Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 522 - Pearl And Thunderstorm

Chapter 522 - Pearl And Thunderstorm

"Please wait there. These babies are very sensitive to strangers." Oceanid immediately gave a stop-hand gesture.

"Okay, we'll wait here." Nell gave a casual response as if she didn't care.

Simultaneously, Oceanid touched the transparent wall in front of him and entered into the sparkling field. He then spread his arms with a big smile. "Hello, lovely magic oysters. I came back to visit you guys again. Are you all happy to see me? Hoho, of course yes. Here, here, I have some gifts for you."

He then took out some white bags and sprinkled something into the water.

Seeing that, Elysia and the others could only look at each other in bewilderment. They had no idea what Sea God was up to. However, at a glance, those sparkling silver-white stones had the shape of shells.

"What is the Sea God doing? Are those sparkling stones... the living things?" Sylvia asked in astonishment.

"Hm, after a closer look, they're like big pearl oysters. Sea God sprinkled some food for them?" Elysia scratched her head because she wasn't so sure.

"Yes, he sprinkled some food on the oysters. They were probably his pets." Rhea nodded in confirmation.

After that, Oceanid spoke a few things to the silver oysters. Although no response was heard, he could understand what they were saying. He then patted them one by one. A moment later, the pearl oysters immediately opened their mouths to spit out some sparkling white balls.

"Hoho, thank you for your understanding and concern. I need to take care of my contaminated avatars as soon as possible. You can continue your time to relax or rest. It's time for me to go. See you later, my lovely magic oysters." Oceanid waved his hand after picking up all the shiny balls. He then went past the territory barrier and returned to Nell's magic carpet.

"Is this the Luminous Sacred Pearl you spoke of earlier? What do you want to do with this?" Nell asked curiously.

"Hush, no share for you. My saviors just took care of that God's curse energy. I will give these ultra precious pearls to them as a token of respect and appreciation. Plus, in anticipation so that they don't receive any backlash for getting too much contact with the curse energy." Oceanid waved his hand so the little Goddess wouldn't approach the pouch in his hand.

"Meh, I wouldn't accept that even if you wanted to give it to me. I was just asking, you know?" Nell folded her arms with a slight frown.

"This is what I promised you earlier, o saviors. These are three kilograms of Luminous Sacred Pearl. Their pure holy energies can help you deal with curse energy. You can also use these pearls as a medium for rejuvenation. Or rather, to make one's body more pure and beautiful." Oceanid handed the big pouch of pearls to Elysia.

"Eh, huh... Thank you very much. But, you said it's three kilograms, but why is it quite heavy?" Elysia received the big pouch and lifted it up and down.

"It's only a little over three kilograms. It's the pearl's pure holy energy itself that makes it heavier than its actual mass." Oceanid took one of the pearls and threw it up. He caught it again and put it back in the pouch.

"Rejuvenation?" Yuuki and Sylvia asked in unison. They seemed to have the same thought and simply stared at a pouch full of pearls in Elysia's arms with sparkling eyes.

"Hm? Do you want this Luminous Sacred Pearl?" Elysia didn't understand why Yuuki and Sylvia seemed to be so attracted to this pearl. She didn't even know how to use this pearl.

"Is that okay?" Yuuki felt a bit hesitant and embarrassed to ask.

"If that's fine. I want one pearl to see if my dark magic has any unexpected effects because that pearl's holy energy. I remember I was fine after receiving your holy magic, Ely. So, I want to prove something." Sylvia gave a reasonable reason for her request.

"May I?" Elysia asked Oceanid.

"You don't have to ask me. I already gave it to you. It belongs to you and your master." Oceanid shrugged his shoulders then sat cross-legged.

"Mm, here it is. Take what you like." Elysia went near Yuuki and Sylvia.

"Thank you very much." Yuuki took a random one and pressed it against her cheek.

"This is for me. Thank you, Ely. You're the best." Sylvia took her hand out of the futon roll to pick up one pearl.

She gripped it and didn't feel its holy energy would hurt her. Therefore, she simply tucked it in her cleavage and stuck her hand again into the futon roll.

She only felt warmth. It was just to increase the comfort in her futon roll.

"Holy energy doesn't hurt you, Sylvi? This pure holy energy doesn't have a negative effect on devils?" Elysia tilted her head slightly.

"No, I just feel a fresh warmth." Sylvia shook her head.

