Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 492: Murky Water

Chapter 492: Murky Water

"Is your other avatar also around this area?" Elena asked while looking at the two Sea Gods, who didn't seem to get along.

"I don't know anything." Oceanid's avatar shrugged his shoulders.

"No one asked you to begin with." Oceanid rolled his eyes, then he gave his answer. "I think, my other avatar is also around here. Probably within a maximum of three hundred kilometers from this spot."

"Is that so? Hum, I wonder now what happened to your other avatar. Maybe he was having a great party surrounded by beautiful women?" Nell smirked a little jokingly. She no longer felt that there was an emergency going on.

"Tch, who knows. Maybe he's just enjoying his time and oblivious about anything else. His signal and sonar are so thin and sometimes disappear. The certainty is that he's in an enclosed area within a third party barrier or something." Oceanid was exasperated to imagine that his other avatar was in the same situation as this little shit.

"Hey, I know you talk bad about me. Don't you realize that you are only making fun of and insulting yourself, jelly head?" Oceanid's avatar sneered as he folded his arms arrogantly.

"What did you say?" Oceanid frowned.

"Excuse me. Why can't you get along for a moment? If you'd like, please sit down and enjoy this tea. Maybe you'll feel a bit at peace. If you two have a disagreement, why not have a good talk? We will mediate between you if you wish." Elysia raised her hand for attention. She then handed two cups of hot tea to the two Sea Gods.

"Ugh, if you say so." Oceanid scratched his head, but he accepted the offer and sat down.

"Eh? Wait a second. Why did the other me obey you so easily? You are an ordinary mortal girl who is no stronger than Beginner-level. Oh, are you the unknown savior? But, your voice tends to be sweeter and smoother than hers..." Oceanid's avatar stroked his chin in wonder.

"Of course not. The one who spoke earlier in an authorative tone was my master~" Elysia smiled playfully and wrapped her arm around Elena's elbow.

"Hmm..." Elena only replied with a nod, but to Elysia, not Oceanid's avatar.

"Oh! It is an honor to meet you, o unknown savior. Thank you for saving me from that evil Sea God." Oceanid's avatar gave a bow of gratitude.

"Who are you calling an evil Sea God, hmm? Is the punishment I gave you just now not enough to let you know your place?" Oceanid pursed his lips.

"Welp!" Oceanid's avatar immediately fled behind Elena, then he peeked from the side and stuck out his tongue. "You can't do anything to me here, whee."

Unfortunately, the unexpected happened after that. The unknown savior grabbed his head and lifted him into the air.

"Don't you dare touch me. You just need to be around me and the real Sea God won't dare to bully you. Is that understandable?" Elena gave the warning. She just didn't like the wet, slightly slimy creature hiding behind her.

"Y-yes, queen! This lowly water spirit understands." Oceanid's avatar replied with a salute.

"Hmph, I'm not a queen." Elena released the little blue creature back onto the carpet.

"Then..." Oceanid's avatar thought for a moment while observing the ethereal divine woman in front of him. "Golden hair and golden eyes. I can immediately feel that you are a divine being far superior to that evil Sea God. Then... Yes, Miss Goddess! This lowly water spirit understands."

"Take the tea and taste it. My precious disciple has already brewed it for you." Elena pointed to a cup of tea.

"Understood." Oceanid's avatar gave a slight bow of respect, then he rushed to take the tea in question. "This is for me, beautiful girl? When I think back, your voice is like a calm and soothing stream of water. And, you seem to have a distinctive fragrance."

"Mm, do you like tea?" Elysia nodded.

"Hoho, the almighty me doesn't have any weird taboos or preferences. I can consume anything without a hitch. Hum, nice and fragrant tea." Oceanid's avatar puffed out his chest and gulped down the cup of tea in just one gulp.

"Hum, good tea. Pardon my etiquette because I can only enjoy something by swallowing it in one go." Oceanid's avatar patted his blue semi-transparent belly while smiling in satisfaction.

Elysia and everyone looked at the little Sea God. The tea seemed to change his body color to a slightly brownish one. Still, it slowly faded, and the little Sea God returned to a semi-transparent blue color again.

"It's okay. There's one thing I don't understand. Can you tell me about this one thing?" Elysia turned to another topic.

