Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 1070 Just A Little Bit More

Chapter 1070 Just A Little Bit More

It rained for a week straight. The phenomenon took place around the world and became the talk of the town. All conflicts had come to a halt due to this strange anomaly.

Levels of Dark, Death, Destruction, Fire, and Wind elemental energies were constantly rising along with a demonic aura.

The Demons were happy and celebrating as the weather was totally fine-tuned to their liking. They felt it was an auspicious occasion and were singing praises of their Queen and Demonkin.

Unknowingly, the Demons' celebrations weren't wrong as it was indeed their Queen that was ascending!

Lucifer was undergoing her ascension to Legendary Rank in the Angel Continent under her grandfather's care.

Her ascension was almost complete and the worldly phenomena that were occurring was the world's way of thanking Lucifer for her ascension.

Each ascension from the Supreme Rank onwards raised the elemental energies of the world. The energies that would rise would depend on the ascender's affinities.

Secondly, such high levels of elemental energies would cause mutations in the world's flora and fauna, resulting in the rise of new species. It would also invite otherworldly creatures and expand biodiversity.

Lith watched the changes around the world with interest. He wondered how the world would react when he ascended. Will it result in a rain of roses? Or will amethyst stones pop out like common rocks?

Whatever it may be, it surely would be fun.

'Wait, wait, wait, did I just raise a flag here?' Lith broke out in cold sweat. '…maybe not. I'm just overthinking, haha…'

Lith rubbed the back of his neck. There was no sweat but it felt colder than usual.

A week had passed since Lith sat down on the rooftop. No one except Lizbeth felt the passage of time.

Not knowing how to regulate her body's functions with elemental energies, Lizbeth had to make visits to the bathroom everyday, eat, drink water, and shower as well.

Fei and Meryl felt amused watching her. Those two were beings that had barely ever done such things as they were a completely different race compared to humans.

Lith had asked them to not say anything to Lizbeth on this. He too was having fun watching her leave the table every hour and a half to go pee.

She didn't have to walk all the way down from the rooftop. She had an artifact in her hand that let her freely teleport from one place to another. She was officially Lith's disciple so this was the most basic set of privilege she enjoyed.

Back to staring at two tablet screens, Lith found nothing of interest about the gates so he put that tablet away. Looking at the screen showing the people of the world, Lith found a few interesting things.

The dragons were recuperating and preparing for another major attack in the Witch Continent. The witches were having trouble fending them off even with their advanced technologies.

They could not figure out why the dragons were so powerful, and with how the present situation was, they did not have the capacity to do so either.

A sense of crisis and panic took over their entire race. All the witches were looking forward to what the Queens and Mother Queen would order them to do.

'Arya isn't there physically, but the changes she has brought are so immense that a portion of the dragons have an upper hand over the entirety of the Witch Race.'

Lith thought to himself while staring at the screen.

He tapped on the table beside him and a plate full of bite-sized varieties of pastries appeared on it.

Lith took it in his hands and forked a mango pastry, taking half a bite of the bite-sized little cake.

On the screen, he could see a witch with blue and red eyes in purple robes and pointy hat, sitting and calmly listening to what the other witches in the room had to say.

This was Hecate. She was assessing the situation and one of the major reasons why the witches were having such a hard time fending off the dragons.

Hecate had served the witches for so long that her loyalty went unquestioned. Thinking of her as the spy was next to impossible, which was what was leading them to their downfall.

'A little bit more and everything will end on a good note.'

There was still some time before the final showdown between the witches and the dragons. Things would work out just fine even without Lith's intervention from here onwards.

Shifting his attention from them to the Demon Continent, Lith found a pink-haired androgynous man sitting atop a flying bison, overlooking a huge army area and mapping things on his notepad.

Ralph was away from his home and was acting as the secondary strategist for the Demons, overlooking the holy war alongside his mother Avelyn.

The Lust Clan was known for their superior intellect. They weren't just lustful demons that thought with their lower body, but smart and seductive demons that held the power to control anyone they wished to.

Only the Envy Clan could rival them as they could copy their powers and use it against them.

The Lust Clan's contribution in the war was immense. They did not directly participate, but just stating who should attack who was enough to topple the tides and have them gain an upper hand.

Ralph's attainment was rising and he was benefitting a lot from this war. Lith was happy to see this development.

Moving onto the Dragon Continent, Mayzin's faction had gained the Giants. They had submitted to her and were living near the coastal areas of the continent, on their own island.

This news spread throughout the world and people were wondering whether the dragons were going through an internal war or something. The sudden intake of Giants was seen as a potential danger for the other two rulers.

No one in the world knew that Mayzin was the sole ruler of the dragons. Dagassi was an Emperor in name. He was more like a subordinate of Mayzin's while Arya ruled only on paper and not in real life.

Her influence was there on the territories she governed and the tribes she had under herself, but most of the everyday affairs of theirs was managed by Mayzin's administration.

Arya was a busy businesswoman. It was to the point that she did not even rule her own organization. Scelestus worked autonomously and managed the entire underworld. If there was anything that required input from Arya, Rain would come in and handle it.

After merging with the Dragons, the Giants gained a lot of benefits. The quality of their soil increased once they got the immensely fertile dragon soil mixed in with theirs.

Food was not an issue anymore and with better quality of diet, it was estimated that the Giant children would grow to even greater heights, quite literally.

Gunther was the new Chief and was being supported by Khimav. The latter was also acting as his teacher and teaching him many things about administration.

Next, it was the Vampire Continent.

Things have turned quiet for a while here. A lot of bloodshed had taken place and people were in a state of mourning, the plebes and the nobles alike.

The Dracula Clan that was majorly involved in military operations had lost a big chunk of their personnels. They also had the highest number of kills and were renowned throughout the world for their brave nature.

The heir of such a prestigious clan was fighting on the frontlines, leading battalions after battalions and killing whoever dared to challenge them.

The battlefield was where Dennis shined the best. Administration wasn't his thing. He did not like using his head. Following orders was best in his opinion as after he was finished with the given tasks, he was free to do whatever he wanted. He did not need to worry about anything else like the enemies attacking or internal friction. That was a headache that the strategist would need to handle, not him.

Due to the heavy losses, both sides were getting more diplomatic with their approach. They were thinking of ending the war and reverting back to how times were before all of this started.

The talks were still in the process and how long it would take to come into force was unknown.

In the Neutral Continent, things were heated. Really very heated.

Due to the strange phenomenon, everything was momentarily quiet, but a major trouble was brewing under the sheets.

The Free Adventurer's Association(FAA),, now being led by a Devil, was rising higher in ranks. It wasn't close to the World Adventurer's Association(WAA), but it could easily challenge the main branch of it in Lenz City and go unscathed.

The WAA was pissed and reinforcements were being called from other branches, but with Keith on the scene, all teleportation circles were blocked, and even the Space around the WAA's headquarters was showing signs of irregularities, not allowing anyone to teleport in or out.

Lith looked at this with interest. Keith sure was doing a good job managing the guild. How was she doing it, Lith thought it was best if he watched it himself.

Thinking so, he tapped on the area showing the Free Adventurer's Association's headquarters and zoomed in on it.

A redhead could be seen sitting in a spacious office, going through some papers with knitted brows.

She murmured something that Lith wasn't able to hear.

Replaying the scene and increasing the volume, he heard:

"…a peaceful life… is this what the Almighty Devil meant by having a peaceful life? Dealing with paperwork day and night every single day of the week?"


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