. Qiao Mai would not hold it against her.

She hoped that after this woman recovered, she would stop causing trouble. Although she was her daughter-in-law’s mother, she would still deal with her if provoked.

After Feng’er returned, his marriage with Miss Mu would be on the agenda. Prominent families were particular about this. It would probably take at least a year and a half from the engagement to the wedding.

She was the groom’s family. They had to take the initiative and hold a grand wedding. They could not let the girl suffer.

In addition, Yun’er’s marriage had to be brought up by a matchmaker. The two boys would be 18 years old after the new year. Time flew by quickly.

They arrived at the Qiao family when they were seven years old. At that time, Qiao Mai was only sixteen. The mother and son were only nine years apart. Now, she was 27 years old.

Qiao Mai looked at herself in the mirror. She was almost 30 years old, but she was still so young. In the 21st century, she was at a prime age. Here, she was already the mother of several children.

She clicked her tongue and touched her face. Her skin was so smooth that she didn’t need to take care of it. She didn’t even need to eat Beauty Pills. Although her appearance was ordinary, her skin could be said to be flawless.

At this time, a maid came to report.

“Mistress, Mayor Qian sent someone to summon you. He said his child is sick and has a fever.’

Qiao Mai was stunned. She immediately stood up and tied her coat as she walked.

She ran to the backyard of the mayor’s house. An old doctor was taking the child’s pulse. Lu Sanniang was so anxious that she wiped her tears.

“It’s all my fault. I took her to a show on such a cold day and ended up freezing. ”

After taking her pulse, the doctor sighed. “Such a young child! I’m afraid she won’t be able to take the bitter medicine. We can only let the adults drink it and let the child drink the adult’s milk.”

“But I ran out of milk.”

Qiao Mai listened as she opened the door and walked in. She went forward and touched the child’s head. The temperature could reach more than 39 degrees Celsius.

If the fever did not subside, the child would be burned to death.

She quickly pushed the doctor aside. It was someone she knew, so the doctor didn’t fuss over it and watched her tinker.

Qiao Mai lifted the blanket and cotton clothes the child was wearing. She took a medium-sized bottle from her sleeve, poured the transparent liquid onto a piece of cotton, and wiped the child. She covered the child’s front, back, feet, palms, and head with a cold towel.

After a quarter of an hour, Qiao Mai signaled the physician to take the child’s Dulse again.

Miraculously, her pulse had stabilized.

Qiao Mai covered the child with a thin blanket. “When the child has a fever, you can’t cover her too tightly. Otherwise, she’ll burn even more. You can use high-caliber white wine to rub her, but this is only temporary. She still has to drink medicine.”

She casually took two small jade bottles from her sleeve. One was for treating colds, and the other was for reducing fever. She asked the servant to find two small bowls and pour medicinal powder into them. She used water to dry them and asked Lu Sanniang to feed the child with a small spoon.

Lu Sanniang wiped her tears and fed the child bit by bit. She did not expect the child to be so willing to drink it. After a while, she finished two small bowls of medicinal soup.

Seeing the child’s face slowly returning to normal, Lu Sanniang knelt in front of Qiao Mai.

“Sister, thank you. Our family owes you too much!”

Qiao Mai didn’t look pleased. The more polite Lu Sanniang was, the more distant she felt between them.

“You’re welcome. I’ll leave these two bottles of medicine. Take it three times a day, the amount I poured just now. Don’t feed it too much.”


Ever since she had this boy, Lu Sanniang had placed all her focus on the child and paid no attention to the outside world.

Qiao Mai sat for a while. When she saw the child was fine, she got up and left. Mayor Qian and the physician followed her out.

“Madam Qiao, I can’t thank you enough. If you need anything in the future, say it.”


Qiao Mai started to walk away, but the physician caught up with her.

“Madam Qiao?”

“What’s the matter, old man?”

“Can we find a place where we can talk?”

Qiao Mai brought him to her shop, where the staff served two cups of hot milk tea. It was the end of the year, and every family was buying new year goods. The shop was busy and idle.

“Take a seat. What do you want to say?”

“Madam Qiao, you saw the situation just now. Many children died from a cold.

They’re young and can’t take bitter medicine. This will delay their illness.”

“You’ve taken a fancy to my medicine?”

“That’s right. I’m not doing this for money. I’m doing this for sick children.” “Are you in charge of the clinic?”

“Yes, the owner of our clinic is a good person. If he heard there are cold and fever medicines for children, he definitely wouldn’t raise the price.”

“How dare he!”

The physician trembled with fear at the aura emanating from Qiao Mai. Qiao Mai stared at him.

“I can give you two prescriptions for free. I know your clinic has branches and a headquarters. Tell your boss he can earn money, but it can only be a small profit.’

“Don’t worry. I’ll convey your words to the boss.”

Qiao Mai rolled her eyes at the physician and asked Shopkeeper Niu for a pen and paper. After a while, she finished writing two prescriptions.

“Take it and start production as fast as you can.”


The physician excitedly blew the prescription dry, folded it, and placed it in his arms. He stood up and bowed deeply to Qiao Mai.

“Madam Qiao is righteous. All the children in the world will be grateful to you.”

“Hurry up and leave, or I’ll go back on my word.”

The physician looked at the milk tea and drank it in one gulp. It was not that he was greedy. He knew if he did not drink it, it would be thrown in a while. He did not want to waste anything.

As soon as he left, Shopkeeper Niu respectfully came to Qiao Mai.

“Boss, are you doing good deeds again?

“I do evil things too.”


Since Shopkeeper Niu witnessed his boss’s strength that day, the admiration in his heart was like waves in the river. The shop assistants were the same.

With Qiao Mai as their boss, even the subordinates had confidence.

However, they knew Qiao Mai’s character and did not dare to bully others. Everyone in the shop kept a low profile.

Even though they had seen their boss’s strength, they still acted the same.

On the twenty-fifth day of December, the families sent New Year’s gifts as promised. Even Liu Mei and Liu Ye did.

Although the items weren’t expensive, they were rare. The family sent a large basket of steamed sticky bean buns to Qiao Mai.

Thanks to Qiao Mai, all of their families had made money, especially Liu Ye’s husband. Qiao Mai had asked Shopkeeper Niu to give up 20% of the profits and wholesale the goods to Liu Ye’s family. They sold them for the same price as the Qiao family and had made bank in the past two years.

Liu Ye was also hardworking. As soon as she got married, she was pregnant. Ten months later, she gave birth to a chubby baby. The Dong family had a good character. They respected their daughter-in-law, not to mention that she knew double-sided embroidery.

Liu Mei’s husband was down-to-earth and sincere. The work Yuan Jiaqi had arranged for him had been completed well. He was now a leader among the workers and earned one tael of silver monthly..

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