Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

On the third day after the Sky Tower appeared, the battle between the Underground Cemetery and the human kingdom entered a fierce stage.

The Leviathan Empire's side.

The extremely angry Ludwig XII gathered all the titled machines of the empire and launched a total attack on the Emerald Sea Dragon Beast, which occupied the central waters of the empire.

More than twenty knight orders, including developing siege weapons such as heavy cannons, all joined the actual combat, with over thirty thousand troops and over one hundred thousand logistic support personnel.

It can be said that this is the Leviathan Empire's challenge to the Underground Cemetery with the full strength of the country, which is the honor of the first powerful country on the continent.

The battle entered a state of intense artillery fire from dawn. The newly formed magic artillery brigade almost blew up the waterway occupied by the Emerald Sea Dragon Beast, and then the empire's titled machines surrounded the appearing Emerald Sea Dragon Beast from three directions: land, water, and air.

The Emerald Sea Dragon Beast unleashed a fierce battle against the incoming group of titled machines, releasing more than four-digit small-scale automatic attacks.

The battle was extremely fierce and can be regarded as the most devastating battle since the formation of the Leviathan Empire's magic armored legion.

On the same day, a giant with a silver-white color called "Faceless God" also stepped onto the battlefield. The newly-formed Holy Silver Dragon Knight Order appeared before the world for the first time.

"Giant, stay in the center of the nuclear explosion!"

"Attention, attention! The giant has cast some kind of earth spell, creating a huge unknown structure."

"Observation is impossible, the enemy has blocked the center of the nuclear explosion."

"Oh no, this is probably some kind of tactic. The giant is performing some unknown action in the center of the nuclear explosion!"

From the moment Yun Xi piloted the silver giant and set off, a series of bad news started coming in.

"Why would that giant... be interested in that place?" Yun Xi remembered when he crashed, he even broke through the Earth's crust.

Being mistaken for the central location of the nuclear explosion area, it is currently in a very unstable state, capable of forming a new volcano.

Why did that black iron giant choose to stay in this area?

Could it be that there is really some special strategy?

No matter what, we'll know soon enough. Yun Xi closed his eyes and started to pick up the pace.




The ground trembled as Yun Xi, who had become accustomed to the Pafu System, began to run. He was faster and lighter than any creature on the ground.

The flawless body of the faceless god, the highest level war weapon in this world, even if all weapon systems disappeared.

With such a war weapon, Yun Xi was confident in defeating the giant made of black iron.

In this battle, the newly formed Holy Silver Dragon Knight Order couldn't intervene yet. This was a war between ancient weapons, a battlefield for giants.

Even Yun Xi, with the human body shape, was at a huge disadvantage when facing opponents like the black iron giant.

There is a very obvious difference in size and race below the legend-ranked, and the difference in racial value is fully reflected at this level.

Just like how humans can easily crush ants, unless they have the advantage of a God Weapon, humans can never defeat a dragon of the same rank.

Let me solve this problem!

Running through the forest, past the abandoned village where no one sought shelter, shortly after the sun had risen above the horizon, Yun Xi saw the place where he had once fallen.

A huge circular basin, with rocks and gravel melted by intense heat, and a massive black object that appeared incredibly abrupt in the center of the basin.

It looked like a square black stone, completely blocking any possibility of observation and having an effect of external magical insulation, making it a fortress even stronger than the capital's barrier.

Even Yun Xi could not penetrate the shell of the black object, unable to see what was inside this gigantic black entity.

The only certainty was that the black iron giant was inside, at the center of where the star had fallen.

"It looks like... we can only break through forcefully," Yun Xi took a deep breath, feeling a sense of unease, as if the black iron giant's presence was at its peak.

If the opponent's fighting power gets stronger, how can we continue this battle?



For some reason, Pafu also entered an extremely excited state, which in turn increased the activity of the faceless god's body.

"Prepare... Pafu, activate battle mode!" Faced with an unknown opponent who was bigger than himself, Yun Xi went all out from the very beginning, no matter how cautious.

"Tsk!" A large amount of steam was emitted from the silver giant's body, as Pafu cooperatively raised its body temperature, giving the once icy cold body of the faceless god more vitality.

The Pafu System has two modes, the regular automatic mode and the battle mode that unleashes all fighting power.

In the automatic mode, Yun Xi can run and move, with the consumption balanced on a stable line, theoretically allowing continuous movement for a long time.

Comparatively, the battle mode can only last for a much shorter time because Yun Xi doesn't possess the soul of the legend-ranked, and the Pafu System also has its limits.

Barely controlling the faceless god, Yun Xi can only fight at full strength for five minutes, which is the current limit of the Pafu System. If the time goes beyond this, all the clones spawned by Pafu will perish, and Pafu itself will have to enter a dormant mode to regain strength.

"Five minutes... In terms of a one-on-one victory, it's already enough." Yun Xi crouched down, assuming a charging posture, locking onto the silent black block.


With a burst of speed surpassing the sound barrier, combined with the massive mass and impact force of the faceless god, the silver giant struck the outer shell of the black object like a siege hammer.

"Crack!" The barrier created by the Earth Child's power, a black stone structure ten times harder than the toughest granite, was forcefully shattered!

"Boom!" With an unstoppable momentum, Yun Xi continuously shattered the multi-layered barriers comprising the black object, progressing all the way to the crust where he had once fallen.

Target, locked on!

Black iron giant, detected!

At this moment, the cracked earth's crust.

The dark red magma gathered into lakes, and the scorching magma bubbles burst from time to time. A fifty-meter black iron giant was lying in the magma pool, looking at the black sky illuminated by the fire with hazy eyes.

"Ah... so comfortable... taking a magma bath is the best."

"The magma here... has the taste of stars..."

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