Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2213 Disowning Anna

Chapter 2213 Disowning Anna

"You!" despite knowing her origin card's nature Anna was still surprised to see the youngest agree with their mother's approach. It only further enraged her causing her to struggle with all her might, "Damn you mama's pet, let go of me. Today, I will settle this once and for all!

"No, I won't let go. Unless you properly apologize to our mother," the youngest who had Anna pinned down, continued to insist that Anna apologize to their mother if she wanted her to release her from her hold.

No matter how hard Anna struggled all of it proved useless against the youngest's perfect grappling techniques. Failing to break free from her origin card's grasp repeatedly, Anna began to talk smack to get under the youngest's skin, "Why do you keep calling her mother? You are my origin card. Origin cards don't have a mother. You are nothing but a freak accident."

"Shut up!" the youngest shouted in a burst of rage, her grip around Anna's neck unconsciously tightened almost causing the latter to choke. However, recalling she was in their mother's presence, she immediately controlled her emotions as their mother taught them and cheekily responded to her twin's enraging comment, 'Anna, our memories are connected. Therefore, no matter what you say I know you love me. So, I forgive you. Now, apologize to our mother so we all can put this behind us. Come on, His Majesty is waiting."

"Stay out of my head you accident!" Anna growled. She hated it most when the youngest used her deepest secrets against her. Feeling if this stand-off continued the youngest might reveal more of her hidden feelings to her mother and grandfather she decided to use her last resort against the youngest, "Don't blame me for this. You forced my hand. Good daughter, return!"

"Anna, noo-" the youngest's scream was cut off in the middle as Anna's grimoire closed after dragging the youngest into Anna's origin card.

Finally free, Anna got back on her feet, and glaring at her mother, she exclaimed in rage, "You ruined my childhood!"

"Who are you again?" the Southern princess asked her daughter with a stern expression that one would give to a rude stranger.

After receiving an answer she hadn't expected from her mother, Anna was taken aback and tongue-tied for a while. Not wanting to lose the momentum she responded with the first thing that came to her mind, "W-what do you mean? I am your daughter, Anna,

"No daughter of mine would swear and scream like a roadside hooligan. Especially, not at her mother. Also, how dare you threaten me? Guards, drag her to the palace's prison. Lock her in the isolated cell and don't let her out or feed her until she is willing to apologize for her crimes!

Though the Southern Princess's eyes were locked with Anna's glare, her intent sense was stealthy monitoring her father's facial reaction and intent sense. She wanted to check his limit, trying to figure out how much messing with Anna was okay before he would choose to step in.

Meanwhile, Anna's whole world had turned upside down. Not only did her mother not acknowledge her as her daughter but she also planned to imprison and starve her indefinitely for threatening her. She knew her mother was strict, difficult to please, unreasonable, and indifferent but never did she think that she would be crazy enough to disown and imprison her only blood.

The guards hiding in the shadows were sweating through their armor. Having served the royal family for centuries, they knew that the Royal family wasn't just like any other family they were crazier than them all. They have been watching over them at their best moments and at their silliest moments.

Therefore, there was an unwritten rule in the southern royal palace watch brigade that, 'Never to intervene in a feud between the members of the royal family regardless of their status in the royal family! Because no matter how nasty things got between them at the end of the day they would eat together. After all, blood's thicker than water. Therefore, despite the Southern Princess calling on them to arrest her daughter they did not show up. More like they did not dare to show up.

"You are right, you are not my mother. Guards arrest that hideous hag for manipulating a royal descendant. Lock her in the torture chamber and prepare all the tools. I want her to suffer tenfolds the pain I suffered," Anna followed her mother's example and went off script. She did not hesitate to take it a step further.

"How dare a gutter mouth brat like you claim to be a royal descendant? Guards arrest this insolent brat for impersonating a royal, the Southern princess's eyes twinkled seeing her daughter adapt quickly.

Old Anna would have lost her will to live if she were to be disowned by her but this new one did not care and also dared to disown her own mother. However, this also meant that now her father did not have to step in to fight Anna's battle for her. Which was a bummer as now she would have to think of something else to figure out how far her father would let her play with his heir.

Just as Anna prepared to give a fitting response to her mother, her grandpa stepped in saying, "Are you two done fooling around? If so, Anna let the youngest out!"

Anna's attitude and impolite speech were not news to him, seeing her use them in the royal palace and in the presence of company he did not mind. The only person who seemed to care about them in the entire royal family was the Southern Princess. After all, she had to deal with foreign dignitaries every day because of her job description. She wanted her daughter to get used to it sooner than later but none in her family appreciated it.

There was a reason why the Southern and Northern regions gained the reputation of being barbaric. That was because of their respective royal families. Unlike the royals from the other two regions and nobels from the central capital, they gave little mind to royal etiquette. Regardless of where they were and who they were talking to. As a result, the other two royal families and the nobles labeled them as barbaric which soon stuck to the subjects they represented too.

The best example of this was the Soldier Queen Collen. All the common folk think she was called by this title because of her achievements on the battlefield. However, the truth was far from that.

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