I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

Chapter 58 - The Security Team Welcomes You

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Chapter 58: The Security Team Welcomes You

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When she had just started quarreling with that man, Captain Sha was already present. Why did he wait until now to step out and take charge of the situation, then? Why did he not make a move before? Could it be that he was really observing her in the dark and felt that she was quite skilled, so he wanted to invite her to join the security team?

Du Yue looked at him with unconcealed vigilance and suspicion in her eyes. When Sha Feng noticed her gaze, he laughed instead of getting angry. “You don’t really think that I’ll stand up for such a scumbag, do you?” As Sha Feng spoke, he glanced coldly at the unconscious Ma Liu, and the disgust in his eyes became more and more obvious. “Trash like him should stay in the trash can. He shouldn’t show his fangs and claws in the base, annoying everyone.”

“Captain Sha, y-y-you…” The skinny man stammered for a long time but was unable to say a complete sentence. Sha Feng looked at him and sneered. “I’m the security captain of the base, not your supporter. I’ve already warned you before. Besides, things are different now. If you don’t have the ability, then tuck your tail between your legs and continue living on. It’s not easy to be here in the first base. If I were you, I’d just work and live an honest life. Although this can’t be compared to the carefree life you had in the past, it’s still better as you don’t have to worry about food and drink. But why aren’t the two of you appreciating your good lives here? Why did you have to go and provoke others? You’re only regretting it now that you’ve met a powerful person.”


Sha Feng did not care that the thin man’s face was becoming more and more nervous. He continued, “Hurry up and take him away. If you continue to dawdle, I can’t guarantee that you won’t become like this good friend of yours.”

Hearing this, the skinny man could not help but tremble. Become like Ma Liu? How could he let that happen? Almost subconsciously, he could not control his eyes and looked at the tongue that was thrown on the ground.

With just one look, the skinny man instantly felt a chill all over his body and broke out in a cold sweat. he did not care about Ma Liu who was lying on the ground anymore. He turned around and squeezed into the crowd, quickly slipping away. Du Yue was not surprised at all that he would leave Ma Liu behind. The reason why this person had spoken up earlier was simply to take advantage of Ma Liu’s situation, not to seek justice for him. Now that he could not take advantage of it and might even be implicated by Ma Liu, he could not care less about his friends.

Du Yue sneered. When she looked at Sha Feng again, she did not feel any disgust. However, Du Yue had no interest in his invitation at all. The weather was so hot. Would it not be nice for her to stay at home and watch shows while lazing around? Why did she have to show her face in public to manage public security? It was not like she had nothing better to do.

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested in joining the security team.” Hearing Du Yue’s rejection, Sha Feng could not help but feel a little disappointed. There were many people in the base who wanted to join the security team, but there were only a few who were as agile, swift, and decisive as Du Yue. However, Sha Feng could understand this. The more capable a person was, the more they liked to fight alone. They did not like to be restricted.

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“It doesn’t matter if you’re not interested now. If you’re interested in the future, you can contact me at any time. The security team will always welcome you. The salary of a security officer is very high. If you want to join us one day, you can come to the supermarket to look for a staff member. If you say you’re looking for Sha Feng, they’ll take you to me. ”

Du Yue nodded. “Thank you for your kind intentions. I understand. I’m going home now. We’ll meet again if we have the chance.”

“Yes, if there’s a chance, we’ll meet!” With that, Du Yue turned around and left. When she passed by the crowd, the people around her moved to the side in unison to make way for her. Du Yue was quite happy to see everyone looking at her with vigilance. Compared to being bullied and humiliated, she preferred the feeling of being feared.

On the way home, Du Yue realized that most of the people in the base had indeed started to prepare supplies for the winter. Some people bought cotton-padded clothes, while some bought duvets. They were probably the same as her. They had all received the news that the temperature was about to drop significantly.

Du Yue was not surprised that the base could predict the upcoming temperature drop. The first base was the most prestigious survival base in the country. It was normal for them to have some advanced equipment and talents with outstanding abilities. Hence, they were able to predict the news of the temperature dropping in advance and send out a notice to everyone to prepare supplies. When the extreme cold came, the number of people frozen to death would be greatly reduced.

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