From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 341 - Chapter 341: Fate! Fate

Chapter 341: Fate! Fate

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Damn. So unlucky!”

Wang Ye was tidying up his bed with some comrades from his platoon when he heard someone on the playground cursing and grumbling.

“Sigh, isn’t that the case! How did he end up here?

Could it be because I didn’t wear red underwear in my zodiac year?

Damn, this is really unbelievable!”

If Wang Ye were here right now and listening carefully, he would definitely recognize these two guys.

These two guys were the ones he helped break the eggs back then.

Although their faces were not covered in egg yolks now, Wang Ye had a good memory.

Of course, he couldn’t come over here now.

“By the way, which platoon is he assigned to? I hope he didn’t come to our second platoon,” someone added at the side.

They didn’t run together, in fact, everyone on the playground was running together now.

However, the person who spoke next to them was also from their platoon.

As soon as they heard this, the two guys who Wang Ye had helped break the eggs had a sudden change of expression.

No, if he comes to our platoon, then there’s no way we can live our days in peace. I don’t want to see him parading around in front of me with the rank of a private every day!”

“Haha, he’s already been promoted twice, he’s not just a private anymore!” Someone in front turned around and laughed.

“Nonsense, it’s ail the same, he just got promoted early, and he hasn’t even been in the army for a year!”

“All, we’re in trouble now. Look, as soon as he arrives, our lovely weekend turns into an hour of running on the playground. By the way, we better not have a day off tomorrow!”

“Don’t jinx it, don’t say that. I’ve been tired all week, and I’m hoping to have a good rest tomorrow and call my girlfriend!”

“Spit, everything was fine when we ran together, and now you’re talking about a girlfriend. Be careful, I’ll make you carry me on your back while running!”

There was no supervision on the playground, even though it was supposed to be an hour of running, everyone kept running without slacking off.

But their mouths didn’t stop.

Anyway, for them, as reconnaissance soldiers, running for an hour was nothing out of the ordinary.

Moreover, it was just running without equipment, and they hadn’t been running for long yet.

Talking didn’t disrupt their running rhythm at all.

In fact, while they were talking about Wang Ye, in the battalion’s office, several platoon leaders and deputy platoon leaders were also discussing Wang Ye with Jiang Nan and the instructor.

However, their discussion was not about the same topic.

“It seems like the commander really remembers what happened at the beginning of the year,” said a lieutenant in the company office with a bitter smile.

After speaking, he looked at everyone around him and added, “It’s really unlucky. Why did we end up doing such a thankless job within the battalion back then?”

Jiang Nan glanced at him, and his face, while smoking, clearly showed frustration.

“Enough, why are you talking about this? The more we talk about it, the more annoying it gets!” Jiang Nan muttered.

What happened at the beginning of the year was essentially a matter of sacrificing oneself for the greater good.

However, the other two companies were not on the base at that time, so their second company happened to take on this mission.

But now…

At this moment, the instructor spoke with a smile, “It shouldn’t be that serious. I think it’s just the chief of staff’s peculiar taste.

But it may not be a bad thing either. Wang Ye doesn’t really have much grudge against us.

This time, his visit can be an opportunity to enhance our unit’s discipline and training level!”

After saying this, he looked at Jiang Nan again and said, “They say Wang Ye has a fast learning ability. He’s only been in the platoon for a few months, and I heard he can already operate infantry fighting vehicles.

I’ll talk to the platoon leader later, and we should teach him everything he needs to know.

If he really has strong learning abilities, we can use him to motivate our soldiers.

So they don’t think they’re the top dogs, and he’s just the second in command.

Strengthening our unit like this will be a good thing for the next inter-company competition; maybe we can beat the first and third companies!”

“Alright, let’s go with that,” Jiang Nan nodded.

At this point, there was no use in saying more.

Regardless of the chief of staff’s intentions, and regardless of the fact that Wang Ye, a private, had broken his eggs and subjected him to ridicule from the other two platoon leaders for so long, now that Wang Ye had been assigned to their platoon, they had to let go of these grievances.

Starting from what was most beneficial to their own platoon, making good use of Wang Ye was the right course of action.

“Beep beep-”


At 9:30, the dormitory lights were turned off.

But the others hadn’t returned yet, and at that moment, the sound of a whistle came from downstairs.

Let’s go, downstairs!”

In the first platoon’s dormitory, several soldiers who had been sitting on their beds chatting quickly got up.

Wang Ye naturally followed suit.

They hurried downstairs.

Once downstairs, Wang Ye noticed that those who had been running had not only returned but were still downstairs.

They quickly formed up. Although it was Wang Ye’s first time, with An Ping’s guidance, he quickly found a suitable position in the first row by height and stood in place.


At ease…

Right face…

Call the roll!

The duty officer organized the formation, and after all personnel quickly reported their numbers, Wang Ye, standing in the first row, instantly knew the total number of soldiers in the entire reconnaissance platoon.

Excluding the platoon leader and the instructor, there were a total of ninety-one soldiers in the formation, including the duty officer in front of them.

Hmm… this count might be missing the kitchen staff.

