Eternal Melody

Chapter 554 - A Better Understanding

"You know Sumire, you keep saying that you can't do anything for Mamoru and how guilty you feel. But I think you have already given him plenty of love."

"What do you-"

"I mean, look at your reaction when he supposedly died. You acted like your entire life was over."

Her cheeks coloured at those words. It is not like Yuhi is saying it sarcastically and yet she felt a sudden wave of embarrassment.

"You didn't even eat or sleep, and you even gave up music. Sumire you can't see it? You may think you love me more but your actions show otherwise."

"T-that-" Sumire couldn't finish her sentence. After all she never thought of it that way..

Could it be that she truly had stronger feelings towards Ru for awhile? Still even if that was the case, she turned around to face the troubled Yuhi fully. Sumire leaned forward slightly and brushed her forehead against his but she didn't do anything more before pulling away from his hold.

She took a few steps away from him.

"You know it truly surprises me, how you understand me far better than I do myself."

"Well it's a challenge, there are some things even I don't know."

"Indeed, but this is the second. No how many times does it make it now? I have lost count how many times you say such unexpected things."

"Is it that unexpected?"

Sumire nodded and her gaze fell towards the city bellow. Even though it was quite late already, she could still see many signs of life.

"Tokyo is truly a strange place. In star town everybody would be fast asleep by now but everyone here still has so much energy." Sumire trailed off. "But I don't dislike it."

In the past crowded places would make her uncomfortable. She would be self conscious about doing something wrong.

'Am I walking properly? Are my clothes weird?' There was a time where she got anxious about just being around others. Even before the accident happened she was uncomfortable around crowds. Ru took her hand and helped pull her along, so when he left her side, it was normal for her to revert back to her usual self.

"Just now you asked me if it was unexpected. The answer is yes. It has never crossed my mind before. But now that you put it that way, I think, no," Sumire shook her head. "You are right about that. There was a time where my feelings for Ru were stronger, and that was why I acted like my whole life was over. But when you started to send those little messages over, and then released that single. I understood something. I have to meet this person again, I can't leave things unresolved."

'If I meet Yuhi again then I will finally understand.'

"I was convinced that if I saw you again, I would have a better understanding of my heart and my own feelings. It was indeed like that. But I became attached, and now I am unable to leave you."

After she said those words she watched as Yuhi's face colour slowly turned different shades of red. Sumire chuckled when she saw that.

"Am I winning?"

"You really don't change do you?"

Sumire chuckled at those words. "The same goes for you."

Both of them chuckled.

"So now that I have this opportunity to ask. Back then you didn't regret accepting my offer to become partners, right?"


"Despite everything that has happened, I am truly happy that we got a chance to work alongside each other."

The day he came to the Holy Knights, 'I thought I was going to die of a heart attack. He surprised me. When I saw him I wanted nothing more than to hug him and say how much I have missed him. It was hard controlling myself from jumping on him.'

When Aki said they would be partners, she truly wanted to hit him. Aki knew she was deliberately dodging Yuhi but he made them work together.

Still she can't blame him, after all she was a very difficult person. There were seldom any who could handle her. It was suicidal to keep on going on those dangerous missions alone. Aki acts the way he does but he does everything for a reason.

"Why are you acting like this? We can work together now and even in the future."

"Ah did I scare you?" Sumire laughed. "It was part of my plan. If I looked all nostalgic, and sad I thought your self control would break."

A troubled look appeared on Yuhi's face. "Just when I thought you haven't teased me in awhile." He suddenly pulled her into his arms. "You know, you make it hard for me everyday."

For a moment she is startled but quickly regained her composure.

But it was hard for her to continue teasing him since he used his secret hug technique. She becomes weak whenever he hugs her, his scent is so nice and he feels so warm. Sumire looked up briefly but quickly buried her face back in his arms.

"Hey, what was that?"

"Your making a stupid face again."

"Stupid she says. I was just staring at my cute wife."

"You keep calling me your wife but where is my ring?" Sumire trailed off. She knows he got her one but why hasn't he given it to her yet?

"Your so impatient. But well, I wanted to save giving it to you for a more special occasion."

Is that how it works? She would be fine if he just gave it to her.

"In half a year we will get married, it feels like a dream." Sumire laughed. "I would never have guessed that you would agree to dating me with marriage in mind."

"Hm? Were you only joking."

"No, I'm serious!" She unknowingly raised her voice causing Yuhi to laugh. Sumire felt heat creep onto her cheeks and she coughed. "It's just to propose like that when we are only high school students, normal people would find it weird."

"Really? When you asked me I was delighted. I was already making the preparations in my head."

'I can't retort him if he sounds so serious.'

He is such a big dummy. But her gaze softened, this foolishly honest side of his is something she likes a lot. Sumire looked up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"My dear, I want to kiss you."

"Now she asks." Yuhi laughed and cupped her cheeks. "I prefer to be the one doing the kissing though."

"Not tonight." Sumire mumbled as she moved his hands away. She traced his bottom lip with her fingers. "It is rare for me to take the initiative right?"

"You got me there."


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