Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 476 Arbour’s Days

Chapter 476 Arbour’s Days

" in your rooms, wifeys, I'll be there in a bit."

After saying so, Lith vanished from his spot as he cast Short Jump and teleported to Alexandra's room in the Royal Castle.

Each of Lith's wife has their own rooms assigned to them.

But everyone mostly slept in Lith's bedroom that had a bed big enough for everyone.

The Royal Castle was now Alexandra, Arya, and Emilia's home. They would come by whenever they were free and would sleep or spend time with the others.

Their maids also got time to reunite with the others in this meantime and all in all, it was their new home.

When alone, the ladies would mostly be in their rooms sleeping or if awake, do other stuff.

? The butlers of the castle were all given duties in the outer areas of the Royal Castle and there were barriers erected in the inner areas which ensured that nobody could peek from the outside in the inside.

This provided the ladies their much needed privacy but the main reason that it was setup in such a way was so that Lith could do whatever he wanted whenever and wherever.

Luna was the one who thought of this when the marriage was going on. Now that there were more madams in the house, she had to think of their interests as well and now that her prince was opening up and not being shy of using the services of the maid, she realized the importance of this.

Luna made all the butlers be in the outer areas and work. Most of the external affairs and things needed to get done outside of the Royal Castle were also done by the butlers themselves while the maids worked in the castle.

Except for the Witch Continent, all the matters of the other continents were handled by the butlers.

There were just fifty butlers while there were a hundred and fifty maids.

Having so many sent out, just a few remained in the Royal Castle with the important ones being Noman, Ruben, and Arbour.

Arbour couldn't be sent out as he was a Supreme Rank and he was basically just chilling the Royal Castle and doing his things.

He was free to go wherever he wanted as he had a seal placed on him that made him a slave to the Royal Clan. There was a whopping zero percent chance that he would ever betray the Royal Clan and thus, he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Arbour, despite being the top ranked being among all other Royal Servants, wasn't at the top.

At the top there was Luna and everyone listened to whatever she commanded.

When there were no orders for him, he would chill in the Royal Castle's outer areas with Noman and Ruben who were Emperor Ranks and in the same position as Luna.

Although they weren't the head, they held approximately the same power as her and answered directly to the Prince, Princess, or the Queen.

But of course, since they weren't the heads, there were some things they needed to consult with Luna and Luna had the power to send them to work if needed.

These three Emperor Ranks were in the highest hierarchy of the Royal Servants but there was also one more Emperor Rank present among them.

This was a mysterious fourth Emperor Rank in the Royal Servants who was out for some work and hadn't returned yet and Arbour also didn't know much about the person.

Arbour's days were simply passing while hanging out with Noman and Ruben.

As he hung out with them, he realized that life wasn't so bad in the Royal Castle. Although he was now a slave to the Royal Clan, was it really too bad?

That day in the forest where Arya was ascending, he had the choice to run away with the Human Ancestor but he didn't and instead chose to clear up things with the Vampire Queen.

He was a Supreme Rank like the Vampire Queen as well but he chose to lower his head and clear things up in case there was a misunderstanding and didn't want to have any enmity with her.

Arbour didn't know why that was the case but his instincts told him to not make a stupid decision that he did when he came out the dimension he was secluded in for so long.

Arbour's only regret in life was to think he was too strong and rashly attacked people. The end result was getting defeated by three Supreme Ranks and becoming a subordinate of the Human Ancestor.

He didn't want to make another mistake and so he thought of clearing things up with the Vampire Queen.

But who knew that she would make him his slave instead of letting him go like how she did with the Human Ancestor.

He regretted his decision to clear things for a good while until he finally lived life with Noman and Ruben.

He came to a realization that it wasn't too bad to be a Royal Servant afterall.

Noman and Ruben were good people in his opinion and being around them, he had learnt that the Vampire Queen was a genuinely good person and not someone cold and harsh like he previously expected.

That along with the fact that he wasn't mistreated even by a bit since the time he came here was evident that she was a good person.

The Vampire Queen apparently didn't even bother to give orders to the Royal Servants and Arbour noticed that the maids and butlers did things on their own to upkeep the pride and integrity of the Royal Clan.

Arbour also realized a seemingly shocking thing and it was that the Queen, Princess, and the Prince hardly ever worked!

The Queen basically wasn't the Queen anymore and it was instead the Princess who was now a Regent Queen and as for the Prince, he was apparently just born and was still a child so he anyway couldn't do much.

Arbour also realized that if the Royal Servants didn't work, the entire integrity of the Royal Clan would collapse and nobody would respect the Vampire Queen or the vampires anymore.

He got anxious thinking that the sovereignty could collapse at any moment if he didn't work hard and if that happened, Arbour was sure he would get beheaded by the Queen.

But his anxiousness was soon gone as he saw Noman and Ruben playing chess together relaxedly in the courtyard of the outer areas of the Royal Castle.

When asked how they were so relaxed, the response was simple and it was to do nothing unless mentioned otherwise.

When work came up, the Royal Servants would be notified about it through some or the other way and they simply had to do things then. Until then, it was their motto to relax.

Arbour gradually relaxed as well as he got to know this information and joined Noman and Ruben and spent time with them.

Gradually, he came to realize that among the two, one was too corrupted and filthy while the other was too pure and holy.

One was a demon among demons and the other was an angel among angels.

Looking at such a contrast made Arbour feel out of place but then he was given some consolation by the two saying that it was fate for him to be with them.

Arbour was neither pure nor holy, neither corrupted nor innocent, and neither too rash or too calm. Arbour was a normal person and he was the balance between these two extremists.

Knowing this obviously made Arbour happy and he happily did things with the two.

The Human, Demon, And Angel spent their daily lives in the outer areas of the Royal Castle, usually doing nothing but playing some games and from time to time, they would do their usual things.

For Ruben, the demon, his usual thing was to eat some innocent people and he would go out of the Vampire Continent to hunt some.

As for Noman, it was to help those innocent people from being eaten and also to stop Ruben from harming them.

As for Arbour, he was left out when this happened and was yet to figure out what to do when both went out.


Alexandra's room, Royal Castle.

As Lith teleported out in Alexandra's room, the scene he saw inside made him shocked and he couldn't help but say,


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