Forced To Be A General, I Just Wanted To Retire

Chapter 52

Freedom? Go to Hell!

Crowe had never seen Robin, nor had he seen her in Alabasta. The only person who had seen Robin was Kuro, who had gone to Vegas.

Robin said sarcastically: “You don’t know me, but I have seen you in Alabasta. Great Sword Hojo, even a strong person like you came to escort me, I should be honored.”


Leda stared at her and said, “Nicole Robin. I saw her wanted poster when I was a child. It doesn’t seem to have changed. It’s very similar to when I was a child.”

“This name does sound familiar.”

Crowe thought for a moment. “Nicole Robin, Nicole Robin… Ah! That Devil Son, the one with a bounty of 79 million when he was eight!”

As a former pirate, Crowe has seen people with high bounties.

Especially the eight-year-old Devil Child, who was famous all over the world.

“I am not a demon!”

Robin roared: “You are! The lackeys of the World Government, you are the devil! We pursue the truth, we pursue freedom!”

“Miss’ speech is a little biased.”

Kuro sat down and smoked his cigar. “What’s wrong with fighting crime and protecting civilians? Didn’t your elders tell you not to do anything illegal?”

Robin looked at Kuro and said sarcastically: “Protect civilians? Don’t joke, you don’t understand at all!”

O’Hara, no one is alive except her!

That is also considered protecting civilians?!

Kuro shrugged. “Well, don’t be so excited. I really don’t understand it, but I think a person has to bear the price of what they do, good or bad.”

Therefore, if he tried not to do anything, there would be no price.

“The price…”

Robin lowered her head and smiled bitterly. “You Marines don’t understand at all. We are just pursuing the truth and freedom.”

Kuro took down his cigar and blew out smoke. “Freedom… What a convenient noun.”

Freedom was out. What could he say? He was just a Marine who yearned for safety. He could not judge the actions of others and he did not want to.

It had nothing to do with him anyway.

Robin stared at Kuro and said word by word, “Sooner or later, the truth that the World Government has always been afraid of will be made public, and their rule will be seriously challenged!”

“Ah… you can do it.”

Kuro said indifferently, “I’m just a Marine, I have no opinion on who will be the World Government, as long as it’s not chaotic.”


Robin could not understand what kind of person this was. When ordinary Marines heard that she criticized the World Government, shouldn’t they refute loudly and even kill themselves.

Why did this man look indifferent?

Strange Marines …

“But there is a problem. If the World Government is really subverted by the truth, have you thought about it?” Kuro suddenly asked.

“After subverting the World Government…”

Robin was stunned and silent for a moment before saying, “I’m just a historian.”

Kuro smiled and said, “The Pirate King started a chaotic era before his death, which led to the proliferation of pirates. The hard work of the civilians every day became nothing under the slaughter of a pirate, and even their lives were lost.

I have to admit that no matter how bad the World Government is, it has at least curbed the development of pirates for 800 years. So, Miss Nico Robin, before revealing the so-called truth, it is best to find a more reliable buyer. You don’t want to see many O’Hara in the future.”


This man actually knows?!

Kuro said, “Well, my little suggestion is that you are a pirate and I am Marine. You don’t have to listen to the enemy. But as Marine, I prefer stability to freedom.”

Robin looked at Kuro and said slowly, “Then tell me what freedom is.”

Kuro smiled. “How do I know? Don’t ask me this kind of philosophical question. I don’t know how. However, the words of a pirate don’t represent freedom.”

How would he know this? Compared to freedom, isn’t it better to live safely?

Freedom? To hell with that.

How the world flows is the world’s business. He just wants to live a stable life and not be so worried.

Finding treasures is your business, but if you really want to do evil, he doesn’t mind cleaning up.

After all, only by clearing those pirates can he live a safer life.

If his strength meets the standard and he cleans Yonkō (Four Emperors) clean, the world will be perfect.

Outside the window, Usopp used the sucker octopus to lean under Robin’s window. He did not hear the sound inside, but he saw that Marine was talking to Robin. Since Marine’s ferocious face, Usopp felt his body shake and he almost caught the octopus.

“What’s going on? Why is Crowe in this carriage? Isn’t he a pirate? How did he become a Marine?”

In addition to Kuro, he saw Crowe, the village of Sirob, his eternal shadow.

“No, no, no, now is not the time to think about this. I have to save Robin. Is there any way, any way to hide from these three Marines… I got it!”

… .

The door of the first carriage was opened. Before they could look, they heard a voice.

“Smoke bomb!”


The carriage was filled with smoke that could blind the naked eye. Then, Usopp rushed over and hugged Robin, ready to run.

“You… have a long nose?”

“Hurry up and run, I spent a lot of effort to save you!”

Usopp was about to take advantage of the smoke to open a path, but before he could run a few steps, a gust of wind came from the smoke and blew the whole smoke away.


Usopp’s face suffered a heavy blow and he crashed into the carriage with Robin. The mask shattered.

When the smoke dissipated, a slender figure stood in the middle with her hands in her pockets. “I was wondering who it was. It’s you. Long nose.”


Usopp covered his face and got up, looking solemnly at the person in front of them.

Crowe pushed up his glasses. “To be honest, as soon as I see the straw hat and your face, I get angry. Can you stay here?”


Robin stood in front of Usopp and said, “CP9 and I have an agreement. You must ensure the safety of the Straw Hats. Otherwise, I will not cooperate!”

Crowe said coldly: “I don’t know anything about that. I’m Marine, not CP9.”

“There is indeed this agreement.”

Behind him, a voice sounded.

Lucci led the CP9 members into the first carriage and said, “No harm to the Straw Hats is a precondition for Robin to cooperate with us. Marine, your mission is only to escort them. You have no right to care about anything else. This is a matter of Justice Island, not Marine.”

Bruno said, “Please, let go and leave Long Nose to us, good Marines.”


At this moment, the top of the carriage was pierced and Nero fell to the ground with a face full of blood.

Two people appeared at the door.

“Robinson, we are here to save you!”

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