My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 806 - Chapter 806: Chapter 806-Private Use

Chapter 806: Chapter 806-Private Use

She lived her annual life of resting at home.

Xiao Xin had not seen most of the people who came to celebrate. He did not want to be seen as a rare treasure.

Other than the few people she was on good terms with, she directly closed the door and refused guests, simply hiding to cover up her shame. Four in three years, who could give birth to her?

Zu Si ‘nyang saw her and laughed non-stop. Her teeth were dry.

“You’re good. You can give birth better than me. I felt more at ease. I thought that I was the only one who gave birth to kittens at home, but you, Lady Xiao, are still the best. You have three kittens and you have already caught up with my speed.”

“It’s just that I haven’t found out whether this child is a boy or a girl. Those stinky boys in my family are still waiting for your wife to marry them. We are a bunch of kids. When will we be able to confirm this marriage?”

Zu Si ‘nyang started to worry about the marriage between the Xie and Lu families. They had arranged the marriage early, but all the children were boys.

She was also very worried.

Bestie, dear?

Xiao Baoxin rolled his eyes. He did not feel honored at all.

It was indeed a blessing to be able to give birth, but they could not do it one after another without even giving them time to breathe.

In the past, she had thought that the Zu family’s complaints were sweet troubles, but now she had truly experienced it. What sweet or not? Bullshit. It had nothing to do with sweetness. It was all a burden. He did not know if his body could withstand it.

“Doctor Xue couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman, and she couldn’t guarantee that she didn’t go through this either.”

“There should be some in the Imperial Academy of Medicine, right?” Zu Si ‘niang was joking. She really cared about this matter. “Us women are going through hell when giving birth. You have twins, so you have to be careful.”

He then said,

“I heard that the entire Imperial Academy of Medicine is busy because of you.

If it weren’t for Xie Xian’s high status and power, the Imperial Academy of Medicine would have sent people to observe and record her every day. Even so, they still sent the most skilled female doctors of the Imperial Academy of Medicine to guard the Xie family. Those who knew that the Xie family contributed to the Imperial Academy of Medicine and also to ensure the safety of Xiao Baoxin’s delivery, those who didn’t know would think that the Imperial Academy of Medicine had already fallen and submitted to the Xie family, supporting the Xie family.

Of course, the Imperial Academy of Medicine had first obtained Xie Xian s approval for doing this. In reality, they had hit it off immediately.

He wasn’t a lab rat. In terms of medical skills, the Imperial Academy of Medicine was definitely second to none in Daliang. Compared to the other folk divine doctors and wild masters, Xie Xian would definitely believe in the orthodox way. At the very least, they had a license and were trained from living people.

Once Xie Xian passed this stage, he immediately requested Emperor Yong Ping.

There was reason and evidence, and there was also human sentiment. Emperor Yong Ping did not disagree.

This was why the doctor of the Imperial Academy of Medicine had moved in. However, when this matter spread out, those who knew or did not know would think that the Emperor’s heart was still on Xie Xian’s side. Only then did Xie Zhifeng stop a little.

However, this was not what Xie Xian cared about. Right now, his entire heart was on Xiao Baoxin.

He started to read medical books again. He flipped through all the medical books about twins that he had neglected before. There were only four or five cases in total.

Only two of them survived, but it was unknown how long they would live.

Less than 50%.

Xie Xian wanted to tear the medical book apart, but he also knew that it was difficult to find it. If he tore it apart, there would be nothing left. It was too rare. Because of this section, he turned around and reported to Emperor Yong Ping to collect all the medical books in the world and copy them into an integrated volume.

From medical books, he could expand the history of the classics, and even all kinds of reference books for craftsmen could be copied and kept. If the inheritance secretary needed it, the imperial court could buy it at a fixed price. This kind of reference book collection had the name of the inheritor written on it, which was another kind of historical record.

When this suggestion was made, Emperor Yong Ping clapped his hands in approval, and many of the ministers in the court also praised and criticized it. To be honest, this was a good thing for the country and the people. The merit was in the present generation, and the benefit was in the future. Most of them thought that Xie Xian was trying to make himself look good and create momentum for himself.

In the prosperous times, books were written, but in the chaotic times… It was already good enough that he had eaten his fill.

It was unrealistic to say that Daliang was in a chaotic world, but it was also not realistic to say that Daliang was in a prosperous world. The mountains and rivers were in ruins, and there were a lot of things to be done. If you had the time, you might as well think about how to make Daliang prosper.

He even wrote a book. Wasn’t he using it for his own use, paving the way for his wife to have children?

It was just expanding the scope. The root of the matter was here. Although he said that, the Prince of Huaiyang was the first to stand up and respond. There was no other reason. He had nothing to do. It was rare to have such a good job. He did not have any real power in his hands. The Emperor would not be suspicious. He was just killing time. After all, he had money, power, and time.

This was the first time that the Prince of Huaiyang had appeared after the family banquet. For Emperor Yong Ping, who had always wanted to repair their relationship, it was no different from someone handing him a pillow when he was dozing off.

Who wouldn’t agree? The Prince of Huaiyang immediately took up his post and organized the work of writing a book vigorously.

Once Xie Xian made the suggestion, there was nothing for him to do anymore.

However, Imperial Physician Shu was the first to respond.

Everyone knew that war was the most destructive in history. Many precious ancient books, paintings, and cultural relics were destroyed in this way. Other things aside, there were less than one in a hundred medical books left from the previous dynasty. Many rare and precious cases were gone.

It was rare for Yong Ping to have such a good deed. The doctors in the Imperial Academy of Medicine were also incited. They wanted to contribute all the medical books and cases that had been passed down in their families.

With just one sentence from Xie Xian, the entire Liang began to move. From top to bottom, the influence continued to expand outward.

The aristocratic families gasped in amazement. In terms of Xie Xian’s influence, they had no choice but to accept it.

Zu Si ‘niang had said this because she had seen it for herself.

After sending Zu Siniang away, Xie Wan returned to her mother’s house in the afternoon. There was nothing else. She was also here to see Xiao Baoxin. This was a great hero of the Xie family. He had shouldered most of the heavy responsibility of procreating.

The Xi family was in the mourning period, and it was inconvenient for Xiao Miaorong and Chu Lingzi to enter the house, so they sent someone to send a congratulatory ceremony, but their faces were not revealed.

Just like that, after receiving Xie Wan today, Xie Shan, Xie Chan, and Xie Juan returned to the Xie residence the next day. They went to Rong An Hall and teased her again. It was not until the end that the Eldest Lady Xie arrived.

It had been half a month since the last time they parted on bad terms. Xie Xian had already talked to Xu Erlang. What the two of them talked about in secret, Xie Eldest Lady did not know, but Xie Xian had promised her that it would be as she wished.

Since her younger brother had said so, Lady Xie could not hold it in. Moreover, she was pregnant with her younger brother’s child. She had to look at the Buddha’s face.

They were the last to arrive, so the ceremony was undoubtedly the heaviest. It was very pressuring.

Xiao Baoxin was in high spirits and had long gotten used to it after so many days. If he had a few babies in his stomach, wouldn’t he still have to live? Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could not help but pull the conversation back to ease the relationship with the Eldest Lady Xie. After all, Xie Xian had a good relationship with Lady Xie, so he couldn’t make things difficult for Xie Xian.

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