Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

829 Departure for Seoul (2)

Erina and everyone entered the airport and passed the security checkpoint without any problems. They then boarded the Minamoto Clan’s private plane.

“My private jet just took off.” Hong Ju-Won looked up at the sky outside the window.

“Mio, you will pilot this plane?” Elysia asked while checking Mio’s situation from the side. She thought the soldiers escorting them would come along, but they didn’t.

“Yes, I am a certified pilot, Elysia-sama. Grandpa Five is here as co-pilot. Dear passengers, please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We will be taking off in two minutes.” Mio looked back and announced to everyone.

“…” Elysia glanced at Grandpa Five briefly, then returned to her seat.

“Seatbelts, where?” Xentia tilted her head slightly with a question mark in her mind.

“This one. Here, I’ll put this on for you. Fasten your seatbelt too, Sylvi.” Elysia fastened Xentia’s seat belt.

“Mkay~” Sylvia imitated what Elysia did for Xentia.

“Thank you~” Xentia smiled and started humming.

Two minutes later, the plane took off and flew toward Seoul.

“Nee, Young Master Hong Ju-Won. Can you tell us what we need to pay attention to? That will help us a lot later.” Elysia raised her hand.

“Good.” Hong Ju-Won nodded in response.

“Maa, now we are stable in the sky. Let’s discuss this in the meeting room.” Erina stood up and led everyone to the meeting room at the back.

Arriving at the meeting room, Elysia took a random seat and put Vanessa on her lap. Erina sat next to her, while Sylvia and Xentia sat nearby.

“It’s still unconfirmed, but most of the allegations are true. We suspect several traitors within my clan, even without solid evidence to back this up. We need my grandfather to fully recover. That way, we can uncover everything and destroy those rotten schemes in one fell swoop.” Hong Ju-Won clasped his hand. He avoided eye contact with Elysia and the two girls beside her because they were dangerous to his heart.

“Continue.” Elysia nodded.

Hong Ju-Won then shared detailed information that needed attention in his place later. Sung Se-Yeon also spoke to give some advice.

“…” Xentia put her hand to her forehead. She barely understood anything but believed in Elysia and just had to do her job.

“I see. Thanks for letting us know. I believe there are a few things and details you didn’t mention in our discussion just now and last night. However, I will not try to figure that out because I’m only attending as a doctor.” Elysia heaved a quiet sigh and petted her adorable cat.

“That’s fine on our side. Sorry for not telling you even though I really need your help, Elysia-sama. It’s for our common good. Some things concern my clan’s secret, and that shouldn’t be known to other party.” Hong Ju-Won slightly bowed apologetically.

“Worry not. It won’t bother or hinder us. I just hope we’re not late.” Elysia replied with a faint smile.

“Erina, do you speak Korean?” Elysia wanted to confirm something.

“Uhm, I’m not very good at it, but I have Mio to help us. She is proficient in Chinese, English, and Russian too. Ellie, are you, perhaps…” Erina hesitated to ask but felt Elysia couldn’t speak the language. Korea.

“Then we will be in your care during our visit in Seoul. We need a reliable translator for many things.” Elysia was happy to get a free translator.

“Alright, leave it to us.” Erina put her hand to her upper chest.

“Nee, it’s a two hour trip, right? How about we play while we wait? Xentia has become good at playing games!” Xentia invited everyone to play.

“Such a high-spirited beauty. What game are you referring to? Err, Xentia-san? For your information, I was once known as Se-Yeon, the king of games.” Sung Se-Yeon brushed her hair back. He finally had a chance to exchange words with this golden blonde Latina beauty.

“King of games? That’s a bold title. Let’s see what you can do in Elysia’s games.” Sylvia smirked sarcastically.

“Elysia’s games? Are we going to play Elysia-sama? Hm, that’s interesting, but I think it will be wrong.” Sung Se-Yeon stroked his chin while observing Elysia’s nice curves. He was very interested in joining this game.

“W-what? Those are just games I made to fill our spare time. Some games might be familiar to you like card, chess, or mahjong.” Elysia covered her breasts with both hands.

“O-oh, what a pity.” Sung Se-Yeon shrugged his shoulders in disappointment.

*Rustle* *Rustle*

A slight noise came from below, but only Elysia noticed it.

‘Ely, Gio is rebelling! He wants to get out of the shadow realm!’ Ai suddenly announced.

‘Gio? What’s going on?’ Elysia was surprised.

‘Master Elysia, Gio is sick of seeing those two rancid brats. He wants to get out so they can understand their place.’ Yuuki reported the situation.

‘All right, please wait a moment.’ Elysia understood the situation.

“Ahem, please allow me to leave for a moment. I have a small business to attend to immediately.” Elysia got up from her seat while carrying Vanessa.

