Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 642 - Borrow The Dimensional Gate

Chapter 642 - Borrow The Dimensional Gate

An angelic beauty soaked in a small hot spring with a particular formation around her. A baby girl sat on her lap in a sideways position while enjoying the flow of incoming magic energy.

They were only wrapped in towels, but Elysia didn't feel too embarrassed because her mind was quite distracted.

"They'll be fine until we get back, right?" Elysia looked up at the beautiful crystal gleaming ceiling with a worried murmur.

"We'll be back as soon as we can. If you wish, we could try making a dimensional hole with Little Nell as our destination marker. We have to create a safe universe path with the compilers of our divine rule." Rhea was also worried because Elysia felt that way. Their spirit was linked, and she was sometimes influenced by Elysia and Elena's emotions.

"I hope so too. Hopefully Eve, Ella, Yuuki, and everyone else will be fine. The situation in Vrelenia hasn't gotten to the worst, right? I'm afraid-" Elysia hugged the baby girl in her lap.

"Mm, everyone will be fine. Little Nell is just telling us that she and Oceanid can't last a long battle with their remaining anti-curse mechanism. They and the world are at disadvantage if the battle continues for a long time in your absence. Only you and Master Elena can truly eradicate the curse for good, after all." Rhea returned the hug and buried her face in Elysia's breasts.

"Mm, thanks. We'll try to find Xero and the Ruvoid God first. It would be disastrous if they were on Earth, especially that Alashor." Elysia smiled and freed Rhea from her embrace.

"Uhm, if I'm being honest, I could actually sense Xerroth's divine aura a while ago. However, it's so thin and weak. Even if it's just a glimpse, I think he's somewhere in this underworld." Rhea put her finger to her chin. She felt a little doubtful, but she couldn't ignore the possibility.

"Really? En, we will look for him after sending this mothership and all the soldiers back to Earth. That way, we can return to Vrelenia faster. Once we find him, we might get a clue about the Ruvoid God. One paddle swing, two or three islands crossed!" Elysia lowered her elbows and clenched her fists.

"Hehe, I'm glad to see that you're feeling excited, Master Elysia. For now, can you just focus on me? With my stock of magic energy, I can really help you with a lot of things." Rhea smiled sweetly and tilted her head.

"All right, my baby Rhea. Now I must focus on helping your recovery as much as we can in these four hours." Elysia nodded and closed her eyes. She put her hands on Rhea's back and started her recovery assistance.

"Hum-mm~" Rhea felt satisfied and indulged herself

in Elysia's arms again. She could hear the sound of Elysia's heartbeat, which became a melody in her ears in this quiet time.

A thought suddenly crossed her mind. She felt like she had Elysia all to herself, and she really enjoyed this moment.

The mothership continued to head west at less than fifty kilometers per hour. Following Elysia's theory, espers with eye abilities continued to scan downwards for a supernatural kingdom.

Regardless, Sylvia and Vanessa had just arrived in a civilized supernatural kingdom thousands of kilometers to the northwest. They floated two kilometers above the ground, gazing at the kingdom below them.

"Vann, do you know what I'm going to do?" Sylvia asked in a playful tone.

"Visit the palace over there and meet a demon lord?" Vanessa tried to guess it.

"Yup, we're going to meet the overlords of this region and ask if they have a dimensional gate. We'll just borrow it from them. That way, our task can be done easily~" Sylvia put her hand to her cheek and grinned.

"Is that a devil smirk? But, what if they don't want to say anything and just attack us? They won't give anything to an intruder, right? Also, are you sure that there's a dimensional gate down there, Sylvia? "Vanessa looked at Sylvia's face, then checked what might be hidden under there. It was a pity that her magic eyes didn't help to detect what she was looking for.

"Of course, I can feel it. My dark magic is very useful in cases like this. Ely and her master can obviously confirm this if they are here, but trust me. Somewhere in the dungeons of the dark black palace over there, is hidden an ancient gate. The same one as we are at the bottom of the ocean on that Earth." Sylvia puffed out her chest with pride.

"And for the rest of your worries, that's fine. You can see how I made them obedient like a good boy in a Devil Princess way. Let's go, our time is limited." Sylvia dashed downstairs excitedly.