"Of course sweet girl. It doesn't matter even if you ask a lot of questions." Oceanid's avatar gave a thumbs up.

"Then..." Elysia glanced at Oceanid once, then back to the little one. "You are the Sea God's avatar. But, why is it as if you are a separate entity? You and the host are at odds and can even exchange arguments..."

"Oh that, the answer to your question is very simple, meticulous girl. In fact, that evil Sea God has divided his existence into many, including strength, personality, and much more. And you know, I'm actually one of those who carry Sea God's greatest trait, namely freedom!" Oceanid's avatar spread his arms with a big smile.

"Freedom? You're more like childish and playful." Oceanid sneered and took a sip of his tea.

"Heh, whatever it is, I carry the Sea God's trait. In other words, literally, you are no different because you and I are actually the same." Oceanid's avatar shrugged his shoulders again with a retort sneer.

"So, what will happen if you refuse to return to Sea God like his other avatars? Will something happen?" Sylvia also asked out of curiosity.

"For that matter... Nothing. That evil Sea God just won't be perfect without me. That's all." Oceanid's avatar thought for a moment, but only one answer came to his mind.

"Hohoho~ In that case, Sea God won't be able to perfect to his full strength even if he fully recovers just because you don't want to reunify with him? This is interesting." Sylvia put her hand to her cheek and smiled mysteriously.

"Is that okay? I mean, we're going to face the contaminated Sea Gods and the accursed monsters." Elysia questioned Oceanid with a clueless expression.

"Just let him do as he pleases for the time being." Oceanid replied nonchalantly.

"Ely, it's okay. Just let Sea God solve the problem with his own avatar. He is indeed not uncommon to fight with himself." Rhea touched Elysia's arm for concern. Then, she whispered via telepathy. 'Master Elysia. For your information, Sea God has some issues regarding his multiple personalities, and some of his avatars are also a bit problematic. Let's ignore him and his avatar for now.'

'Oh, um, alright then. I was worried about him for a moment.' Elysia then put aside all Oceanid matters.

"Haha, that's true. I am freedom, come and go when I want it. If you want me to reunify to you, then you need to satisfy me and obey me all I say." Oceanid's avatar laughed as if he was the superior victor.

"Heh, don't expect it. You're already in front of me, and believe me, I have over a thousand ways to turn you into a poof." Oceanid grinned and showed a puff of smoke in his palm.

"Ugh, are you threatening me?" Oceanid's avatar frowned in discontent.

"You can guess." Having said that, Oceanid no longer paid any attention to his mischievous and wayward avatar.

"Hey, Sea God, where are we going next? Give me directions and we'll be there. To search for something small and faint, three hundred or four hundred kilometers is quite a wide range." Nell immediately asked about the current problem. They had not moved from outside the Azure Merfolk Clan's gate for several minutes already.

"Oh, I think my other avatar is over there. Let's try to find out what happened to him now." Oceanid pointed in a direction after confirming that one more time.

Nell didn't say anything anymore. She simply patted her magic carpet and gave her instruction with a gesture.

Meanwhile, Osharus and Dorienne are simply stunned as they can no longer hide their surprise at all they have just found out. They looked at each other with helpless expressions.

"Tell me Osharus of the Lorelei Clan, what awaits us around three hundred to four hundred kilometers in that direction." Oceanid pointed in a direction once again while asking.

"Three hundred to four hundred kilometers? Wait a minute, err... I don't think any clans or groups live in that direction. Maybe just some ordinary underwater monsters and creatures?" Osharus scratched his head in slight confusion.

"You don't know? Very well, let's see what awaits us over there." Oceanid gave the nod and looked at the front again.

Three hundred kilometers of distance covered in less than fifteen minutes. Nell accelerated her magic carpet speed just because of Elena's arbitrary request. However, the speed was slowed down drastically as they entered Oceanid's estimation zone.

All around them were coral reefs of various colors and slightly unusual inhabitants of the deep ocean. The seawater was so murky and dark. It was not due to lack of light, but indeed the turbidity of the water.

"Hum, I don't remember that there was a place like this... Did something happen here? It's only less than four hundred kilometers from my clan's territory." Osharus put his hand on his chin while thinking about something. However, he had an uneasy feeling.

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