People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 656 - Chapter 656: Green Life Grass

Chapter 656: Green Life Grass

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation ‘ Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

hao Yu didn’t know the exact location of the Second tier campsite or familiar the Tier 2 region. He only knew that it was located north of their campsite from Hao Yu Wei. As long as he followed this line, he would eventually reach

After leaving the camp, Zhao Yu spent less than ten hours to reach the

camp emmOSt PlaCe he had been t0 bef°re’ ab°Ut 100 kil°meters awaV from the

Further ahead, there was a river that was hundreds of meters wide. There were ernfying monsters in the river, and the level and number of monsters on the Ot er side of the river increased rapidly. This was also one of the reasons why e did not cross the river to explore on the other side.

TO others, this river alone was a huge obstacle. Zhao Yu had vision. With the super Brain’s vision, he could lock onto the monsters ‘movements in advance and avoid their route to cross the river safely.

Along the river, Zhao Yu’s vision kept scanning, looking for a safe place and route to cross the river.

Under the water, monsters that ranged from several meters to dozens of meters long swam back and forth.

Zhao Yu had never personally fought these monsters. No matter how strong he was, he could not breath under water. He had seen a high-level Tier i monster being dragged into the water, dying of exhaustion before.

Therefore, he had to cross the river quietly and quickly. If he was entangled by these monsters, it would be very troublesome.

After finding the best route, Zhao Yu pulled out his long saber and slashed at a willow tree by the shore several times.

Branches scattered on the ground. Zhao Yu picked up some thick branches and threw them out from the shore.

After the tree trunks entered the water, they naturally floated up. The nearest ones were only a few dozen meters away, and the farther ones were even close to the opposite bank.

With the floating path appear, Zhao Yu no longer hesitated. He circulated his energy and tapped his feet, instantly flying up.

AS if he was floating on water, he jumped ten meters and crossed the river in a few leaps.

The moment he landed, several tentacle-like objects suddenly appeared on the surface of the water behind him. They wrapped around the tree trunk he landed on and dragged them underwater.


Zhao Yu turned around and chuckled before continuing to walk north.

After walking for a while, he discovered a Tier 1 High Level Elite monster.

Zhao Yu though for a moment and chose to go around it.

The main purpose of going north this time was to scout the way and identify situation at the second tier camp. Hunting activities were avoided as much as possible to save up his energy.

At the same time, Tier 1 High Level Elite monsters were difficult to kill instantly. They had thick skin and strong, so he needed to waste a lot of time to ring it down. The fight between them might also alert the people from the second tier camp.

Zhao Yu chose to avoid any monsters he encountered along the way until he reached a swamp.

Zhao Yu stopped on top of a large green rock and looked into the distance He could not see the end with a single glance.

I have to go around this swamp…”

According to his vision, the bottom of the swamp was not peaceful either There was a huge monster that looked like a scorpion hiding. Its level was not low, reaching from the intermediate to high level of first tier. There were multiple groups monster with normal, elite, and even commander class monsters.

Most importantly, the density of these monsters was very high. There was one every few dozen meters, making people’s scalps go numb.

Zhao Yu didn’t hesitate for too long. He asked his Super Brain to record the route and direction and chose the safest to take a detour.

Fortunately, the swamp didn’t cover a large area, and they only left after making a detour to the west for more than a hundred kilometers.

The sky darkened. Zhao Yu went into the tree hole to rest.

The next day, he set off again.

Not long after, two figures suddenly entered his field of vision.

A man and a woman, both in their twenties, had the strength of high level first tier. Their speed was extremely fast, and a second, they had crossed a distance of 100 meters.

“They are running for their life?!”

Although Zhao Yu didn’t know what was chasing after the two of them he didn’t want to invite trouble, so he chose to bypass.

Who would have thought that his movement would expose himself, attracting the two behind to catch up.                       5

Zhao YU’S Super Brain alerted him and he changed his speed slightly. With his Mystery Level Lightfoot skills, he was slightly slower in speed. At this rate he would be caught up soon.


With this thought in mind, Zhao Yu quickly changed direction and moved onto another direction.

Little did he know, the two behind promptly chased after him in the direction

They indeed have some means of detection!”

Zhao Yu frowned, activating his sight again and found a clue.

Among the two chasing from behind, the man seemed ordinary, with a human appearance.

On the other hand, the woman had a few whiskers resembling those of a feline on her face, and her feet were not human-like but more like cat claws.

“Beast Enhancer?!”

Zhao Yu has meet some Beast Enhancer before in the camp, but they were not powerful.

It was his first time encountering a high level first tier Beast Enhancer, and her speed was unexpectedly faster than the man beside her and Zhao Yu himself. Xehd?l”eaSt EnhanCer fr°m f<?line MtegOry that f°CUS °n strengthe™g in Being chased by two people who appeared out of nowhere, Zhao Yu didn’t dare to stop and continued to run northward.

Half an hour later, as the distance between the two parties narrowed to just over two hundred meters, and they could even see each other directly, Zhao Yu s started to panic

In his Super Brain vision scan, more than six hundred meters ahead, there was a cliff.

It was so deep that the Super Brain couldn’t probe the bottom.

“Not Good!”

Zhao Yu didn’t expect that his casual run would lead him to the edge of a cliff. Soon, he didn’t change direction but instead arrived at the edge of the cliff. Looking down, the cliff was deep, and nothing could be seen at the bottom, like an abyss leading to hell.

Turning around, the two figures also appeared behind him.


Just as Zhao Yu was about to ask, the pursuers finally appeared in his sight. Dozens of figures followed closely behind, entering his view..

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