"This is definitely a violent method, I know it..." Vanessa also came downstairs. She seemed to be able to predict what would happen after this.

In a throne hall surrounded by three-colored flames, a large, six-armed red creature with the head of a bull was busy with his own business.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bang!*

A commotion outside made him frown as he could feel the intensity of foreign energy rapidly approaching. "Intruders at a time like this? Who dares to attack my sovereign kingdom!?"

The throne hall door suddenly opened with the overlord's furious roar. Several middle and high-class demons were blown in by a great force.

"Demon lord, almighty demon lord! An intruder, an ultra powerful devil and her vassal came to attack!" One of the high-class demons reported the situation in a hurry.

"Hello, can you understand the language I'm speaking? I've been kind enough to use telepathy to all your minds so you can understand easily. Hoho, this Devil Princess has come to visit in peace, but why is your reception so bad?" Sylvia entered the throne room at a leisurely pace.

She sent telepathy to all the creatures in the hall and her words to overcome her language barrier.

"Devil Princess? What kingdom are you from, the devil? Why did you come here with malicious intentions? I don't remember offending a powerful devil in the last three decades!" The red demon lord smacked his desk and stood up with a furious outburst.

The three-color flames around the hall instantly grew bigger and sealed all access to the exit.

"Worry not, I didn't come with malicious intentions. We just came in peace, but your minioins' reception was so bad. So I beat them black and blue so they could take me to the overlord of this supernatural kingdom." Sylvia shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Come in peace, you say!? You've infiltrated and injured my minions, and you dare say that nonsense in front of me!? Tell me, what's your real goal before I crush your whole being with my hellfire!" The red demon lord clenched his fists and advanced towards the intruders.

"Hehe, we are here for two things. First, I want to ask you something. Eh, I mean someone. And the last one... We want to borrow something from you. You can take it back tomorrow." Sylvia raised her two fingers like a V hand sign.

"Do you think I will grant it? This is ridiculous, you just do not know who you are dealing with. There is only one fate that will await you for daring to infiltrate here, namely a painful death! Grha!" The red demon lord smirked disdainfully and waved his hand. Pillars of fire popped up from the ground instantly and burned the intruders.

He could do a lot with this female devil's ashes later. That was what he was thinking at the time.

However, he became startled when his fire was extinguished with just a gust of wind from the devil's mouth.

"Foosh, hm, violence triumph over anything else as usual. I just need to beat you into oblivion, hmm?" Sylvia looked at her hands and wrapped herself in dark magic. She then dashed off and taught the red demon lord a lesson.

"Ouch, ow, how could that be!? Impossible. Uwah, urgh, gah!" The red demon lord received a barrage of attacks with no capability to counterattack. He was just treated as a punching bag.

All attacks from the Devil Princess were super effective. The red demon lord received a critical hit. He fell to the ground and convulsed afterwards with black and blue on his red body.

"..." Vanessa just watched from the side as if she wasn't involved at all. To be precise, she couldn't join the battle because Sylvia solved everything so quickly, thanks to Devil Saint's prowess.

The surrounding demons glanced at the white cat warily. They wanted to not believe it, but that tiny fluffy thing was actually a dangerous devil's beast vassal.

"Do you know anything about this devil? He's probably known as the Evil God, and well, he looks like this picture." Sylvia showed a paper in front of the demon lord's battered face. She tried her best to draw it beforehand.

The red demon lord was silent and wanted to mock this poorly drawn picture. No one would be able to understand anything with just that pathetic picture. Even so, he did not dare to provoke this dangerous, unreasonable devil any further because his life was at stake. "I don't know. There's no Evil God in the underworld."

"You don't know? Well, then, I'll borrow your human realm dimensional gate. It's in your underground chamber, right? You may retrieve it tomorrow on the mainland to the west. Maybe, about four or five thousand kilometers from here?" Sylvia snorted and walked away.

"What do you want to do with my human realm dimensional gate!? How do you know I have it?" The red demon lord staggered to his feet.. He tried his best to send the telepathy to the devil clearly.

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