"That Luminous Sacred Pearl possesses pure holy energy with no particular characteristics. The pearl will not harm anyone regardless of who holds it." Oceanid provided a little extra information.

"This pearl can be useful against curse energy, hmm? But, this is definitely going to be popular because you said it can rejuvenate one's body." Elena picked up one of the pearls and examined it curiously.

"For the mortal, yes. But not for the divine." Oceanid shrugged his shoulders in clarification.

"Hm?" Elysia felt the envious gazes from Ella and Evelyn. For that, she took two pearls and handed them over to her friends. "This is for you, Eve, Ella. Sea God said that this pearl can make you more beautiful, holy, and charming~"

"Uhm, thanks, Ely."

"In that case, I will accept it with my deepest gratitude."

Evelyn and Ella received the pearls that were given to them. They gripped it with both hands as if afraid it would fall and break.

"Now, it's time for us to go." Oceanid announced, and they immediately went out of the secret place.

Their destination was a sea shrouded in fierce storms to the east of the Aquatic Ocean. Dark clouds covered the sky, and lightning struck several times in the distance. The rumble of thunder came late several times to make the atmosphere tense.

Nell stopped her magic carpet in mid-air because they couldn't just rush through the thunderstorm without preparation.

However, there was a girl who was looking at the massive storm vortex with a blank stare. Evelyn's face paled rapidly and trembled slightly.


Lightning flashed down so close. Evelyn suddenly couldn't hold back her fear anymore.

"Kyaah! No, no, no..." Evelyn closed her eyes and covered her ears.

The hysterical cry made the others feel a bit surprised. They immediately looked at the terrified Evelyn in astonishment.

Yet, Elysia immediately approached the frightened girl and gave her a warm hug.

"Do you want to go back, Eve? Sea God said we're going into that storm." Elysia asked softly.

"I, I don't want to go back, but my fear of lightning and thunder is taking over me. What should I do, Ely?" Evelyn looked at her best friend's face with a pitiful expression.

"Hmm..." Rhea put her hand to her cheek in thought. A brilliant idea suddenly came to mind. She then went over to Evelyn.

"That's a pity... A girl with a high lightning elemental affinity actually has an extreme fear of lightning. Would you like an easy help to overcome your fear with a simple suggestion from me? That might help you a lot." Rhea offered to help with generosity.

"Yes, please!" Evelyn answered without delay.

"Then look me in the eye and don't think about anything else. Your problem gradually becomes lighter and lighter until you too feel so light. Tick, tick, look at my finger and follow its every move. On the count of three, I command you to enter your subconscious. One, two, three... Sleep." Rhea gave a suggestion, and Evelyn suddenly fainted in Elysia's arms.

Seeing Elysia's confused look, Rhea just smiled and conveyed her reassurance via telepathy. 'Don't worry, Master Elysia. I'm just helping this girl overcome her fear by giving divine prompting suggestions directly to her subconscious.'

'Ah, uhm, okay.' Elysia just nodded in understanding. It reminded her of something when Elena gave her a roughly similar suggestion to self-hypnosis to overcome her fear.

Rhea then brought her face close to Evelyn's ear and whispered some suggestions. "Lightning and thunder are forces of nature that will not harm you as long as you don't anger them. You have nature's affection which endows you with a high affinity for lightning. embrace it and master it--"

Rhea continued her suggestion for two minutes. After that, she finished it and gave the order for Evelyn to come back to consciousness.

"Ouch." Evelyn opened her eyes as she had just gotten a good night's sleep.

"???" Evelyn looked at Elysia in confusion. She just fell asleep and leaned on her best friend's breasts as a pillow?

"How do you feel now?" Rhea asked softly.

"I'm fine, o the Goddess of Nature. But, what just happened. Why did I suddenly fall asleep?" Evelyn got up from Elysia's arms and scratched her head.

"I just helped you by talking to your subconscious. Take a look over there." Rhea pointed at a fierce storm vortex in the distance.


Lightning flashed once again, and thunder rumbled a moment after.

"Kyah!" Evelyn covered her ears and closed her eyes reflexively. She then tried to hide in Elysia's arms.

"Take another look and open your eyes and ears. The source of your fear isn't terrible and won't hurt you. You just have to convince yourself that it's true, and then make up with your lightning element." Rhea pulled Evelyn's arms gently.

"Eh? Eh?" Evelyn didn't know what to do. Was she forced to stare into the distant thunderstorm and enjoy the roar of thunder?

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