Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

811 Sphynx Cat's Hideout

Behind a secret wall door, there was a giant hall that, at first glance, looked like a dwelling in ancient times.

The place was filled with some furniture made of stone, the lighting only from a fire torch, and the place was so quiet.

Fifteen people were sitting cross-legged in deep meditation. A sphynx cat dressed in Pharaoh-style clothes was present in the middle of their circle formation.

It had been a whole day since they had been in their secret hideout, and everyone was still meditating without eating or drinking.

The sphynx cat opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings. She acted quickly to isolate herself and her team members when she heard the news that the threatening letter was no joke. Many deities had already fallen into the hands of those terrifying executioners.

She only needed to hide until all participants were eliminated, and she was the only one left. That way, she would come out victorious without making any effort. An easy win.

Just as the imagination of victory and a divine wish gift came to her, she suddenly received a sudden caress coming out of nowhere like a touch of ultimate comfort.

The sphynx cat just smirked in joy, oblivious about the weirdness she was experiencing. It took her a few seconds to realize that one was out of place.


The sphynx cat clawed at someone who presumptuously touched her body. However, she only slashed through the empty air. Luckily, her claw attack didn’t hit her team members.

When the sphynx cat felt confused and surprised, she was suddenly sacked and taken away somewhere. She tried her best to break free, but the sack completely nullified all of her powerful attacks.

“I got her!” Elena returned to the soundproof dome barrier in the corner of the room. She lifted the little sack, but it struggled to break free like a trapped fish.

“It’s a clean move. No noise or clash. She was completely caught off guard and didn’t notice our arrival.” Elysia raised two thumbs up.

“Allow me to handle this Egyptian cat.” Rhea reached out her hand to offer help.

“Sure. Just take her king piece and conduct a little interrogation. We don’t have much time here.” Elena simply handed the sack to Rhea.

“Hmm-mm~” Rhea hummed sweetly as she tied the poor rebellious deity in the anti-magic sack. The sphynx cat now looked like a little wrapped ghost, and only the face was freed from the sack.

“La yumkinuni qabul hadza–” The sphynx cat expressed a series of complaints. Unfortunately, Elysia and the others didn’t know this cat’s language.

“Can you speak English?” Rhea politely asked, then she made a magic circle to seal this cat’s magic.

“I can’t accept this! How did you get into hiding so easily? I was just hiding without doing anything, but why are you hunting me down so fast!? What are you going to do after ambushing me and sealing my magic? Kill me? ” The sphynx cat tries to free itself from its bonds, but its efforts are in vain. She was so careless, and the price she had to pay was huge in this situation.

“We came in here through the front door the usual way, Little Cleo. You were just too engrossed in sleeping with your followers to notice we were coming.” Elena shrugged her shoulders.

“That’s impossible. This place, wait… How come you know my name? All of you, get out of your meditation and help me!” Cleo called out for help from her team members. However, his voice didn’t seem to reach them.

“That’s useless. They won’t be able to hear you. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. We’ll just imprison you until we arrive at the Heaven Realm. The rules of the heavens will judge your participation in the game.” Rhea gave the cat a head pat, then immediately took the king piece from the cat’s spirit without delay. She did it gently since Cleo hadn’t done anything stupid like the other deities.

“No!” Cleo screamed in agony as if it were her death, but she stared in shock when she saw her king piece taken out of her body.

“It doesn’t hurt, does it? It might be different if you were the sinner in this game. You and your followers have been eliminated now. However, you seem quite manipulative and timid. You took all your team members to hide and let them starve here.” Rhea looked at the fifteen people who were meditating.

“We have enough for a month’s supply. They’ll be fine if they don’t eat and drink for two days.” Cleo confirmed their actual situation.

“Since you’ve been eliminated, then they have no reason to stay. Do they know a way out of here?” Rhea looked back at the cat, right in the eye.

“Yes, look me in the eye. You will follow my orders on a count of three. One, two, three.” Cleo tried to hypnotize the executioner in front of her.

“Foolish. Such cheap magic tricks will only work on those who are weaker than you.” Rhea twisted the cat’s ear.

“Ouch, argh! I give up! My ear will fall out. You will cut off my ear!” Cleo screamed in pain. She still grimaced in pain even though her ear was freed.

