Stealing The Protagonist’s Yandere Lovers

11 *Don’t you wanna feel like a real girlfriend?*

When I saw the items lying in the chest, I couldn’t believe my eyes, treasure….? This is a fkinnnn jackpot!

Without wasting any time he dropped his blood on the soul ring, it started shining brightly before flying in the air and disappearing, the next moment he could feel a ring invisible to naked eyes on his right index finger, he couldn’t see but with a faint soul connection could feel it’s existence soon information regarding soul and cultivation entered his mind.

Then he dropped his blood on soul lotus it soon shone so brightly that the entire cave was illuminated, it started revolving and each of its petals started glowing in a different colour, he realised each colour corresponded to a different element then it rushed to his head for a straight collision and soon he felt a large bang in his head.

He could feel that there was a lotus lying in the centre of his conscious mind and soon it started revolving, radiating various colours.

He felt a huge suction force inside his body tearing away his muscles, tendons and tissues, he felt like the mana flowing in his body was directed towards his brain and soon another bang was felt and he thought his brain was gonna explode with mana, a medium-sized black hole formed above revolving lotus and soon all the elements in the cave which void emperor had stored started rushing towards him.

He felt a huge pain in his body, he wasn’t able to withstand it and fell to the ground, he could feel the energy being absorbed by the lotus via black hole suction and soon felt a warm feeling brought by the release of pure energy by lotus in his consciousness.

Soon he could feel the blood flow increasing, his blood vessels being torn and rebuilt, the usual mana flow changed and he could feel a unique mana flow being produced by his blood cells.

He felt like he was reborn with the ability to command all elements in the air and he could also feel faint space and time fluctuations around him and his philosophy and comprehension of life and death started to increase to greater lengths,

Soon his mind received a message sent by the lotus, it was told to him that the lotus was a cultivation treasure itself, whose use depended on the user, user only needed to plunder luck and the way of heaven and the lotus will automatically rise host’s strength. It will live and die once it chooses its host. He had a lot of information in his mind which needed to be processed, he left it for a later while.

And finally, he moved to the last item, he opened the vial and directly drank the dragoon blood essence, he could feel a huge torrent of energy exploding in his body, his heart started beating faster, slowly the pain made him go unconscious, the bloodline combined with his own, impurities were pushed out of the body, the change was at cellular levels, the colour of his eyes changed from brown to light red then again to brown.

His muscles became more sturdy, his facial features became sharper, and his skin more pure and soft, increasing his charm.

After some hours he finally woke up, finding himself in a layer of filth he quickly cleaned himself with a wet cloth from his backpack and was surprised to see his white and soft skin. He could feel a large amount of strength hidden in his body ready to be unleashed and the biggest change was with his eyes he could feel strange bright auras around living things, he realised it was the luck one possessed.

With these dragon eyes, he realised he could see through any hallucination and charming magic.

He soon went out, he took some hours since he went in and when he came out, it was already late in the evening. He saw Aushima still sitting on the ground with a knife in her little hands guarding the cave entrance.

He quickly went behind her and covered her eyes,” Guess who?”

She tried to break free but gave up after thinking of girlfriend training and just spoke leisurely, “You got your stuff?”

“Of course with a beautiful lady blessing and personally waiting for me how could I return empty-handed”, he exclaimed in a flirtatious tone.

“I have got what I wanted, now I think I need to help you, don’t you wanna like to feel how’s it like being true girlfriend ?…don’t you wanna feel the touch and closeness of lovers.”

She quickly backed off a little, “We can’t be kinky with each other we aren’t lovers.”

I quickly closed the distance and held her in my both arms, she tried to resist but with my increased physical strength she was no opponent, I was easily able to restrain her, I knew after today she would again be able to use her mana and no longer be forced so all things must be done today.

I closed the distance between our faces, and we both looked into each other’s eyes, giving me another chance to witness her otherworldly charm.

I slowly whispered in her ears, “just relax and follow my movements, you are gonna be the best girlfriend.”

“But David is the one I like”, she cried out.

“No don’t you realise it’s a one-sided obsession, love is mutual, I have not seen David looking at you with a loving gaze of a lover, I can no longer see you struggling and living a tensed life in fear of being rejected by him”, I whispered word by word in her ears.

“Just close your eyes and think you never met David, think of all the time we spent and talked with each other, think of a time when you took care of me these past days, think how I laid my head on your legs for naps and the secret smile that always bloomed on your face which caused you to look away.”

” Bu… but how can I forget David we have been together since childhood “.

“Just think about it what if ?, think how happy and satisfied you were these past days with me “, saying I pulled her in my embrace strongly, she tried to resist but feeling the strong arms around her and a wide chest to rely on and rest upon she stopped struggling and started thinking of all things Elandor was saying in her ears.

She realised she no longer disliked or rejected him but it was a different feeling which she wasn’t sure about anymore, she could remember all things about him, his likes as well dislikes, his favourite food, his clumsiness, his shamelessness, his wicked laugh, tricks he played, all things came to her mind one by one and slowly she forgot about David at that moment and got lost in his eyes that were as deep as the ocean.”

Thinking the time was right I secretly used image recording magic orbs I bought earlier to record everything, I took her face which was in deep thoughts in my arms and leaned in to make my lips meet hers.

Soon she felt a deep impact on her lips and a strong masculine smell invaded her nostrils, she looked up and saw his face was so close, she tried to break free but his strong arms held her face in place.

He bit her lips and when she opened her mouth to scream he pried his tongue in her mouth to meet hers. He quickly savoured the taste of her unique saliva, his tongue finally found hers and intertwined.

Her tongue kept moving backwards while his kept advancing giving him the freedom to manoeuver freely in her mouth. Their breathing increased as the battle inside their mouth kept progressing and there were soon fine droplets of sweat on both of their faces.

Soon he broke the deep kiss and there was a sling of saliva connecting their mouths where they separated.

Her face was filled with bewilderment, and a little bit of panic and at the same time her maiden heart was beating so hard that she felt it would burst out of her chest.

She was heaving and panting loudly and her face was as red as the ripest tomato, she used her small petite fingers to cover her embarrassed face, waiting for him to explain and her eyes were glaring at him as if she could eat him alive.

“Don’t you like it? that’s how real girlfriends feel!

I will give u a chance to answer my question correctly else I gonna kiss you the whole evening.”

Without giving her a chance I groped her perfect buttocks and squeezed them hard before once again whispering in her ears, “Who are you right now?.. think carefully before answering.”

She felt his hot breath colluding upon her cold face and it started drowsing all her sanity taking a deep breath she thought of the fanatic kiss they just shared and kisses they will share upon the wrong answer so she spoke in a mosquito-like small voice,” I’m your …girl …girlfriend !”

“Speak again, I did not hear you “, as I bit her soft earlobes sending shivers down her spine and I could feel jolts of excitement and panic on her body.

” I am your girlfriend “, she spoke this time in a mild voice, worried she will be punished again. After speaking she once again covered her embarrassed face with her small hands.

At this moment she completely stopped thinking about David and her heart was only beating with thoughts of the boy in front of her , who was making her experience a roller-coster of new emotions .

“Yes that’s how it should be , I want you to be mine and I am shameless enough to admit it.”

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