Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2205 Anna's Insane Popularity

Chapter 2205 Anna's Insane Popularity

Date- 21 April 2321

Time- 02:23

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Learning that Anna's mother had managed to steal Anna from his side Wyatt was no longer proud about stealing the Field Marshal from Anna's mother's side. The Field Marshal was a loyal knight for Anna's mother at best but for Wyatt Anna was his queen.

Wyatt considered Anna his queen not because of the ambiguous relationship between them but because she had been on his side, shielding him from all harm from the beginning. Without him asking and without her telling him, Anna has been making sure Wyatt got to live in the Southern region as he pleased. She has been protecting him from all directions just like the queen piece in a chess board. If not for Anna, the Southern Royal family and their court of loyal ministers would have enslaved Wyatt let alone giving him his fair share in their silver milk powder venture.

It was because of Anna's selfless care and protection Wyatt was able to grow freely in the Southern region without encountering any trouble. There was no denying it. Without his knowledge, Anna had gone to incredible lengths to fight for Wyatt's interest in the Southern royal court and ensure he would not be troubled or bothered.

Having adjusted to living in the card world, Wyatt or his I live AI had been monitoring the proceedings of the royal court. Ever since the world knew about the silver milk powder, during every court session the royal ministers would collectively write hundreds of letters to the Southern Ruler impeaching Dalton Wyatt for his share in the silver milk powder or his connections with demons and devils or his other inventions and discoveries.

However, none of those letters of impeachment were ever entertained in the court. Anna made sure of it. Though Anna was not as smart as her mother, she was unexplainably popular among Southern citizens, bureaucrats, and politicians. Many were willing to go against Anna's mother or even the Southern Ruler himself for Anna. These people loved and trusted her like crazy when Anna herself was not aware of what she had done worthy of their affection and admiration.

When Colleen broke through to the Card Demigod realm many in the south did not even know of it. However, the same would not be the case with Anna. When her breakthrough into the Card Demigod realm becomes public it would spread across the five regions like wildfire. Each and every Southerner would celebrate her breakthrough with her and try to congratulate her in their own way.

Not that the southerns did not love their beloved Queen Colleen but Anna was just too popular. Every house in the Southern region considered Anna to be their family's girl. So they would relate to any good news related to Anna. Hence, they cannot help but feel happy for her and celebrate with her.

The Morningstar University recorded the highest admissions from the Southern region during the four years Anna was studying there. Even the other top ten universities saw a spike in their admissions from the Southern region. Those who could not enter Morningstar University entered the other top ten universities to make sure they were in the same academic region as their beloved princess, monitor her well-being, and be of assistance to her with anything.

Such popularity made Anna a target of envy and jealousy in the other four regions though it was only limited to the top one percentile whereas the general public had a good opinion of Anna. Still, because of this, Anna's time at the university was challenging.

Be that as may, the secret of Anna's unexplainable but insane popularity, especially in the southern region, was her mother. With the shadow ruler of the southern region acting as her personal PR agent. Anna's insane popularity was given. Just tracing back Anna's life, it can be seen that her family had long decided Anna's fate for her. To become the next Southern Ruler.

It was not hard for Wyatt to track Anna's entire life as every valuable moment in her life was shared and celebrated with the entire Southern region. The Southern citizens have been slowly brainwashed about Anna for almost a century now. So it was not surprising that they would consider her as their child/sibling and relate to her happiness and sorrow.

That was why when Anna was confirmed as the next in line for the Southern throne the general public did not raise any objection and happily accepted it as if it was given. Nobody even thought of questioning Anna's right to the Southern throne when her powerful uncle, the firstborn of the current Southern Ruler, was still alive and kicking.

However, the royal ministers and other bureaucrats who truly knew Anna and had personally seen her capabilities but not through the media outlets controlled by her mother furiously objected to this decision. Nonetheless, thanks to Anna's mother's preparation none of them could gather enough momentum to back their voice. As such their echos of objection were silenced in the walls of the royal palace by the next sunrise.

Anna's family has been preparing her for the throne since her birth. Especially, her mother who carefully planned every step of her rise to power. She even gave up her right to the throne so she could continue to be the Shadow ruler of the Southern region and help her daughter. However, none of them expected to run into an unexpected invincible variable, Dalton Wyatt. They never expected Anna to obsess over an orphan teenager of all her incredible suitors.

At first, Anna's mother did not consider him a threat as she believed soon she would gain control of him like everything else in the Southern Region. However, to her surprise, in no time before she realized it, the orphaned teenager she looked down on had grown into a power that she could no longer overlook.

However, her worries did not end there because Anna's obsession with the orphan had grown stronger. At this point, Anna's mother could foresee Wyatt eating and enjoying the fruits of the plant she had been watering for a century now if things were to develop as they were. That was when she decided to make Wyatt a stepping stone in her grand plans for Anna.

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