“You want to go to the toilet? It’s over there, Ellie.” Erina pointed to a nearby toilet.

“Hehe, it’s not. Please wait a moment.” Elysia rushed to the empty room next door. ‘Sylvi, Gio will join us in this journey.’

‘Gio? That would be better. He will chase away the annoying people or pervert boys who will bother us later, Ely.’ Sylvia felt that Gio’s presence would be of great help.

“We’re not following Ely?” Xentia looked at Sylvia with a confused look.

“There’s something urgent. Someone will join us.” Sylvia shrugged her shoulders and gave a wink.


Gio jumped out of Elysia’s shadow. He instantly transformed and took the form of a big dragon-like man covered in brown-scale armor.

‘Is there something wrong, Gio?’ Elysia spoke telepathically to Gio and disguised Gio into a prince-charming man of reasonable stature.

‘Doesn’t like the dark. Those humans need to know their lowly place. Their nasty eyes look at you with bad intentions.’ Gio shook his head and folded his arms.

‘I see. Well, you will be with me on this journey then.’ Elysia nodded in understanding.

She then crouched down and tapped her shadow. ‘How about you?’

‘It’s okay, we will monitor everything from here until the Hong Clan business is over.’ Ai popped her head out of Elysia’s shadow.

‘This may only take a total of four hours. Short time. We can play games in the shadow realm.’ Yuuki also peeked out from the shadow.

‘It’s like camping around a lantern in the dark, Ely. It’s a really new and thrilling experience.’ She tussled between Ai and Yuuki. She tried to reassure Elysia with a smile.

‘Mm, unfortunately, I can’t enter my own shadow.’ Elysia heaved a subtle sigh.

‘We can enter this place thanks to Ai. Anyway, we’ll take care of you from here.’ Lynn waved her hand for attention. She had no place to peek out as three girls had already filled the entire spot.

‘Maybe, I can peek into my own shadow?’ Elysia asked in wonder.

‘Sure, you can try that. However, you can only see in, Ely. When your shadow disappears, the entrance will vanish.’ Ai pulled all the girls into the shadow again.

“Hmm…” Elysia patted her chin and tried to put her hand into her own shadow. The first attempt failed, and she tried to concentrate before giving it another try.

“Yatta!” Elysia managed to put her hand into her shadow. She then took a prone position and peered into her shadow.

“Hi!” Ai waved her hand.

“Hello!” Elysia waved her hand as well. She found the girls literally camping in the dark, hovering around a lantern. At first glance, it was like a campfire event.

Elysia stood back up and then returned to the meeting room with Gio. The presence of a charming burly man made Erina and the boys widen their eyes in shock. They didn’t know where that man had come from.

“Hmm.” Gio just sat in the empty place next to Sylvia.

“Ellie, who is he? How did he suddenly present on our plane? He didn’t board the plane with us earlier, did he?” Erina tugged the hem of Elysia’s sleeve and asked in complete astonishment.

“Let me introduce him. He is Gio, my protector. He is dissatisfied with something and here he is… I hope no one is bothered by his sudden presence.” Elysia sat down next to Erina again and asked everyone’s permission.

“Protector? Last night, it was Sylvia-sama and a snow beauty. Now, it’s Sylvia-sama, Xentia-sama, and Gio-san? You have quite a number of bodyguards, Elysia-sama.” Hong Ju-Won rested his chin on his hand while observing that prince-charming burly man.

“Uhm, I’m relatively weak physically. They are worried about me and I feel grateful to have them to take care of me.” Elysia smiled weakly and looked down a little. She was telling the truth, but by otherworldly standards.

“…” Hong Ju-Won grasped his chest and looked to the side. Elysia’s pitiful smile and melancholic gaze were dangerous to his heart. ‘The witch! I’ve met thousands of beauties, but why is this girl so bewitching! Is that just her pure charms? I have to be more vigilant.’

“Fret not, Elysia-chan. This big brother shall protect you, hehe…” Sung Se-Yeon put his hand on his chest. His big brother’s tendency was suddenly awakened.

“…” Gio folded his arms and glared at that stupid human boy.

“Fufu, are you trying to seduce our princess?” Sylvia played the cards in her hand.

“Such a pressure… Calm yourself down, bro. This is what they call youth small talk.” Sung Se-Yeon gulped his saliva nervously.

He received an uncomfortable subtle pressure. He had a hard time admitting it, but his charm, good look, and strength lost to Gio. Gio was a formidable opponent to beat… he thought about it in his mind.

“Gio? You’re bigger than Xentia remembers. Last time, you were still small.” Xenti looked to the side while observing Gio up and down.

“…” Gio didn’t respond.

Xentia then lost interest. She then invited everyone to play several games during the trip to Seoul.

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