I became the Prime Minister's Adored Wife after Transmigrating

Chapter 204 - Chapter 204: Uncontrollable

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Chapter 204: Uncontrollable

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

When she thought of the nightmare just now, Ji Zhao felt suffocated.

Shen Yao patted her back gently and comforted her in a low voice, “Ah Tao, don’t be afraid. I’m here.’

These simple words actually miraculously calmed Ji Zhao’s emotions.

She leaned into Shen Yao’s arms and listened to his steady and strong heartbeat. She finally calmed down completely.

‘Are you feeling better?” After a moment, Shen Yao rubbed her shoulder and asked softly.


Ji Zhao forced a smile. “I just… had a terrible nightmare, so I was scared awake.” ‘Don’t be afraid. Dreams and reality are the opposite.” Shen Yao kissed her forehead, his deep voice filled with gentleness. “Be good and sleep. I’ll be with you.”


The two of them lay down together. Ji Zhao nestled in his arms and unknowingly fell asleep again—

She slept peacefully in the latter half of the night.

She only woke up when the sky was bright.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Shen Yao’s sleeping face. His face was very close, his eyebrows were very thick, and his nose bridge was very straight. More importantly, his lips seemed to be glowing seductively at this moment.

To be fair, Shen Yao was very handsome.

After all, Shen Dashan and Zhao Lanhua were both outstanding-looking people. The three Shen brothers were all very good-looking.

However, Shen Yao was still the most good-looking because he had gathered all the good points of his parents.

Unexpectedly, Ji Zhao suddenly stretched out her left index finger and tapped the tip of his nose. Then, she slowly moved down and landed on his lips—

Ji Zhao stared at him and smiled foolishly.

Just as she was about to approach him, she suddenly felt a moist touch on her index finger.

It was numb like an electric current.

Only then did she realize that Shen Yao had already bitten her index finger!

‘You…” Ji Zhao retracted her finger in a panic and blushed nervously.

‘Ah Tao.”


Before she could react, Shen Yao had already leaned forward and kissed her lips fiercely—

He was like a bee that had been looking for honey for a long time suddenly discovering a rose—

That forceful kiss was filled with aggression and suppression!

It was not until his hand landed on her shoulder that Ji Zhao suddenly woke up!

She pushed Shen Yao away in a panic and stammered, “I haven’t rinsed my mouth…”

Then, like a gust of wind, she quickly got off the bed.

Looking at her hurried and flustered back, Shen Yao could not help but smile.

Deep in his heart, he vaguely felt a little disappointed.

Although he and Ah Tao were already connected, they were still not a real couple…

Actually, he had already woken up before Ah Tao woke up.

He pretended to close his eyes to rest because he wanted to see Ah Tao’s reaction.

As for the kiss that followed, it was completely uncontrollable.

However, judging from Ah Tao’s last reaction, he seemed to have frightened her.

After walking out of the room, Ji Zhao still felt her face burning.

Actually, she did not reject Shen Yao’s intimacy with her. She was even looking forward to it—

However, Shen Yao’s leg had yet to fully recover. She wanted to wait for him to recover before taking it step by step with him.

When Zhao Lanhua walked into the kitchen, Ji Zhao was standing in front of the stove in a daze.

What was even stranger was that she kept slapping her own face.

‘Ah Tao, what are you doing? Why did you slap your own face? Doesn’t it hurt?”

‘Mother?” Ji Zhao subconsciously turned around and grinned foolishly. “Why are you up so early?”

‘The sly is already bright.” Zhao Lanhua pointed at the sky outside the door and asked blankly, “Why are you in the kitchen so early? Are you hungry?”

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‘Mother, what are we eating this morning?” Ji Zhao quickly changed the topic with a smile.

“What do you want to eat?”

‘Dough drop soup!” Ji Zhao answered without hesitation. ‘Child, do you like to drink dough drop soup that much?” ‘Because Mother’s dough drop soup is super delicious!” Ji Zhao said with a smile.

‘Alright, then let’s eat dough drop soup this morning!” Zhao Lanhua, who was overjoyed from being coaxed, smiled happily.

‘Mother, you make the dough drop soup. I’ll make some fried buns!”


The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chatted while making delicious breakfast.

After a while, another fragrance wafted out of the Shen family’s kitchen.

‘The Dashan family must have cooked something delicious again! This taste is too fragrant!”

‘Look at how greedy you are.” Ji Guihua glanced at her man angrily.

In the past, in winter, her man would not wake up until late in the morning!

These two days, he woke up very early!

Her man was awakened by the fragrance of the breakfast next door!

However, Ji Guihua had always been on good terms with her neighbor, Zhao Lanhua, so she cleverly filled a large pot of soy milk from home and went to the Shen family’s house at the right time.

In the end, she successfully brought back a total of eight fried buns!

Looking at her man eating with a satisfied expression, Ji Guihua couldn’t help but laugh.

At this moment, the Shen family was also happy and harmonious.

Especially the moment Shen Yao slowly walked into the central room, everyone except Ji Zhao was stunned!

‘Third Brother? You… you’ve recovered?” Shen Dashan, who was eating a bun, looked at his youngest son who was standing upright in front of him in disbelief. Unknowingly, his eyes turned red!

“Father, Mother, my leg has recovered.” Shen Yao smiled and said this short sentence gently.

However, these words carried a lot of weight!

‘That’s great! That’s great!” Zhao Lanhua was extremely excited and hurriedly went forward. ‘Third Brother, take two more steps? Two more steps for Mother to see?

Shen Yao smiled and nodded obediently. Then, he took a few more steps in the central room in front of his family.

‘That’s great!”

‘Third Brother has finally recovered!”

‘Mother, should we burn incense for Bodhisattva tomorrow?

“Father, Mother, Eldest Brother, Eldest Sister-in-law, Second Brother, Second Sister-in-law.” Shen Yao sat at the square table and called out to them one by one. Then, he said with a serious expression, “I want to pick up my textbooks again and give myself another chance to participate in the imperial examination.’

‘Good!” Shen Dashan was the first to clap and cheer. ‘That’s how it should be!”

‘Third Brother, go ahead and study. I’ll take good care of you at home!” Eldest Brother Shen patted his chest and promised seriously.

‘[Thank you, Eldest Brother.” Shen Yao looked at everyone and said seriously, ‘[Ever since my leg was injured, I haven’t been able to recover. In the past three years, thanks to the care of my parents, brothers, and sisters-in-law, I was able to gradually untie the knot in my heart.”

In the end, Shen Yao’s gaze landed on Ji Zhao’s face. He promised word by word, “I want to participate in the imperial examination again. I want to marry Ah Tao again on the day of the honor roll in the future

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