Forced To Be A General, I Just Wanted To Retire

Chapter 279

Teacher, You’ve Become Weak


Zephyra chewed on this name as her gaze drifted away.


“Why, do you know him?” Kuro asked.

“Ah… if it’s that guy.”

Zephyra touched his pocket and took out an old piece of Life Paper. The Life Paper slowly moved in one direction in his palm.

“I hope it’s not you, otherwise…”

Anger appeared in his eyes. He shouted and followed the direction of the Life Paper.


Ian and Bintz followed, and at this time, a large number of Marines came down from the ship and were ready to follow.


Kuro grabbed a second lieutenant and pulled him to the side by the back of his neck. He pointed at the town and said, “Take some people to protect this town. This will be my base in the future, and there can be no mistakes. You organize the Marines to rescue the civilians and clean the town.”

“Yes! Colonel!”

In the end, they belong to the same system. The second lieutenant did not dare to refuse the order of a colonel. He saluted and organized a batch of Marines to clean up.

“Mr. Kuro, let’s…” asked Crowe.

Kuro exhaled the smoke and followed Zephyra. “Of course I’m going to take a look. After all, this is my island.”

Fine, he was still angry.

Leda and Crowe could only follow obediently.

“Teacher Zephyr, why do you care so much about the name Hernando, that is his life paper?”

On the way, Ian asked curiously.

Zephyra didn’t speak as she walked in silence.

“Hey, Kuro, why is that Zephyr so silent? Does he know that person named Hernando?”

Behind them, Leda whispered.

“Isn’t that obvious?”

Kuro said, “It must be melodramatic. For example, the former Admiral took in a disciple who wanted to be a Marine, but he ran away to be a pirate or something. Then there’s his principle. In the past, when he met a pirate, he fought hard and was both an enemy and a friend. He exchanged the Life Paper for a hot-blooded maritime epic.”

The older generation of Marines and pirates have dealt with too many enemies and friends.

Sengoku and Whitebeard, Garp and Roger, it is too normal for this former Admiral to be involved with any pirate.

As for whether Kuro knows him, there are many pirates on the sea that he doesn’t know.

For such a troublesome person, Zephyr came at the right time.

“Kuro, don’t say such nonsense, my ears can still hear it.”

Zephyra was silent for a moment before saying, “I am a Marine that upholds justice. No matter what happens, it will not break my faith…”


Kuro narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully, “That’s really amazing, Mr. Zephyr. But sometimes, faith is nothing compared to the cruelty of the sea.”

“The cruelty of the sea?”

Zephyra sneered. “How much do you know, kid? I have dealt with more pirates than you have eaten.”

Kuro shrugged. “Just sighing.”

This kind of strong belief is not something that can be persuaded with a word or two. Otherwise, why would he still maintain the principle of not killing after so many years?

Fafa Ze is doomed.

When he was young, his wife and children were killed by pirates. Because of him, the high-ranking admirals in the Marine began to use code names and even built family buildings in Marin Van Do.

Then Zephyr placed his hopes on the new generation of Marines. As a result, the students were killed by pirates, causing Zephyr to destroy another hope and turning the elite battalion of Marines into nothing in these few years.

Not to mention that not long after, the World Government will stab him in the back again and let the pirates who once slaughtered his students become Shichibukai, completely shattering Zephyr’s belief.

If Kuro’s mentality was repeatedly messed up like this, he would have collapsed long ago. He admitted that his mentality was not good.

Whoever messes with him, he will get them back. If they mess with him during the day, he will get them back at night.

The direction of the Life Paper and moving forward. At this time, Kuro could already see the black smoke rising on the opposite side of a mountain peak in front of him.

This scene made him frown.

“Kuro, someone is gathering in front. There are a lot of them,” Leda said as she sensed something.

Kuro spat out the cigar tail and lit another one. He said lightly, “It’s a pity that not all of them are gathered together. Otherwise, it would be completely quiet.”

If they were gathered together, it would not be so troublesome. All the seawater would be flooded away, but the key is that the pirates and civilians on the island are gathered together. With his current ability, he can do micro-manipulation at close range, but he can’t do it at a long distance. It is easy to kill the civilians together.

