Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 676: Missing Warmth

Chapter 676: Missing Warmth

"The battle here is over. That's the last one, I guess. So far, there have been no reports of another sealed area collapsing. However, we urgently need anti-curse mechanisms to replenish the damaged spot defenses." Nell checked her gold talisman to report.

"The two of us can make the tools first, while Ely and the Goddess of Light will handle the activation magic. Ah, we can also ask my mother for help. Would you like us to do that now?" Rhea didn't mind tackling the urgency.

"The sooner, the better. Shall we do it again in the Nature Realm? I'm also curious about that Ruvoid God. Please tell me the story." Nell nodded happily.

"Yep, that's obvious, right?" Rhea then sent telepathy to Elysia, requesting to open the Nature Realm's portal. Elysia just agreed and immediately opened the portal.

Rhea was about to enter the Nature Realm, but she remembered something and immediately relayed it to the one concerned. "Then we excuse ourselves. Sea God, I want you to be around Ely, the Goddess of Light, and Sylvia until we get back. Can you do that?"

"Okay, that's easy for me. I'll know if any sealed areas collapse with this. Hm? Was that battle over before I checked? They aren't bad." Oceanid nodded and checked his golden talisman.

"Good. Then, see you later." Rhea waved her hand at Elysia and Elena.

Nell also waved her hand. However, she was reminded of someone. She stopped in mid-air and looked at Elysia. "Ely, you should see your friends. They are worried about you, especially Yuuki. She seems to have lost her soul, is often pensive, rarely talks, and becomes like a frenzy beast in battle. It's as if she blamed the accursed creatures for your disappearance."

"Yuuki? Where is she now?" Elysia's heart suddenly became restless when Nell said about Yuuki's condition. She never expected that Yuuki would become like that.

Nell closed her eyes for a moment before giving an answer. "She is in Evroria City, Glaidan Region, Beastkin Continent. She decided to help beastkin deal with the threats from accursed creatures."

"Understood, we'll be there soon. Thanks for telling me." Elysia nodded slightly.

"No need to worry." Nell then entered the portal before Elysia closed it.

"Are we going to the Beastkin Continent now?" Elena glanced at Elysia.

"En." Elysia nodded.

After that, they immediately left the Human Continent and headed towards the Beastkin Continent using the Gravy Ark at maximum speed.

On the other side of the continent, a snow fox beastkin stared at the sky beyond the window with a distant gaze. The sky was bluish-white, but the moon was still visible even though it was daytime.

"Yuuki, I have prepared a hot spring for you. Would you like to wash your body now?" A bluish-white fox beastkin entered the tent and spoke with a gentle tone.

"..." Yuuki didn't answer immediately. A few minutes later, she checked her body. She was pretty dirty because of the battle just now.

"Yuuki, I seem to be able to see an image of good news coming to us soon." Lynn went over and sat beside Yuuki.

"Good news, huh..." Yuuki replied nonchalantly. It was the umpteenth time she had heard such a thing, but the good news that came was not the one she wanted to hear. She then got up and walked away.

"The hot springs are in the adjoining tent. Would you like me to wash your back?" Lynn offered a favor.

"No." Yuuki flatly refused.

"Huff..." Lynn heaved a subtle sigh and looked up at the sky with a soft mumble. "Ely, where are you now? It's only been two weeks, but our group has split up because of your absence. It might just be a matter of time until they will feel awkward between one another because of their affairs and responsibilities. Nothing binds them to stay together. Please come back soon..."

After saying that, Lynn left the tent to check on the surroundings. They had just engaged in a battle against accursed creatures in a snowy area not far from the capital city. Even though she and Yuuki had plunged straight into the battlefield with their battlesuits, the casualties were still there.

Yuuki sighed to look at the body bags lined up in a row. The fallen warriors would be respectfully buried after returning to the capital city.

"Hmm?" Lynn stopped her steps as she found her mother talking to some people in the distance. It was just a group consisting of two human girls, a white cat, a demonic dragon beastkin, and a blue-haired man.

Upon closer inspection, it was Elysia's group. Elysia, the Goddess of Light, Vanessa, Sylvia, and the Sea God!

"Oh my-, oh, the divine blessed them. They're back!?" Lynn felt a burst of relief and happiness welling up in her heart. She immediately ran over to greet Elysia and the others.

