Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 411: Soaking in Hot Spring

Chapter 411: Soaking in Hot Spring

"Is this the place?" Elena pointed her palm at the mouth of the big cave. They had just landed in a cold, snowy mountain range in the northeastern part of the Beastkin Continent.

"En, yes, but the one I mean is hidden in a cave. This place is also very secluded, isn't it? I was the one who discovered this place. Don't you feel it? Mm, yes, this delightful abundance of energy has welcomed our arrival." Nell fanned her hands over her face to express that she enjoyed the smell and energy of the surroundings.

"Hmm..." Elena glanced at Elysia. The two of them did feel the abundance of good energy there, but they had no idea what kind of spot it was.

For that reason, Elysia used her sacred vision to try to look inside. She was worried that there was danger waiting in the confined space of the cave.

Surprisingly, the interior of the cave was much more extensive than the mouth of the cave. After passing through several branching passages, several steamy spots could be seen there.

"Steam, sulfur crater, spa or onsen, hmm?" Elysia muttered while giving Elena a glance.

"The steam is blocking our vision from seeing any further. If this place is safe from harm, let's go inside. I don't know why the little one was able to find this place, but it's probably because she happened to be passing through this area and wanted a warm rest. The lucky little one." Elena shrugged her shoulders as she also had no clue.

Then, she looked down. "Little one, guide the way."

"Uh, well..." Nell didn't mind that, but she had a bit of a complicated feeling because Elena's guess hit the mark.

"Let's go, follow me." Nell swung her hand and floated into the cave.

"Whahaha, you're as white as this snow, big sister. I'm sure you'll have perfect camouflage if you snuggle up among these snowdrifts." Jimmy laughed as he pointed to his big sister.

"Then, look at yourself. You are like a black stain on white snow. So striking, or maybe like the rock over there. Oh, you also have the same color as this cave. So, you will not be seen when we enter the cave. " Vanessa returned the taunt while pointing out the obvious.

"Umm, well... That might be interesting. If the fire lions were here, I'm sure they would just make the snow melt. You're quite lucky father. You only have fur that looks like fire, not real fire. Wait, now that I think about it, you're like a moving bonfire." Jimmy turned his attention to his father as if stating something important.

"Keep talking and we'll be left behind. Let's go in and follow the Goddesses." Zach rolled his eyes and walked into the cave. The winged tigers and Gio also entered the cave.

"Are you feeling cold, Rhea? Would you like to wear thicker and warmer clothes?" Elysia asked gently to the cute baby in her arms.

Even though she had covered her small group with warming magic, a worry still arose as Rhea looked nothing more than a vulnerable baby.

"It's okay, Master Elysia. You are so warm and comfortable. Fwaah..." Rhea yawned because the sleepiness came uninvited.

Then, she snuggled in Elysia's arms. It was warm, comfortable, fragrant, and soft. She really enjoyed her time there.

"O-hey, naughty Rhea." Elysia blushed slightly at Rhea's impulsive behavior.

As Elysia and Rhea exchanged words, Vanessa looked at the baby snuggled comfortably in the warmth of a hug.

It was her favorite place, and the one that should be there was her. However, the current circumstance and situation asked her not to be there for a while until an undetermined time.

"Wow, my voice is echoing. Hello, is there a monster or monstrous beast sleeping in there? It's like a nest, right?" Jimmy asked his uncle and aunt's opinion.

"Who knows, we're just following the Goddesses. If they're so confident without worrying about anything, then why should we be afraid?" Theo looked left and right. Around him was only a dark black cave wall.

"Hehe... We're protected by three divine beings, you know? Look at that, it's bright and illuminated by the aurora." Leila pointed toward the front.

After passing through the last branch of the passage, Neel showed everyone the spot with abundant good energy. "Welcome to the Blessings Spot, I'm naming this place now."

It was a vast cave chamber with a black rock floor but with a bluish ceiling. Several hot spring pools were present in several heigh levels and colors in various parts of the cave. Various color spectrums of the aurora illuminate all corners of the cave chamber.