“Wang Ye!”

After the duty officer finished reporting the numbers, Jiang Nan directly called out Wang Ye’s name.


“Fall out!


After loudly responding, Wang Ye took a step forward.

“Right face.”

Following the command, Wang Ye turned to face all the soldiers of the second platoon in front of him.

Behind him, Jiang Nan spoke again.

“Everyone, you should all know him. I won’t talk about his glorious achievements. What I want to tell you now is…

Starting today, Wang Ye officially joins our second platoon, first squad.

And starting today, Wang Ye is also a member of our division’s directly affiliated reconnaissance platoon!”

There was silence among those facing Wang Ye.

Jiang Nan spoke again, “Let’s give him a warm welcome with applause!”

At this moment, applause rang out once more.

When the applause died down, Jiang Nan spoke again.

“Alright, there’s nothing else. Dismiss. It’s already lights out, and there won’t be any night training tonight. Rest early.”

The main reason Jiang Nan called everyone down this time was to let Wang Ye meet the other members of the second platoon and to formally announce Wang Ye’s inclusion in the second platoon.

After the dismissal, Wang Ye noticed that some people were still staring at him without moving.

Looking in their direction, it was in the diagonal front.

Wang Ye’s eyes flashed with a hint of curiosity, and in just a couple of seconds, he smiled and nodded at these two individuals.

Immediately, the two non-commissioned officers’ faces turned dark, and they walked away with scowls.

“Hehe, recognized them?” An Ping walked over, smiling.

He had seen the scene just now.

“Squad leader, are they the ones?” Wang Ye whispered.

“Yes!” An Ping nodded, then looked at the others. After the soldiers from the other squads had gone upstairs, he spoke to the members of his squad who were with him.

“Let’s go upstairs too!”

Wang Ye followed.

At this moment, as they climbed the stairs, Wang Ye was actually sizing up the other members of his squad.

There was someone who looked vaguely familiar.

But right now, Wang Ye wasn’t sure.

However, when he returned to the dormitory, Wang Ye knew for sure. His feeling was correct; he had indeed encountered his old “enemies.”

Although their encounter back then had been a brief moment, and the other person had painted himself as a pregnant woman lying there, Wang Ye was sure it was him based on the initiative he had taken and the first words he had spoken.

“Well, we meet again!”

In the dormitory, the reconnaissance soldier who had been discovered by Wang Ye back then looked at Wang Ye and smiled.

At this moment, he appeared to be genuinely interested in Wang Ye.

They still didn’t know how they had been exposed until now.

Wang Ye hadn’t revealed it on the spot, and Wu Jianfeng hadn’t told them the reason afterward.

So at this moment, when they saw Wang Ye, they were eager to ask how they had been exposed.

Of course, they had some guesses and felt that Wang Ye might have noticed it.

After all, it was Wang Ye who had opened the car door for inspection back then.

“Hehe!” Wang Ye smiled awkwardly.

He didn’t expect that he would still remember the excuse he casually made back then.

At this moment, another member of the second squad spoke up with a smile, “What a coincidence! Wang Ye, who would have thought that in such a short time, you would become our comrade in the same squad!”

Hehe, yeah!” Wang Ye still smiled awkwardly.

This person, he didn’t recognize, but Wang Ye guessed that he should be one of the other individuals in the car back then.

However, when he initiated the conversation like that, it was definitely him.

Huh? What’s going on? Fuck. Do you guys know each other?” Qiu Shuang spoke up.

Wide-eyed, Qiu Shuang looked around and then said in surprise, “You two weren’t exposed by Wang Ye back then, were you?”

This caught the attention of everyone in the dormitory.

Even the squad leader, An Ping, was stunned.

In his heart, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “What the heck!”

Wang Gang smiled and said, “Hehe, it’s very likely. Wang Ye, why don’t you tell us how we were exposed back then? We’re curious!”

Wang Gang’s smile didn’t seem fake.

The main reason was that they hadn’t been humiliated back then, unlike the two from the second squad who had been pointed at and ridiculed by Wang Ye and Wu Jianfeng.

Hehe, it’s not like that,” Wang Ye chuckled. “It was our instructor who said that your hands didn’t look like a woman’s, so he had the guys behind you check just in case. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?”

Wang Ye told a small white lie without batting an eye since they didn’t know he had discovered them. He figured it was best to keep that secret.

“Oh… so that’s where the problem came from!” Wang Gang was surprised. Then he said helplessly, “Well, there’s nothing we can do. I don’t know how to do bone-shrinking kung fu. But next time, I’ll have to be more careful. After all, we can’t make our hands smaller with makeup!”

At this point, An Ping, who had been listening, spoke up.

“Alright, let’s not dwell on this. Those of you who just finished running, go get some water and wash your feet. Lights out now. After you soak your feet, we can introduce ourselves, and if there’s anything else, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

He knew that his two soldiers had been exposed for their makeup infiltration, and afterward, he even had them practice makeup skills. However, he didn’t know about their connection with Wang Ye.

But now that he had heard it, it didn’t seem like a big deal. In fact, it could be seen as a bit of fate..

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