Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2107 Gather Under My Banner

Chapter 2107  Gather Under My Banner

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 21:21

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Orphanage

The longer the silence in the office prevailed the harder it got for Henricks to hide his emotions. His gaze altered between Wyatt and Field Marshal Heatsend's indifferent faces. Giving him the feeling that this might be the end. He did not fear death but feared leaving the freedom fighters as they were now. If he the head of the freedom fighters were to die now the freedom fighters would have no choice but to disband.

Which was the best-case scenario. However, if World Leaders decide to pursue the Freedom Fighters for their revolutionary crimes and judge them for it. Then the Freedom Fighters, that was a body without a head with his death, would stand no chance. Thousands of selfless souls who believed in his cause of a better world would die in vain. Henricks was not okay with it. He could not let it all end here. While Wyatt stared at Henricks with an indifferent gaze, in his mind however he cheered as concern and fear finally became apparent in Henricks eyes. At first, when Henricks was trapped, Wyatt was dissatisfied to see Henricks remain calm assuming that they would not kill him or hand him over to the authorities but negotiate with him. Yes, he wanted to negotiate with Henricks to get what he wanted from him but the latter being smug about it did not help the negotiation. Rather it made it harder. So he decided to slowly break him. The Field Marshal gazed at Henricks void of emotion, killing Henricks was only natural for her as he was a criminal and a revolutionary. Though it was petty as Henrick was her colleague, they served at the Way Beyond together. Helped each other in tough times but for it all to end like this it was unfortunate. However, she felt Hernicks was to be blamed for this and he should bear the consequences of his actions. "Kid, since you have put things that way, it means there is something that you want from me. For the life of me, I can not figure out what it is. So, just tell me what it is, and I will see if I can give it to you in exchange for my life," Henricks gave up guessing and asked Wyatt to just tell him what he wanted. Henricks thought hard wondering what would Wyatt want from him. But nothing came to his mind. Wyatt had already made it clear he did not want the D-rank Silver Beach gate dungeon or the reverse dungeons. So, Henricks felt he and Freedom fighters had nothing else to offer to Wyatt. Therefore, he decided to be direct with Wyatt hoping the latter would be direct with him hoping he would stop beating around the bushes. Seeing Henricks show no interest in playing the guessing game and directly give up, Wyatt frowned. His opponent this time was not a bunch of spoiled kids from the Southern Capital but the ex-Field Marshal of the Central region and current head of the Freedom Fighters. Unlike the kids who were mentally and physically dominated by him, Henricks would always manage to find a way to recover from his mental domination. He would never stay down. This was turning out to be neverending and exhausting banter. Therefore, Wyatt decided to go for it. "Actually, I don't want anything from you or the Freedom Fighters," Wyatt said pausing for a dramatic effect. Then, seeing Henricks frown trying to understand him, Wyatt revealed, "Instead, I want to offer you guys an opportunity. An opportunity to wash away your status as the wanted criminals and gather under my banner. What do you think? Not bad of an offer right? After all, it was you who said that your cause and my vision are similar." Listening to Wyatt offer the Freedom Fighter the chance to join him, the Field Marshal and Corey could not help but break their indifferent front. However, they trusted Wyatt's judgment so they chose to suppress all the doubts about it in his hearts. Compared to both of them, Henricks was the one who was surprised the most. All this time he spent trying to think of what Wyatt wanted from them and it turns out Wyatt wanted them, he wanted the Freedom Fighters. Wyatt could not be more bolder and brazen. This kid was really something. Instinctively Henricks wanted to reject Wyatt's proposal but he could not help but ask, "What do you mean wash away our status as the wanted criminals? There is no way the current five regions will accept us." "I have shared a file with your grimoire check it out, you and your organization can gain a new identity under that program," Wyatt replied, taking the fact that Henricks did not immediately reject his proposal as a good sign. "Criminal rehabilitation and reintegration program," Henricks read looking at Wyatt blankly. "Like I said, with the help of this program you guys will no longer be wanted criminals but reformed criminals and be working for me. Don't worry, I don't try my employees badly, my existing employees can vouch for that," Wyatt said pointing at Field Marshal Heatsend and Corey. "This is bullshit. We are not criminals, we are an organization that solely exists for the people. We are trying to free the world from its corrupt rulers. Accepting your proposal would mean that what they say about us is true, it would be like we are accepting that are criminals. I would rather die than accept this," Henricks got excited going through the details of the program presented by Wyatt. Though he had no intention of joining Wyatt he however did want to know the method Wyatt planned to use to wash away their wanted criminal status. Now that he knew he felt like why did he even bother. "Correction, you are a dying organization. Only by accepting my proposal, you guys will stand a chance to achieve your cause." 

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