Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1115 - Chapter 1115: Chapter 1115 Unexpected Sightings

Chapter 1115: Chapter 1115 Unexpected Sightings

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

After the ceremony’s conclusion, Lu Yu retreated to his temporary residence for a well-deserved rest.

As he settled onto the couch, a shrill ring pierced the quiet—the landline phone in his study.

“Lu Yu!” Hu Zhan’s booming voice echoed from the receiver. “There’s a call for you.”

Lu Yu rose and strode purposefully into the study, picking up the phone. A familiar voice greeted him on the other end.

“Zhao Qingya? I just returned, and you’re already calling? What’s up?”

“Actually,” she began, “our hunting team scouts just spotted signs of a dragon roaming the wilderness. Initial assessment suggests it’s a massive fire elemental dragon.”

“A colossal elemental dragon loose in the city could wreak havoc,” she continued, her voice laced with concern. “Observation of its movements is crucial for our safety. Ideally, we’d drive it out; its presence is undesirable within city limits.”

Lu Yu shrugged nonchalantly. “So, you need me to handle this?”

“Skyplume City’s stretched thin on manpower,” Zhao Qingya explained, “and this dragon is particularly formidable. Intelligence indicates it’s highly irritable, making it a difficult opponent. Currently, you’re the city’s strongest and most readily available. This is where I have to ask for your help.”

“Sure, I can help you out,” Lu Yu conceded with a hint of impatience, “but on one condition.”

“Alright, what is it? Speak your mind. If it’s within my capabilities, I’ll do my best to accommodate you.”

“I need your help finding someone,” Lu Yu revealed. “A woman named Su Qing. She might be in the capital right now. Locate her, and I’ll gladly assist you with the dragon problem.”

A surge of excitement crackled through Zhao Qingya’s voice. “It seems like this Su Qing holds great importance to you. No problem; I can definitely help you find her. You did say you’d help me, right?”

“Absolutely,” Lu Yu confirmed. “I truly appreciate your assistance in locating her.”

“Her name is Su Qing, a young woman, correct? What’s the nature of your relationship?”

“A classmate from my student days,” Lu Yu explained. “We’ve known each other for a while. Though our bond isn’t particularly deep, it’s decent. If you find her, discretion is key. The circumstances surrounding her arrival here are… unique.

She even underwent a resurrection.”

Zhao Qingya gasped, a hint of astonishment in her voice. “Resurrection? Now that’s quite extraordinary. Very well, I’ll search for this enigmatic individual.

Any news, and I’ll notify you immediately.”

“Head out of the city,” she instructed. “Our personnel are stationed at a stronghold outside the walls. They’ll brief you upon arrival.’ “No problem,” Lu Yu replied with a grin. “Leave it to me.”

He hung up the phone.

“Anything new requiring my attention?” Hu Zhan inquired, approaching with a curious expression.

“Nothing major,” Lu Yu assured him. “Just a mutual favor exchange—helping her out, and her doing the same for me.”

“However, caution is advised,” Hu Zhan cautioned. “Dragon strength varies greatly. Some soar through the cosmos, while others are akin to wild beasts.”

Lu Yu offered a reassuring nod and a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll exercise caution.

So far, no dragon has proven powerful enough to pose a threat.”

Confidently, Lu Yu strode out, Hu Zhan’s approving smile following him. Reaching the courtyard, he unfurled his wings and soared into the sky, aiming for the southern gate and the quickest route to the stronghold. As he flew, the city sprawled beneath him, shrinking as he sped towards the approaching challenge.

These strongholds served a multitude of purposes. They weren’t just vigilant for incoming Beast Tides or threats from the Demon Lord Abyss, but also for natural disasters and even lost dragons—any potential danger fell within their detection range.

Lu Yu descended rapidly towards the stronghold’s entrance. Concrete walls fortified the perimeter. Landing before the imposing iron gate, Lu Yu pushed it open with ease.

“Hold on there! Who are you?” A guard stationed at the gate approached Lu Yu, scrutinizing him with suspicion. “This is a restricted area for Skyplume City. Off-limits to civilians. You’d best turn back.”

Lu Yu tapped the badge adorning his chest. “Care to see my credentials?”

The guard’s eyes widened as he recognized the insignia. “B-but that’s the deputy mayor’s badge! You… you can’t be?”

Lu Yu offered a curt nod. “Indeed, I am. Now, kindly allow me entry.”

“Apologies! My actions were out of line,” the guard stammered. “Please disregard my earlier behavior.”

“It’s fine. You were simply doing your duty.”

News of Lu Yu’s arrival spread like wildfire, and soon a figure clad in gleaming white armor emerged.

“Greetings,” the man began with a warm smile. “Ms. Zhao informed me of a new deputy mayor taking charge of this situation, and I couldn’t wait to personally welcome you!”

“Acknowledged,” Lu Yu replied with a nod. “Now, tell me, where’s this giant dragon?”

“Certainly. As of now, the dragon appears to be bathing in a lake.”

A frown creased Lu Yu’s brow. “A fire elemental dragon… bathing? That’s highly unusual. Fire typically despises water.”

“We’re at a loss ourselves,” the man admitted. “Perhaps it seeks to cool down?”

Lu Yu muttered in agreement. “A possibility. I’ll head over to investigate. Where exactly is this beast located?”

“The Great Rift Valley, southwest of here. I’ll provide you with a map; you can’t miss it upon arrival.”

The man retrieved a map from behind him. “This details the surrounding area.

The dragon’s location will be clear once you take a look.”

Lu Yu scanned the map briefly. “Excellent work. Leave the rest to me.”

“By all means, but proceed with caution,” the man cautioned. “The dragon seems rather agitated and erratic. It’s been crushing nearby wildlife, not for sustenance, but out of pure rage—a desire to destroy everything in its path. We need to be extremely careful. If we provoke this creature, a full-blown battle is inevitable.”

Lu Yu offered a nonchalant nod. “Understood. I’ll handle it. You can return to your duties. Time for me to prepare for departure.”

“Very well then. We won’t hold you up any longer. May your journey be swift and safe.’

With a parting nod, Lu Yu ventured into the forest, his sights set on the rampaging fire dragon. Soaring through the air after transforming, he could traverse treacherous terrain with ease, significantly increasing his travel speed..

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