Eternal Melody

Chapter 779 Intentions

Chapter 779 Intentions

Artista University. June 29th.

Toh rubbed his eyes and leaned back on the chair in his office. The only reason he took on this job as a professor was because he knew Sumire would come here. When Lucifer asked him to infiltrate Sumire's university to get close to her again, he asked him. 'Which one do you think she would choose?'

He didn't hesitate and chose this one. When the university sent him the student roster for new students, he immediately spotted her name. Lucifer's mission aside, he truly did want to see her again. This is the only way for them to get close without drawing too much suspicion.

'I don't care what the media say, but I should know better than anybody how much the media has affected her life. While I court her again, I need to protect her from them.'

His thoughts break off, hearing a knock on his door. Before he could even answer, a man with blue colored hair stepped into the room. Toh immediately identified him.

"Nakara Shin." Toh identified.

Seeing him, Nakara wore a complicated look on his face. "I did hear you would be here. But, you actually dared to show up?"

Toh frowns. "Why do I have to hide?"

"Sorry, that's not it." Shin trailed off and sighed. "It's not just you. But, do you know Nagawa Sano?"

"I do."

"I heard he applied to be the assistant medical officer," Shin explained.

He blinks upon hearing that explanation. 'I had no idea, so this is what Lucifer meant by having a backup plan.' Lucifer probably doesn't expect much from Nagawa Sano but accepts Nagawa's idea just in case he fails.

"I see," Toh mumbled. "But as far as I am concerned, Nagawa Sano is nothing to Sumire. No matter what he does, he won't be able to sway her emotions."

Lucifer must know that too, and otherwise, if Nagawa was doing his job properly, then he wouldn't have had to call him back.

"You're very confident, aren't you." Shin paused and looked at the photo frames on his desk. They were pictures of Sumire and him. "Are you sure you should be displaying that openly?"

When he thought about how to decorate his desk, the first items that came to mind were the pictures of them together and the frames she bought him. Normally when he sets up an office, he would only bring the necessary belongings. But it's different now. Ever since he met Sumire, he has felt like a different person.

He now sees the joy in having items filled with memories.

"Our relationship has been exposed already. I don't see the need to hide it."

Shin turned quiet, and Toh looked at him questioningly. Why did this guy come here? According to the information he gathered regarding Nakara Shin, this guy isn't the confrontational type. It's unusual that they are even having this conversation.

"Sumire spoke to me about you before," Shin spoke slowly. "She said to provide some assistance with that issue you were having abroad."

Toh blinked, surprised. So the one who helped him abroad and helped make his entry to the country smoothly was actually Nakara Shin. Nara is part of the special police; of course, he can pull some strings.

His lips curve to a smile. Silly girl, she didn't have to do that for him. Lucifer wouldn't let anything happen to him. But he could already see her pouting and saying. 'I want to help you with my own power.'.com

"Thank you for that." Toh thanked him.

"Did you become a professor in this place because of her?"

"Yes, I intend to take her away." Toh didn't hesitate to voice out his intentions.

"If she wants to go with you, then okay. But, if you ever force her-" Shin warned, but Toh quickly interjected.

"Is that what you really want to ask of me?"

Shin looked uncomfortable but eventually mumbled. "Her condition." He spoke slowly, clearly trying to be careful with his words. "I'm worried about it."

"Narasaki told me the details already."

At those words, Shin shakes his head and places several newspaper articles on his desk. They were newspaper clippings on mysterious deaths and fights happening in back alleys. Toh finds himself staring at one of the pictures in particular. It was a picture of the back of a hooded figure, but that hood and that fighting stance is- Toh immediately identified the person was Sumire.

"I don't know if Narasaki is even aware of this. I know they spend a lot of time together. But he isn't by her side constantly, and I know he is trying to maintain a distance because of his feelings for her. Moreover, Sumire is very good at sneaking away."

"This is certainly her, but we cannot rule out the possibility that she was there to stop these people. I do not think Sumire will take random lives, no matter how bad her condition is." Toh said calmly.

"I am also in agreement. But these pictures were sent to the special police rather than the police. The person who photographed her wants her to take the blame for everything, and they know about me being in the special police too." Shin trails off. "If I make any rash move to defend her, it will backfire."

"So. you want me to investigate this?"

"It's more like I need you to use your profession. Since you are a psychologist, you can conduct a test on Sumire, and I can use the results as evidence. But the issue is if you do it right now-"

"The results will be bad." Toh nodded in agreement. "I see why you came to me. I do have a license, and my words will certainly help her case. Is there a particular deadline I have to meet?"

"Two months," Shin mumbled. "Unfortunately, that was all I could negotiate for. Right now, there are complications in the special police, so being able to negotiate that much is already a miracle."

Despite Nakara Shin's vague words, Toh understood what he meant by complications. There must be a split, and the reason for that is there are those who believe Sumire is far too dangerous and those who believe she will be the one to save them all.

'Two Queens, huh?' It seems that the theory will prove to be correct.

He hears a noise outside and spots students rushing around.

"Ibuki just finished a surprise live in the auditorium."

"Eh? How could I miss that?"

"If we are quick, maybe we can get a picture."

"For now, I will see her. Is that fine with you?" Toh asked Shin, who reluctantly nodded.

Toh knew why he looked troubled. It probably isn't easy to ask 'an ex-boyfriend of Sumire's to help her.' Everybody in Sumire's circle must want to keep him away from her since they care for Terashima. However, it's not in their best interest to be picky and choose sides. Right now, what is important is helping her.

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