“…” Elysia opened a portal to a sealed dungeon in Nature Realm to house the temporary prisoners.

“You’ll be in jail for a few days.” Rhea threw the cat into the prison.

“Ouch. That hurts, you brute! If only my magic wasn’t sealed, I-” Cleo bounced and rolled on the ground.

“That’s what you deserve for doing such a silly thing.” Rhea raised her hand in farewell. Elysia then closed the portal without waiting for Cleo to finish speaking.

“Phew, this ended more peacefully than expected. What are we going to do with them?” Vanessa pointed to the fifteen people who were meditating.

“Since their deity leader has been imprisoned, they shouldn’t be staying here or they’ll be inviting trouble themselves.” Evelyn voiced her opinion.

“Hmm, let’s do this.” Elysia suggested an idea in a whisper-like voice. She then asked Evelyn and Vanessa for help because they would leave a little gift there.

A delicious aroma immediately assaulted everyone’s nostrils. It was a very tough ordeal for the participants who had not eaten and drank for a full day.

Their concentration was shattered, and their meditation collapsed in mere seconds. They returned to their consciousness and realized a large bowl of delicious warm food and several water jugs were in their midst.

“O Great Pharaoh! How can you suddenly turn into a huge bowl of food!?”

“Are we too hungry and see an illusion?”

“No, it’s not a mirage. It’s a real delicious bowl of food!”

“Holy moly! Did Great Pharaoh prepare this delicious and hearty meal for us? Our food supply is just dry, tasteless food, right?”

The fifteen people were muttering amongst each other with some question marks in their minds.

“I found a note!” Someone took the piece of paper next to the big bowl and showed it to everyone. He then read out the contents of the message. “The game has been cancelled, and I will return to heaven with my fellow deities. Come out of hiding and end the chaos of the world. This is a noble mission to undertake.”

“…” Everyone was silent for a moment after the order was read.

They felt the order was poorly written by relying only on a language translator. However, they remembered that they had never seen their Pharaoh write anything.

A cat wrote something. Maybe the result would be like this. Not to mention, there was a signature of a cat’s paw on the letter. It was only them and their Pharaoh in the hideout, so the answer was clear, and there was no need to doubt anything.

“Pharaoh has given her orders! I can feel that the foreign powers have disappeared without a trace, but that shouldn’t stop us from carrying out her orders!” Someone exclaimed as he raised his fist.

With that being said, everyone left the place to carry out the order. However, not before satisfying their hunger and thirst for food and water.

“Hehe, you really are a genius, Ely. Vann’s cat-style handwriting really give an impact on them easily.” Elena looked back and chuckled.

“Fufu, they’ll be fine. We’ve also left an exit map behind the warrant. Right?” Elysia winked to Evelyn. Her friend was the one who drew the map based on her instructions.

“Hehe, I hope our intentions are conveyed. We’re just using a translator app for the letter.” Evelyn also giggled.

“Let’s join the others in South America. This will be a rather colorful hunt on the western continent.” Elena invites everyone to fly into the sky behind the clouds, then they teleport to Nell’s location.

“You’ve come.” Nell waved her hand and flew over to her big sister.

“Mm, we’ve come. What’s the situation?” Rhea opened her palm for Nell to land.

“The situation is a bit complicated. A large military force and thousands of soldiers will be involved because those evil deities is probably hiding near the primary military base. The participants also possess high ranks in the military. Apart from the deadly trap formation, I can see they engaged a lot of humans to attack us as well.” Lifa shared their current situation.

“This is tricky. They want us to trigger another world war? Face a superpower nation or don’t touch them at all, huh…” Elysia pondered over their current situation.

“What if it’s just an empty trap formation? Evil deities like Demon God and the others definitely won’t be waiting for us over there, right? They may just want to pit us against something else.” Elena felt that something was wrong.

“Yeah, the demons are famous for their shrewdness. They obviously have a more sinister scheme. But, we can just raid that place and remove everything that gets in the way. Those weak humans pose no threat to me.” Xero shrugged his shoulders and looked at the military base in the distance as if he didn’t care if it had to create a bloodbath.

“That would be unwise to do. I would like to propose another plan. Let’s discuss it and everyone is free to voice their opinion, including you, nature spirits.” Elysia raised her palm for attention. They needed to come up with some plans.

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