The warm steam seemed to be waving and dancing to invite the visitors to go deeper and enjoy a nice hot spring bath.

It was an impressive-looking place that could be called a premium tourist attraction. A comfortable and pleasant aura was felt by everyone just to be there.

"Blessings Spot, hmm... That's not bad, but what kind of blessing does this place have to offer? Have you tried it, little one?" Elena was quite satisfied with that place's worthiness.

"So, do we need to meditate here? Or maybe, soak in one of the hot springs?" Elysia asked to be sure.

"Ehm, we'll get the maximum effect if we soak in the hot tub. I've tried it on the tallest one there. It was superb if that needs to be said." Nell suggested and pointed to a hot spring pool at the highest rock hill elevation of the others.

"Of course, it's bath time together. Ahem, I mean soaking in a hot spring. Ely, let's go, I'll teach you how to enjoy soaking in a natural hot spring." Elena grabbed Elysia's hand, and they flew toward the highest rock hill.

"Uh, well... They're so excited. Well then, I'll join them too. For all of you, please enjoy your time here to your heart's content." Nell shook her head. She didn't forget to give directions to the beasts before she also flew off to catch up with her big sister.

"Now what? I'll go to the one over there. Do you want to soak in the hot springs too?" Zach asked the others. He realized that his body couldn't feel any pain, so how about the pleasure of soaking in hot water? It was worth a try.

"It came without question, my lord. Let's go there together." Theo looked over at a designated hot spring. It was only two levels below the highest one.

"Good." Zach agrees with that.

Then, Vanessa invited the others as well. They decided to play and soak in the same hot spring pool.

"Hum-hum, then see you later. I need to come to the highest one." Jimmy flapped his little wings and soared into the air. However, he was stopped by something and couldn't fly any further.

"Don't you dare disturb the Goddesses, stupid brother. You will die a terrible death if you dare to go there and peek at them. Those other than the Beast Race have a custom that is quite difficult to comprehend." Vanessa pulled her little brother's tail and dropped him back to the ground.

"Is that so? I didn't know that, thanks for the warning." Jimmy scratched his head in confusion.

"What your big sister said is true. Now, come with me for a swim in the pool over there." Zach dragged his son to fly to a hot spring of his choice.

Meanwhile, Rhea promptly wanted to test the energy quality in the hot spring with her own hand. Unfortunately, she slipped and fell into a fairly deep pool.


"Huh?" Elysia was surprised to hear the splashing sound. She turned to the side to check something, but one person was missing from there.

"What? Where's Rhea?" Elysia immediately rushed to the hot spring. Sure enough, she could see a baby drowning there.

Not waiting any longer, she reached out her hand to carry the baby Rhea out of the hot spring.

"Moo, you're impatient. Look at your clothes now, they're all wet. At the very least, we need to take off our clothes and put on a towel. Before we dive into the hot springs, we need to clean ourselves first." Elysia reminded with a gentle tone. At the same time, she dried Rhea's clothes with her imagination magic.

Some time ago, Elysia and the others received Elena's hot spring guide, but Rhea went to the hot spring ahead of the others with no one knowing it.

"Thank you, Master Elysia. This is deep enough for me and the ratio of good energy to water in this hot spring pool is 65 to 35. Purity is 99 percent and can be absorbed by the body immediately." Rhea smiled innocently with a slight blush. She overcame her embarrassment by reporting the results of her analysis.

"Mm, all right, now take off your clothes and put on this towel? Let me help you." Elysia just gave a slight nod, then helped Rhea with it.

Elena and Nell just sat on the rock edge of the hot spring with a smile. They were already wrapped in only towels and were just waiting for Elysia and Rhea.

Elysia put Rhea's clothes into her Space Bag. Then, she led Rhea to soak in the hot spring.

"Hng..." Rhea climbed onto Elysia's lap and leaned back.

Meanwhile, Elysia started working to help Rhea absorb magic energy for Rhea's recovery.

Seeing Elysia and Rhea were soaking by the pool in serenity, Elena smiled mischievously. She stroked Elysia's delicate arm with her finger.


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