Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 138 - Chapter 138: No One Will Laugh At You

Chapter 138: No One Will Laugh At You

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Qiao Mai arrived, she saw Yuan Jiaqi crying alone in the living room. She walked over to him and gently touched his head.

“Revenge is enough; there’s no need to become a slave to hatred. It will only make your future days unhappy.”

“Wife, they are shameless, and I couldn’t help but get mad.”

Suddenly, Yuan Jiaqi hugged her and cried. “At that time, no one helped me. I was a new father and didn’t know how to raise a child. I played both the role of father and mother.

“I barely made it through the days. My parents were like vampires, my brothers were indifferent, and the clan members wouldn’t support me. I don’t blame them for not helping me when I was in trouble. They all laughed at me during my hard times.”

“But when I started doing well, they came wanting a piece of the pie. Why? Everything in this world is reciprocal. They never contributed to me, so why should they share my success?”

“Then study well, use your success to punish them, and make them regret to the point of losing sleep every day. Can’t you do that?”

“Madam Qiao, thank you. My son and I are fortunate to have met you in this lifetime.’

“Alright, stop crying. I’m counting on you to honor our family’s name through your studies.”

“Yes, I won’t let you down!”

“I’ll be waiting!”

Yuan Jiaqi wiped his tears and awkwardly said, “Well, I should go to class now. I’ve embarrassed myself enough today.”

“Family members can talk about anything. Men can cry too. No one will laugh at you!”

Yuan Jiaqi quickly left the living room as if fleeing. Qiao Mai giggled as she watched him go.

Upon learning that Yuan Jiaqi had topped the county’s scholar list, the Tian family was seething with jealousy. They turned their attention to Tian Yaohui.

“You must do well. We should also aim for the scholar’s title.’

“Yes, my teacher said I’ll have my turn in two more years. He says I’m a promising student.”

Tian Yaozu, on the other hand, gave them a cold and resentful look. He wanted to throw a brick at those three but didn’t dare.

Now, his family despised him, seeing him as a freeloader.

In Lihua Village, the Qiao family was more upset. They watched as their daughter’s life improved. She not only had money but also a son-in-law who was the county’s top scholar.

He was the top scorer, and there was no doubt he would become an Elementary Scholar. Yet, all of this was slipping through their hands.

They couldn’t figure out a way to change their situation. The idea of going through official channels didn’t seem viable, and they were losing sleep over it.

Two days later, Mayor Qian rushed to Shopkeeper Lu’s place with the news. “Sanniang, we’ve found out. That guy, Feng Yinshi, really has a concubine outside and a one-year-old son.”

Lu Sanniang nearly jumped up. “That scoundrel!”

“Unfortunately, there’s no concrete evidence. The woman with the child has rented a house in the county, claiming her man is dead. None of the neighbors have seen Feng Yinshi visiting her.”

“How did you find out then?”

“That woman often carries the child outside the Feng residence. My people noticed it. When they saw the child, though still young, they found that he looked remarkably like Feng Yinshi.”

“So, what should we do?”

“He doesn’t dare to visit her during the day; it must be at night. He’ll be back at the end of this month. After a month of abstinence, he must be desperate, so we can try catching him in the act. What do you think?”


Lu Ruxin, who was nearby, burst into tears when she heard the news. It was too much to bear. Feng Yinshi had married her for her family’s money and power and refused to touch her. It was disgusting. “Sanniang, you don’t have to do anything. I’ll handle it.”

“Alright, Brother Qian. I leave everything in your hands!”

“Rest assured. We can’t let our daughter be taken advantage of. Once we catch him, we’ll report him to the officials.”

“Yes, we can’t let that scoundrel off!”

After Mayor Qian left, Lu Ruxin cried in Lu Sanniang’s arms.

“Mother, why is my life so miserable? I’ve been kind to them, but I’ve been taken advantage of. I… I really want to confront him.”

“Silly girl, he’s not even worth confronting. Don’t give him too much importance. Learn from this experience. When dealing with people and matters, always keep a margin for yourself. Retreat a step, and you won’t fall off the cliff.’

Lu Ruxin was comforted by Lu Sanniang for a while. She thought it was necessary to inform Qiao Mai of this matter.

Even though they were no longer master and disciple, Lu Sanniang was still her close friend.

So, she went to the Qiao family. At that moment, Qiao Mai was in the backyard, tending to the vegetable garden. The weather was getting warmer, and it was time to harvest the last batch of vegetables before taking down the greenhouse to plant something else.

“Sister, you’re here.”

“Yes, I have something to discuss with you.”

“Let’s go to my courtyard.”

The two went to the main courtyard, where the children were not there.

“Sister, it seems Ruxin’s situation is as Brother Qian suspected. That scoundrel Feng Yinshi indeed has a concubine and a one-year-old son.”

“The Feng family has been scheming against you. Even if they didn’t know about this concubine, they had ulterior motives when they agreed to the marriage.”

“At this point, I’m planning to catch them in the act with Brother Qian.” “Do you want me to come along?”

“Sister, Brother Qian and I think it would be better if you came. I’ll feel more secure with you there.”

“Alright, just let me know when.”

Since Lu Ruxin had returned to Tianshui Town, the Feng family had not bothered her much. Perhaps they felt she had little to offer.

This period has been relatively peaceful. Qiao Mai didn’t have any particular reaction to her return, and Lu Ruxin didn’t have the courage to approach her.

A few days later, Wang Jiaru came to the Qiao family. She immediately hugged Qiao Mai and laughed.

“Long time no see. I’ve missed you so much!”

“Are you here to see your grandparents, or are you missing my cooking again?”

“I came to see you specifically. Of course, I’ll see my grandparents too. I’ve missed your food!”


Qiao Mai held her hand and led her toward her grandparents’ courtyard.

“If my grandparents find out you’re here as a side trip to see them, they’ll be heartbroken.” “They won’t. They always say I’m a nuisance.”

“Where’s Zihan?”

“He and my mother stayed in the Capital. I came back to handle some affairs here and reconcile the accounts.”

“Are you getting married?”

Wang Jiaru laughed openly, nodding. “Remember to come to my wedding, okay?” “I want to go, but at the same time, I don’t.”


“You’re marrying a prince. If I go, what am I with my current status?”

“You are my friend. Whoever dares to look down on you is looking down on me.

If I see it happen, I won’t acknowledge them anymore.”

“Come on, you have no idea. Marrying into such a wealthy family comes with its challenges. Learning etiquette and rules alone will exhaust you.”

At this, Wang Jiaru pouted.

“You think I want to marry? It’s just that the little prince is blind and besotted.

He insists on marrying only me as if I’m so willing.”

“Don’t play innocent. Many women dream of marrying into such a family.”

“I don’t want to. I want to live freely, like you.”

“I heard from Old Mistress Wang that this matter isn’t entirely the prince’s fault. After all, you couldn’t resist the temptation and sneaked into his kitchen to steal food, right?”

“Hehe, their cooks are too good. I could smell the delicious food from outside the walls. But after tasting your cooking, I don’t care about their food anymore.”

As they continued chatting, they reached the courtyard where Old Mistress Wang was sitting alone, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Upon seeing her granddaughter, she quickly stood up and approached her. “Ruler, you’re back?”

“Grandmother, I’ve returned. Where’s Grandfather?”

“He’s teaching his classes at the moment.”

“I’ll be staying here for a few days before returning to take care of some matters. After that, I’ll be heading back to the Capital.”

“Have you set a date yet?”

“Yes, on the 16th of September. Just make it before that day.”

“That’s a good day.. Is it chosen by the royal family?”

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