"Fufu, thank you for your concern. I feel delighted to know you care so much for me, Elysia, my child." Luna covered her mouth in a light chuckle.

Lynn suddenly came before Elysia and the others with high enthusiasm. "Ely, did you just come back from another world? I'm so happy to see you back. Hm, welcome back."

"We're back, Lynn. You look exhausted, just like your mother. You've all worked hard, but please have enough rest." Elysia replied with a concerned expression.

"Fufu, haven't I become your mother too now, Elysia? Anyway, we were trying to have enough rest, but the threats kept coming and going. I wonder how many sealed areas there are in this world, hmm?" Luna put her hand to her cheek.

"Those are only one hundred and twenty-one left. However, we can't confirm whether all of them are active or just empty places." Oceanid looked at the golden talisman and confirmed the number.

"One hundred, one hundred twenty-one left? Oh dear, do we have enough anti-curse mechanisms? The ones installed by the Goddess of Blessings won't be enough to support the whole battle with any plan or formation." Luna sounded troubled, but her expression said otherwise. She glanced at Elysia and the Goddess of Light with a faint smile.

"You don't have to worry. We'll take care of that when the time comes." Elena rolled her eyes at this crafty soul vixen.

"Oh, right... Ely, you should meet Yuuki first. She seems to be not herself since your disappearance. It's as if she lost her purpose. I was worried and scared, but she will definitely be delighted because of your return. She is currently in that tent." Lynn grasped her hand and looked behind her. More precisely, to the white tent.

"Mm, I've heard about Yuuki's situation from the Goddess of Blessings. I should really need to see Yuuki's condition first. Perhaps, I can help her feel better." Elysia looked at Elena for permission.

"Go see her. I need to have a little chat with Luna." Elena replied with a slight nod. She then looked at the good girls around Ely. "Sylvi, Lynn, and Vann... You accompany Ely to meet Yuuki."




The three girls responded positively without delay. Elysia then went towards the white tent, followed by them from behind.

Meanwhile, Yuuki had just finished washing her body clean. She got out of the hot spring and dried herself with a towel. After that, she transformed into a little snow fox and went to a heating device in the corner of the tent.

"..." Yuuki sat down and glanced up. However, she couldn't see anything other than the tent's ceiling. She sighed and decided to return to her tent.

At that moment, a group of people entered the hot spring tent. The little snow fox froze instantly when she saw who it was.

Her heart said that Elysia was finally back! However, her eyes seemed unable to believe what was in front of her at that time. Elysia was back today, and it was real!?

"It's good to see you again, Yuuki. Did you miss me?" Elysia waved her hand with a tender smile.

Yuuki widened her eyes because she was utterly convinced now. She ran and jumped straight into the arms of the person she most wanted to meet.

"This scent, this aura, this warmth, and this aura… You really are Master Elysia. You are finally back… You are fine, and you are here. Uuu, please, please don't go away and leave me behind. Please don't go where I can't reach you..." Yuuki sniffed Elysia's scent and checked here and there. She then muttered with half-sobbing noise.

"Yeah... I'm back." Elysia hugged the little snow fox and stroked the fluffy little one with a gentle caress.

Yuuki trembled slightly and looked at Elysia's face. She then curled up and indulged herself in this warmth and comfort. This was reality, but she didn't wish to wake up if this was just a dream.

It didn't take long for Yuuki to fall asleep in Elysia's arms. She had a thousand words to say because of the longing. Still, she just wanted to enjoy this familiar warmth despite everything... This longing warmth that she craved the most.

"Hum? Did she fall asleep right away? It seems she really needs it." Sylvia glanced from the side.

"..." Vanessa felt her feet slightly cold. She also felt a little jealous of the little snow fox. Therefore, she climbed onto her master's shoulder and lay there like a fluffy scarf.

"Hum-mm~" Elysia giggled a little and gave Vanessa a head pat.

"Let's go to the central tent. You might want to hear about what's been going on in the last two weeks, Ely, Sylvi, Vann." Lynn was happy to see Yuuki sleeping peacefully.

"Sure, let's go there." Elysia agreed with that. They then left to join Elena, Luna, and the others.

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