As Zephyra walked forward, she suddenly stopped and subconsciously looked at the mountain peak.


A loud shout came from the mountain peak and a large number of cannon muzzles appeared from there, facing the Marines below and making running sounds.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A large number of shells smashed towards this side.

“It’s a cannon!”

“Retreat quickly!”

“Shit, it’s too late!”

The Marines were shocked. Under this cannonball, it was impossible to dodge.


Suddenly, the ground shook and an earthen wall with a lion head sculpture rose in front of them, blocking the bombardment of the shells.

There was also a tremor in the mountain peak. The mountain peak seemed to come alive and turned into a lion with its mouth wide open, swallowing the group of pirates and the cannon. As it twisted and squirmed, the lion head squeezed in and blood squeezed out from the cracks of the stone, making the mountain peak become dead silent.

This scene made everyone lose their voices.


Ian stared at the scene in shock. She couldn’t understand it.

Zephyr was silent for a while and turned to look behind him. He saw that Kuro had just taken his hand out of the ground and stood there, looking at Zephyr.

Zephyra shook her head. “Don’t be too radical, Kuro.”

“What does it have to do with me? God just can’t stand it.” Kuro completely denied it.

Zephyra ignored him and continued forward.

On the back of this mountain is a low valley. In the low valley, there is a village that has been burned. Broken walls, charred corpses reaching forward, and those messy footsteps all show how desperate the people here were.

Crowe walked over and picked up a spot on the ground that was dry but still a little black. He put it to his nose and smelled it.

“Mr. Kuro, the blood has not been spilled for long… Here, it has just been destroyed.”

“You don’t need to smell it.”

Kuro looked up and whispered, “I can see.”

On the hillside, a group of figures appeared.

When he saw that group of people, Zephyr’s pupils shrank.

The leader was a blond and burly man. He crossed his arms and looked down. He stared at Zephyr and slowly said, “The bombardment of the mountain peak was actually resolved. As expected of you, Zephyr, no, Teacher Zephyr…”


Zephyra roared, “Do you know what you are doing! You turned your back on honor and stepped on the path of sin. Are you crazy?!”


The blond man named Hernando closed his eyes and opened them again. He sighed and said, “This is the world. Don’t you recognize it now?”

“You really know him…”

Leda said in surprise.

Zephyra gritted her teeth so hard that her teeth were about to break, and her eyes were filled with disbelief. “You used to say that you wanted to find your own path, but this is your path? You turned your back on the position of Marine Vice-Admiral and became a shameful pirate?!”



Leda’s eyes widened. This person used to be a lieutenant general?

“My path has not changed.”

There was a hint of complexity in Hernando’s eyes. He took a deep breath and showed a grim smile and opened his hand. “Teacher, are you satisfied with my masterpiece?”


Zephyra roared and raised his mechanical arm as bullets shot out.

A pirate next to him was about to take a step, but the blond man waved his hand and took a step forward. In an instant, his whole body became dark, revealing a luster under the sun.

Those bullets hit him and burst into sparks.

Full body Armament Haki!

“Master, you have become weaker…”

Hernando sighed, and there was a trace of sadness in his tone. “Because of your mercy, you are old and weak. If you had given up that garbage back then, that pirate would never have let you lose a hand.”

He looked at Ian and Bintz. “Trash should die obediently!”


In an instant, his figure disappeared, and then he appeared in front of Bintz and punched him.

“Hernando, stop!” Zephyra widened her eyes and was about to punch him.

Hernando, on the other hand, was not afraid at all. He seemed to want to kill Marine in front of him.

With Zephyr’s strength, dealing with Hernando is not a problem, but in that case, Bins will definitely die!

“How can it be fixed!”

Zephyra roared and turned around. She pushed Bintz away and placed herself under this person’s fist.

“Teacher, this is… your weakness.”

Hernando murmured softly and a black airflow suddenly emerged from his fist. Haki swept out and mercilessly hit Zephyr.

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